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Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 22:29

Level: 0
CS Original

That one is really mild compared to the second one.

Yeah, the second one is much spicier. Or something.

I am working on getting it for you. Eventually even the "we ban no one ever" idiots at RBOSE banned him for a while.

Yeah, at one point Azzy's lackey/mentor/butt buddy, "Thunder", came in the Mumble voice chat to troll me. I fucked his world up, too. He told DNS that he had to ban me, DNS resisted at first, then finally relented after having his moderator status revoked. DNS later left because of pressures like this that were being put on him by the other moderators to conform and become a good little drone.

DNS is anything but a drone, he's one of the most productive and thoughtful members of the Zeitgeist Movement. I guess he doesn't consider himself part of the movement still, but I do. Kneel and the other sociopaths are the ones who don't belong. Even so, all members of the Zeitgeist Movement are free to use the RBOSE resources for collaboration with anyone. That includes Kneel and the king fag "tanktop", that androgynous weirdo.

<blockqutoe>The reason for the recordings was that he was an extremely skilled troll.

Kneel says this about anyone who's smarter than he is.

He would behave like an angel around some mods and then act like that around others.

This is absolutely untrue. All the people "on my side" (ugh I hate that turn of phrase but you all know what I mean by it so whatever) know exactly what I'm like. Many of them disagree with my strategies and tactics of dealing with people. I disagree with the way many of them handle things.

Even though this is the case, even in the absence of "moderators" trying to force everyone to "get along", we can still all freely exchange ideas with each other in a completely transparent and fair manner. That's not possible in the "official" Zeitgeist Movement forums.

As far as I can tell, this forum is a truly free and open forum as well. If any of you ausers are truly interested in the Zeitgeist Movement, not this perverted version that Kneel keeps giving you guys, check out the RBOSE platforms: I invite all of you to use the IRC forum, the Mumble voice chat server and even participate in the wiki if you ever feel so inclined.

It was a divide and conquer tactic. Because the other mods didn't believe the ones that didn't like him and eventually even accused them of lying about Codie's insane behavior.

Wow, the more Kneel talks about me, the more I'm starting to like me. Apparently he thinks I'm like some super ninja troll or something, he probably thinks I can recite Sun Tzu backward in my sleep, too. Hell, I wish I was one tenth as manipulative as he thinks I am. I don't do life that way, though. I think of more like surfing, you can't really think too far ahead when you're surfing, I've heard, you just kind of have to get in the groove.

#181 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 22:31

Level: 0
CS Original

Bill seems quite a polite chap though.

Billll is indeed very polite, but I forgive him because he's my friend. <3 Billll

#182 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Energy TurtlePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:01

Level: 1
CS Original

"Hey, I don't do hired thuggery any more. By the way, that is a classic example of the perversions caused by the monetary system. There's a tendency in all animals to follow the path of least resistance. If you find out you can get money by taking it from people who promised to pay it, you really feel like you cut a fat hog in the ass. I've also done repo work. That was even worse. Taking away some single mom's washing machine after a divorce when she can't afford to make the payments is pretty depressing"

No one forced you to work those jobs. Don't blame the "monetary system".

On a more serious note, have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?

#183 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:20

Level: 0
CS Original

No one forced you to work those jobs. Don't blame the "monetary system".

I'm not blaming anyone, but absent a monetary system, that "job" wouldn't even exist. eh-hem

On a more serious note, have you ever been diagnosed with a mental illness?

you mean besides egomania? haha just

#184 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Energy TurtlePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:32

Level: 1
CS Original

I'm serious Plautus. You have to be pretty crazy to be banned from TZM and that knock off RB-something. Not to mention being called the worst wikipedia editor of all time.

Do you realize that you are too extreme and nasty for even the most fringe of political ideologies?

#185 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:37

Level: 0
CS Original

I'm serious Plautus. You have to be pretty crazy to be banned from TZM and that knock off RB-something. Not to mention being called the worst wikipedia editor of all time.

um...I'm not banned from the Zeitgeist Movement forums, they banned some ID's and some IP's but not me, I still routinely post there. Also, the maintainers of the RBOSE forums don't ban anyone, because they realize how counterproductive it is. Furthermore, I was called the "most disruptive user", by one wikipedia admin who was being panned in an article about wikipedia. If you read the entire article, it basically paints a picture of this guy as a loser who lost his wife because he spends like fifty hours a week editing wikipedia. In addition I'm quoted in that article as saying I was part of a massive conspiracy to get wikipedia articles to agree with reality.

Do you realize that you are too extreme and nasty for even the most fringe of political ideologies?

I don't participate in politics, I prefer to deal with real things.

#186 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Energy TurtlePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:41

Level: 1
CS Original

I'm going to bed, Plautus. But you really need help. You should call a local mental health clinic. There are people out there that can help. God bless.

#187 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:42

Level: 0
CS Original

@Codie Vickers

Your lying. On the recording where you were trolling Thunder, Thunder never said anything about you being banned. You were screaming like a deranged drill seargeant and then suddenly you were no more as DNS banned you. Thunder also hadn't done anything to you and you started in on him.

You were banned because DNS warned you three times and you refused to shut the fuck up and stop acting like a roid raging moron.

By the way, you didn't school anyone. The reason neither of the people in these recordings said anything negative towards you was to prove a point. And that point was that you don't need to be provoked. That you do in fact go off on people all the time who have done nothing wrong to you. And that you are little more then a pathetic little man who talks big on the internet.

You will notice that nobody here believes your lies. But keep ranting though. They are having a belly laugh at your expense and it's funny to watch.

It's just as pathetic to watch Billl post his little whine rant about being recorded only to have him turn around and record someone else. He posts that chat long and voice recording everywhere hoping that people will actually care but nobody does.

#188 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:48

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


But if you're a Zeitgeister, I can't believe your lies either.

#189 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:51

Level: 3
CS Original

I would believe almost anyone over this Plautus guy.

#190 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:56

Level: 0
CS Original

Your lying. On the recording where you were trolling Thunder, Thunder never said anything about you being banned.

um...Thunder came to the Mumble Zeitgeist Movement server, when it was still called that, and started trolling, telling me if the Mumble server ever became "official" that I'd be banned. If his recordings that he later released don't indicate that, it's because they're not complete, the same way Azzy's aren't complete, Kneel.

You were screaming like a deranged drill seargeant and then suddenly you were no more as DNS banned you.

Thunder threatened me, like he's threatened so many other people, and I made him stop. He came there specifically to try to make DNS ban me, and DNS finally relented. The same day he told me to just make another ID and hide out whenever any of the deranged Zeitgeist Movement moderators were around, so I did that. Thunder later came to the server while I was talking and discovered my new ID, and insisted that I be banned again. I told DNS I didn't want that kind of pressure on him any more, so I left. I came back about a month later only to discover DNS had grown weary of these guys trying to bully him, so he had left the movement (against my wishes, I think he's a brilliant member) and he and others had founded the RBOSE platforms and that I was welcome there.

You were banned because DNS warned you three times and you refused to shut the fuck up and stop acting like a roid raging moron.

I stopped DNS from threatening me, and he hasn't threatened me since. I definitely was acting like a drill sergeant, I was reprogramming his mind, and it was successful. Now he feels a twinge of anxiety any time he contemplates threatening people, and it curbs his behaviour somewhat. I was banned because DNS was pressured into it, and as I explained, it wasn't a true ban, just a cosmetic ban to fool Thunder.

By the way, you didn't school anyone. The reason neither of the people in these recordings said anything negative towards you was to prove a point.

They were recording, so they were being very careful about what they said. I don't ever care if I'm being recorded, I'll say the same things in the same fashion no matter what. There is no shame in my game, and I have one face, not two.

And that point was that you don't need to be provoked. That you do in fact go off on people all the time who have done nothing wrong to you. And that you are little more then a pathetic little man who talks big on the internet.

I halted Thunder's pattern of threatening people. Over an internet forum. I reprogrammed his brain, for fucks sake. If you want to call that "going off", then fine, going off apparently means performing a public service, according to you.

You will notice that nobody here believes your lies. But keep ranting though. They are having a belly laugh at your expense and it's funny to watch.

It's hard to believe a lie that was never told, that's why I always stick to the truth, it's a lot easier to remember, Kneel.

