Tags: Beached whales flip flop too, VTV, who added all these stupid tags?, VTV is fat and poor, MAKE IT STOP, THESE TAGS ARE AD HOMONIDS, VTV caught redhanded trolling, VTV exposing Merolas family information, VTV caught lieing, VTV has a TItan dildo in his ass, VTV is white trash, VTV shows his ugly face on CS again, VTV failing to squirm his fat ass out of this, VTV: master of the moving goalposts, FLIPPY FLOP!!!!, VTV types a lot but doesn't say much, VTV needs HARD CHISELED SPOCK, lips that could suck a golfball through a straw, TWINKIE TITS HUMBLED BY THE CHINAMAN, MOOBS, WOMEN ON STEROIDS, VTV - EVIDENCE WILL NEVER BE GOOD ENOUGH !!!, VTV buys cartoons with donations, VTV needs to shut the fuck up, Everyone added these tags. Also, you're fat and poor VTV., Omni-Science made these awesome tags, And yeah, I posted that one myself. GFY, VTV sucking Titan Dildo dick, FLIP FLOP, DO THE FLIP FLOP!, FAIL WHITE TRASH IS FAIL, VTV - is too stupid to see whats happening, VTV- Trollz himself LOL, 2012 pwnd VTV, VTV stop posting the same thing repeatedly, VTV doing logic gymnastics, youtube is not research, even white trash hates VTV [ Add Tags ]
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anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:06 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original |
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#391 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:07 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | VTV can you lick your own nipples? | |||||
#392 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:07 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | "VTV, You are a pathetic loser who will amount to nothing. Obama plans to extend the social safety net so you can still sit at home and make radio shows. You should vote for him, otherwise you're even more of a loser. Submit to the trollbots. You will be assimilated. Resistance is futile." I can't tell you how many hours I lie awake in bed terrified that anonymous people on the internet call me names. :) | |||||
#393 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:07 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | Assimilated. That's a LOT of fat to assimilate. | |||||
#394 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:08 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | I am not anonymous, I am a cyborg *BEEP BOOP BEEP* I was programed to troll you to vote for Obama. Rick Santourm is OK too. | |||||
#395 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:09 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | And we can tell you how much of your WAKING hours you spend terrified of people calling you names. Every. Fucking. Second. | |||||
#396 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:09 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @VTV I'm not trolling and again your just not admitting when your wrong. @VTV AgentMatt has gathered a lot of the information about why no one edited your blog posts in this thread. The numbers that you created to make your point about why how someone edited your blog posts is just making up things out of thin air to illustrate your point. You even created fictional scenerios then claimed you had demonstrated something when you hadn't at all. I also proved that there was a great deal of difference in what our goals for burden of proof is and what he believed them to be. Further discrediting his point. And further proving mine. The biggest point here VTV, is that we propose a scientific approach as to why no one edited your blog post that people with a agenda with these blog posters such as yourself spend all their time trying to justify why they edited your blog posts. A blog of today of today compared to an blog ten years from now would likely be very different in it's looks but as it stands today no one edited your blog post. So I guess I will dig up your words for you? why should I? Like I said before VTV Your going to have to cite sources for this because frankly I do not believe. We gave you sources and now your just going to say you don't trust the sources. We could be doing this over and over again and it is a waste of my time. Again, you said you were going to prove we were wrong. Not the other way around. | |||||
#397 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:09 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @2012 because now this is becoming funny again: "@VTV No I won't. I suggest you look at the material I just suggested. It is a very clear that no one edited your blog post, and that people who suggest otherwise are often individuals with the intent on pushing their own agenda which in this case is "Someone edited your blog posts"." It is not very clear. Kaiser stated the cache does not go back far enough to be sure. James Kush could of edited those posts immediately. There is no cache to find out if he did or not. And as Paul Jones said: "As much as I hate to do this, out of intellectual integrity and being an honest person I have to inform you that I have just carried out a series of tests on post editing on my blog. I have concluded that the posts do not do any of the following when edited: 1: They do not mark themselves as having being edited Therefore VTV does has a fair point that we still can not 100% verify James Kush did not edit those comments." Maybe you should do your own research before you start making comments like "It is very clear" that something happened. :) | |||||
#398 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:11 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | VTV said :" I see 2012 has limped off after being defeated by the facts" then deleted it oops you failed there again VTV too slow. 2012 didnt go anywhere The only person who should be limping off right now should be you, but you are too fucking stupid to realise whats actually going on here. | |||||
#399 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:11 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | VTV is stupefied. There's nothing in his post. | |||||
#400 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:12 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | FAIL WHITE TRASH IS FAIL. New tag. | |||||
#401 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:20 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "I see 2012 has limped off after being defeated by the facts"" LOL! | |||||
#402 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:20 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | the mouse and the evil cat by Neil:
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#403 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
The Burger King | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:20 |