It's just as pathetic to watch Billl post his little whine rant about being recorded only to have him turn around and record someone else. He posts that chat long and voice recording everywhere hoping that people will actually care but nobody does.

Don't be bitter, Kneel. Billll has the sophistication to understand these kinds of things, you simply do not, which is why you are always appealing to political solutions, which is why you are never anything but a leech. You leech off your wife, you leech onto any "movement" that will give you the time of day, you leech of Jacque Fresco's nutsack. How does it taste, is it salty?

#191 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 23:58

Level: 0
CS Original

I am not really involved in the Zeitgeist stuff. I just have friends who are. One of them is involved in moderation and he told me about this stuff. Not going to get into any arguments about the movement or whatever I am not really into politics.

Internet trolls though are a pet peeve of mine and he is one of the worst.

#192 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:00

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


Throwing more gasoline on this retarded fire doesn't help.

I just want an ignore feature and all of this goes away.

#193 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:01

Level: 0
CS Original

I would believe almost anyone over this Plautus guy. I think Liz was being helpful.

Hey, here's a clue, "Liz" is VTV. For those of you who aren't as familiar with his pedantic sophistry and his pattern of trolling, trust me, this is VTV, or as he is also known, "Kneel", his boyfriend's name is Bob. Kneel and Bob.

VTV has some patterns in his messages that might not be obvious to everyone, but shine brightly to me. For instance, there's his tendency to spell "you're" as "your". It's not an uncommon mistake, a lot of people do it, but there are other tells as well. "Liz" is VTV, aka "Kneel".

#194 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:02

Level: 0
CS Original

I just want an ignore feature and all of this goes away.

Quit following me around reading threads started about me. The name of this thread is "A portrait of Plautus Satire" for fucks sake.

#195 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:04

Level: 0
CS Original

I am not really involved in the Zeitgeist stuff. I just have friends who are. One of them is involved in moderation and he told me about this stuff. Not going to get into any arguments about the movement or whatever I am not really into politics.

Internet trolls though are a pet peeve of mine and he is one of the worst.

Cut it out, Kneel, you're not fooling anyone. Who's your moderator buddy, is it VTV? hahaha jesus christ man...and don't worry, people will ask me if they have any questions about the Zeitgeist Movement, but they don't, they know all they want to know, really

#196 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:05

Level: 0
CS Original

LOL wow Codie you really are delusional. You didn't reprogram anyone that's just silly. Thunder isn't even slightly intimidated by you. The only reason you think his behavior changed is because he was letting you hang yourself. He proved all of the people who were coddling you saying that you could be reasoned with wrong.

Also, him being careful what he said to you is not even relevant. You acted the way you did because that is what you do. The fact that he said nothing wrong to you does not in any way prove anything to your benefit.

I tell you what. I am threatening you right now. Lets see you change my behavior. Lets see you re-program my brain. I remember that little bit of stupidity from the recording to. You said you were going to treat him the way they do in the marines. You failed in doing anything other then looking like a little nutcase but that's beside the point. So here is my threat. Stop harassing people here and on the Zeitgeist forums or there will be reprecussions. You know I know who you are and where you live. Do your worst little man. Keep up your little harassment and I will see to it you are dealt with.

#197 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:07

Level: 0
CS Original

OMG listen to your paranoid delusions! Add profiling to his list of skills. I am not VTV. Nor do I even know him personally.

I know you though. I actually don't live that far from you.

#198 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:30

Level: 0
CS Original

LOL wow Codie you really are delusional. You didn't reprogram anyone that's just silly.

You have your opinion about this, clearly. I know how to change minds, the technique is called repeated, rhythmic insult, and it's virtually infallible. The marines use it to turn librarians into paid killers. I use it to turn hostile people into pussycats.

Thunder isn't even slightly intimidated by you. The only reason you think his behavior changed is because he was letting you hang yourself. He proved all of the people who were coddling you saying that you could be reasoned with wrong.

He's just a troll, and so are you, Kneel. He thought he was pulling a "sting" on me, and he got his ass stung instead. I bet it's still hurting him. Tell him to put some preparation H on it.

Also, him being careful what he said to you is not even relevant. You acted the way you did because that is what you do.

I make no apologies for the way I behave. He was trolling me, and he got hammered for it. I reprogrammed his ass, and for the better, if I do say so myself.

The fact that he said nothing wrong to you does not in any way prove anything to your benefit.

He was trolling, right or wrong doesn't enter into it. He was there solely to get a reaction from me. He got one, that's for sure, after he threatened me. It just wasn't the reaction he's used to. Most people just don't understand how easy it is to condition somebody. I do.

I tell you what. I am threatening you right now. Lets see you change my behavior.

Your threats really aren't credible. Right now you're being pretty reasonable, even if you're starkly misguided, ignorant, pedantic and banal. If you step over the line, you can count on me taking action.

I've already started working on you, to be honest. That's why you spend so much time in the international Teamspeak 3 meetings talking about me, because I'm inside your head. That's why you stay up so late at night watchdogging the forums.

Guess what, I have lots of ID's you don't know about, I'm slowly accumulating a bunch of them, and when I feel I have enough I'm going to appeal to the community again to start using the RBOSE resources. As you well know, those resources are available for all members to use, and even for non-members to use. You are trying to prevent members from using those resources because you are pathological.

Lets see you re-program my brain.

I've already started, Kneel.

So here is my threat. Stop harassing people here and on the Zeitgeist forums or there will be reprecussions.

I haven't harassed anyone, and you can't stop me from using the forums. I just explained to you I have many ID's already that I'm not using yet, and you know from experience that you can't stop me from posting to the forums. That androgynous freak "tanktop" has banned huge blocks of IP's, he's banned entire lists of anonymous proxies, and still I can post to the forums any time I like. You still don't see the futility of your little crusade, though, do you, Kneel?

You know I know who you are and where you live. Do your worst little man. Keep up your little harassment and I will see to it you are dealt with.

You aren't going to do shit, Kneel, except maybe call the cops. The cops will just laugh at you and tell you to get over it. If you know where I live, come visit me. I haven't harassed anyone, you're deranged. Call the cops, you don't have a leg to stand on.

#199 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:33

Level: 9
CS Original

"On Wikipedia, there is a giant conspiracy attempting to have articles agree with reality," Plautus Satire once wrote."

Chuckles, etc. Pretty much describes every post made by this guy.

#200 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 00:37

Level: 0
CS Original

I don't attend Zeitgeist meetings dumbass. I talk to some people who do.

You really are a delusional nutjob. I don't know VTV but on the couple of times I have heard he mentioned you it was always as a prime example of how not to behave and why we need moderators. If your goal was to convince people that that movement doesn't need them I would say you have failed with flying colors.

By the way, repeatedly going back to a place you are not welcome is in fact harassment. Nobody wants you in Zeitgeist. It's obvious nobody wants you here either. You probably get that a lot. Nobody wanting you. That's probably why you can't handle rejection. If you weren't so insecure you could just stop wasting your time there and move on to other things.

You still don't get it do you? None of the people who endured your insults were in any way affected by you. You played right into their hands as your predictable little mind demanded. You were a total sucker. Nobody takes anything you say serious man they laugh at you.

So what line do I have to cross big boy? Lets hear it so I can cross it. I am tingling with anticipation at what amazing wrath you will lay out.

#201 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 01:10

Level: 0
CS Original

Oh by the way, the typed out ass raping you are getting here at the hands of the people here is a good window into what it's like to talk to you. You see how much energy is wasted here as you sling insults with these people? How is this productive in any way? This is the part that boggles my mind about trolls like you on any forum is your defense of free speech so that you can participate in this ape-like internet chest beating as if it ever achieves anything. Anyone who actually wants to learn anything would never come to a forum where exchanges are being made like this. I just read some of the other stuff. Calling each other fat, making up theories that people are not actually married, where they work, where they don't work. Calling people faggots? Just like most internet forums I have been to it's like the topic is just the excuse to be there so that you guys can endlessly snipe at each other. I would love to see how this conversation would go if you were all sitting in the same room together. That would be interesting.

Then through all of this nonsense you actually act like your smart? Really?

Trolling is stupid. It's like your all a bunch of monkeys flinging poo at each other but because it's on the internet there is a clear glass in front of all of you so all that happens is the shit splatters and gets all over you. So rather then realizing how stupid this is it just emboldens you to throw even more shit. And look even more stupid.

#202 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 02:14

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

wow Liz you miss the point on my post it was the fact that they don't support opensource nummy ballz and obviously just like VTV you do not either :o here's a hit the title of the post I made is "VTV and Thunder completely ignorant about open source but yeah..."

below is Thunder QQing to a 17 year old i mean Azzy (an tmz admin) to give my Ohio chapter leader Gangreen an Ultimatum to either unblock Thunder in TS3 or deadmin him in TS3. Fun listen :)

stream or download this, it's a TS3 audio file of Thunder trying to take Gangreen Admin status away in teamspeak. It's about 5 mins long, but I just can't believe...</p>

Thunder is just a radio host nothing else. A 40 maybe 50 something year old man that lives with his mother (no joke he told me) but yeah a radio host none the less. He claims his a butt artists >_> I'll add to Thunder's resume here and out right call him a professional level 3 loser as a job title as well.

#203 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 03:24

Level: 0
CS Original

I don't attend Zeitgeist meetings dumbass. I talk to some people who do.

Whatever you say, Kneel.

You really are a delusional nutjob. spell checker isn't recognizing it, is that some kind of gay code for deviant sex?

I don't know VTV but on the couple of times I have heard he mentioned you it was always as a prime example of how not to behave and why we need moderators.

I'm so utterly convinced that you're Kneel that these protestations of yours just make me more sure you're Kneel.

If your goal was to convince people that that movement doesn't need them I would say you have failed with flying colors.

I can't convince anyone of anything, all I can do is explain the reality of the situation to people. It's up to the people in question to convince themselves, based on the available evidence.

By the way, repeatedly going back to a place you are not welcome is in fact harassment.'s a public server that allows anyone who registers to use the site, get over it, there's nothing you can do about me using it unless you make it an invite-only clubhouse...which it isn't far from now

Nobody wants you in Zeitgeist.

This is demonstrably wrong. I want me in the Zeitgeist Movement, so I'm in it. It's a volunteer movement, nobody is drafted into it, people decide for themselves to join. You are deranged, Kneel.

It's obvious nobody wants you here either.

Oh please, people adore chatting with me, look at the torrential downpour of responses to my posts. I'm engaging, whereas you are a dullard people tire of once they realize calling you fat makes you run away crying and create sock puppets.

You probably get that a lot. Nobody wanting you. That's probably why you can't handle rejection. If you weren't so insecure you could just stop wasting your time there and move on to other things.

Your supposition is flatly wrong. I won't bore people by bragging about all the pussy I get, but suffice it to say, women want me. I'll let you know how I handle rejection when I start getting rejected. I'll waste my time however I see fit. I get the feeling this forum here is mainly for entertainment. The regular users consider it a little playground where they can exercise their minds, so that's how I'm using it.

You still don't get it do you? None of the people who endured your insults were in any way affected by you.

So why are you trying so hard to push me away from the Zeitgeist Movement? Why do you keep insisting I'm such a hazard, Kneel? You can't have it both ways, either I'm an ineffectual bore or I'm a ninja troll terrorist, make up your mind already.

You played right into their hands as your predictable little mind demanded. You were a total sucker.

Oh yes, the dreaded sting operations, get over it. Those recordings in context make the trolls recording them look like fools. I have absolutely no compunctions recommending to people that they listen to any recordings of me that they can find. If nothing else they'll find I treat everyone at least as well as they treat me, and in most cases I treat them much better than I expect to be treated.

Nobody takes anything you say serious man they laugh at you.

That's great, it takes a lot of pressure off of me. If I thought people were taking me seriously I'd be worried I wasn't being profound enough, I probably wouldn't be nearly as funny, either. You need to develop your sense of humor, Kneel.

So what line do I have to cross big boy? Lets hear it so I can cross it. I am tingling with anticipation at what amazing wrath you will lay out.

You know that line where you decide to become an internet forum cross dresser because you stormed out in a huff saying you were never coming back but then your arch nemesis started using the forum so you just had to get in and troll him some more? Step back behind that line and start acting a little less deranged, Kneel.

#204 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 03:41

Level: 0
CS Original

Oh by the way, the typed out ass raping you are getting here at the hands of the people here is a good window into what it's like to talk to you. think this forum is like an ass raping? You've clearly never been ass raped, but then I guess you can't rape the the way, Kneel, how is Bob?

You see how much energy is wasted here as you sling insults with these people? How is this productive in any way?

It's good practice researching information, compiling it into a coherent format, trying to convince people to abandon fables, etcetera. I enjoy communicating with other people, especially when they disagree with me. I also don't like the idea of silencing people just because I can't convince them that I'm right and they're wrong. For example, if you suggested Matt be banned from this forum, I'd call you a douche and say Matt has just as much right to be a stupid prick as you do, Kneel.

This is the part that boggles my mind about trolls like you on any forum is your defense of free speech so that you can participate in this ape-like internet chest beating as if it ever achieves anything.

I'd prefer not to have to engage in this game of who can zing the other one the best, just so I can get some stimulating discussion going, but when in Rome, do as the romans do. I figured out pretty quickly that people here don't give a rat's ass if they hurt your itty bitty feewings by calling you a fat bastard, so I figured they might also be pretty thick skinned. You don't see people in here hitting the fucking roof like you do, Kneel.

It seems to me that really you're the only one here who seems intent on excluding people. I haven't seen anyone else claiming I'm a psychological terrorist trying to divide and conquer a chat forum for the personal sadistic pleasure of using you all as pawns in my sick machiavellian game of mass horror. The most common impression seems to be that I'm a pathological liar, a deranged hermit or some hybrid of the two.

Anyone who actually wants to learn anything would never come to a forum where exchanges are being made like this.

In case you hadn't noticed, Kneel, most of the users here have absolutely no problem digging up voluminous data to support their contentions, and making salient arguments in favor of their conclusions, as well as calling you a fat greasy 7-11 worker.

These tangential personal comments about people are not ad hominem, if you'd care to notice, because they don't suggest, for example, that your greasy fat fuckness is in any way the cause of your inability to reason and your perverse political views. Most here seem capable of separating the wheat from the chaff, in this case the thrust of an argument versus the icing on the cake of in-your-face "suck it". You can call it grandstanding if you like, but I can show you numerous examples in these threads here of users who form a coherent argument and then sprinkle around a few "fuck you"'s for flavor.

I just read some of the other stuff. Calling each other fat, making up theories that people are not actually married, where they work, where they don't work. Calling people faggots? Just like most internet forums I have been to it's like the topic is just the excuse to be there so that you guys can endlessly snipe at each other.

ain't it cool?

I would love to see how this conversation would go if you were all sitting in the same room together. That would be interesting.

We'd probably spend most of the time saying, "Hold on a minute, cocksucker, you just wait until I get this downloaded so you can read it!"

Then through all of this nonsense you actually act like your smart? Really?

I am not acting, sir! <- acting (!)

Trolling is stupid.

Stop doing it, then. You'll notice that it's not exactly the majority opinion here that I'm a troll. As stated earlier, people frequently say I'm a lunatic and that I'm a pathological liar who can't distinguish fact from fiction, but it's rare somebody calls me a troll. It's you who people think are the troll, here, Kneel.

It's like your all a bunch of monkeys flinging poo at each other but because it's on the internet there is a clear glass in front of all of you so all that happens is the shit splatters and gets all over you. So rather then realizing how stupid this is it just emboldens you to throw even more shit. And look even more stupid.

Hey, you stole that from Peter Joseph Merola. :/

#205 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 18:17

Level: 0
CS Original

As promised:

This one pretty much totally exposes him. It also proves that he was lying about being banned from the Mumble server by DNS.

#206 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 18:22

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
#207 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
LizPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 18:25

Level: 0
CS Original

I don't really have an opinion about that other then to say that I find it odd that you think his refusal to acknowledge metaphysical stuff means he is exposed. I thought you guys were all about being against that sort of thing?

#208 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 18:26

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Read on in the thread Liz You are missing the beef of the thread

#209 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 18:33

Level: 10
CS Original

Liz: Its funny, Plautus makes Thunder look great. That's something.

I'm listening to one part where Plautus is trying to claim that the words he is saying are more important than the tone of his voice when he is basically shouting at people. wow. lol



#210 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]