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![]() I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me? Level: 5 CS Original | @VTV Quite frankly. No. I was attempting to demonstrate for you how absurd the idea that Someone edited your post. I do not trust you as a source when it comes to your successful rebuking all of the points. However, that aside I don't really care what happened before you got here. You had a agenda and decided to push so you participated in a debate here wherein you were going to emphatically prove that our idea was about someone did not edit your blog posts was not going to work for your agenda. So far you have failed to do this. And have instead proven that you don't understand the idea in the first place. We have already given you evidence. We have provided links to a great deal of it and you are simply refusing to research it. Again, I am not going to spend hours re-typing every piece of information needed to present here for a single person to read who refuses to do the research himself before he makes grandiose claims that he can emphatically prove we are wrong about something he doesn't even understand. Sigh.... There is science to back up a lot of what we say. There are also tons examples in this thread of no one editing your blog posts supported by academics in this thread. I have suggested you review the material and your refusing to do so. We are suggesting a scientific approach to why no one edited your blog post as opposed to making up data to meet a agenda. That's all we have ever said it was. Again, the material is all here. I suggest you read it. I am not going to re-type it for you. If you went through all the effort to make up that someone edited your blog post you can put some effort into studying what it is you claim to be able to emphatically prove wrong. | |||||
#404 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:24 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | VTV got annihilated and has been almost certainly proven the culprit. | |||||
#405 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:25 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | "I see 2012 has limped off after being defeated by the facts"" LOL! Epic isnt it Matt, I laughed so hard at that | |||||
#406 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:28 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | VTV is currently idly licking his own nipples, stopping only to write in a phrase or two of his response. It's Sunday dude. I got all fucking day. | |||||
#407 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:30 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | He is probably pulling out another legendary wall of text for us all, i cant wait. Or he could always spam the misquote of mine again if he cant think of anything else to say. Its ok though 2012 is eating him alive here. | |||||
#408 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:31 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | His CTRL, C, and V keys must screaming in agony right now. | |||||
#409 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:34 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | I wonder if the stupid hurts him | |||||
#410 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:36 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | I see VTV has limped off after being defeated by the facts. | |||||
#411 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:36 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | LOL | |||||
#412 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:37 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | ^ I lol'd. VTV's response in 3.....2......1....... | |||||
#413 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Kepp | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:39 |
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![]() Level: 5 CS Original | "The fact is that you would never say anything like that to me if you ever met me. And would likely piss yourself if anyone you have victimized showed up at your door. Statistics tend to prove this:" LOL I walk around with a black sharpie so that just in case we ever meet, I can draw big cocks on your face. | |||||
#414 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:41 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | If Neil ever got off his fat ass and went to anyones home I would be fucking suprised he had managed and afforded to do it. | |||||
#415 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
VTV | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:45 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @2012 because now this is becoming funny again: "@VTV No I won't. I suggest you look at the material I just suggested. It is a very clear that no one edited your blog post, and that people who suggest otherwise are often individuals with the intent on pushing their own agenda which in this case is "Someone edited your blog posts"." It is not very clear. Kaiser stated the cache does not go back far enough to be sure. James Kush could of edited those posts immediately. There is no cache to find out if he did or not. And as Paul Jones said: "As much as I hate to do this, out of intellectual integrity and being an honest person I have to inform you that I have just carried out a series of tests on post editing on my blog. I have concluded that the posts do not do any of the following when edited: 1: They do not mark themselves as having being edited Therefore VTV does has a fair point that we still can not 100% verify James Kush did not edit those comments." Maybe you should do your own research before you start making comments like "It is very clear" that something happened. :) | |||||
#416 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:47 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | It's very clear VTV needs a real job and a vasectomy. | |||||
#417 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:48 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | ok its official VTV has been totally humiliated. | |||||
#418 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Omni-Science | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:51 |
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![]() Ordo Ab Chao. Level: 8 CS Original | Somewhere out there, CTRL, C, And V keys are shouting in agony. | |||||
#419 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
JimJesus | Posted: May 15, 2011 - 14:52 |
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![]() Bacon Pancakes! Making Bacon Pancakes, take some Bacon and I'll put it in a Pancake! Bacon Pancakes that's what it's gonna make...Bacon Pancaaaaaake!! ♪ Level: 3 | ...and somewhere out there is a spyware programmer who's laughing his ass off. | |||||
#420 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |