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Agent MattPosted: Jul 28, 2010 - 19:02

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Arcane stuff, for those with the "Eyes To See" the meaning:
"As Above, So Below"
Wizard of OZ mind programming, OZ = 77 in Gematria,
7 gods of the 7 days of the week (Sun-Moon-Mars-Mercury-Jupiter-Venus-Saturn).
Saturday: Saturn (Satan) Mineral Age, the Tin Man
Sunday: Sun god (Jesus-Fish Age of Pisces) Vegetable Age, the Scarecrow
Monday: Moon God (Jehovah Baal Osiris Allah) Animal Age, the Lion.

Remember 9/11? Ordo Ab Chao.
175 = Venus-Lucifera (of the Pentacle Star, reference "Magic Square")
47th Proposition of Euclid (Re: Pythagorus):
3 = Osiris (Moon god) 3x3=9
4 = Isis (Venus "the bearer of light" Mother Mary) 4x4=16
5 = Horus (Jesus, Crucified on Crux) 5x5=25

A = 1, G = 7, K = 11
AA11 (1111)
G7, G77 (77, 777)
KKK (11,11,11) (Pike)
Liber OZ 77 (Crowley)
A.'.A.'. Thelema
Washington DC, located a sacred 77 degrees Longitude East of London Zero.
77 divided by 2 = 38.5 degrees Latitude North.
The Pentagon is at the Heart of a Pentacle.
5 rings, 5 floors, 5 sides, 77 feet tall.

"None are more hopelessly oppressed than those who falsely believe they are free." - Goethe (Illuminatus).

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jul 28, 2010 - 19:07

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Thats the numerology ramblings of an insane conspiracy theorist seeing patterns in nothing and making himself look like a crazy bastard online.

It means hes fucked in the head.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Jul 28, 2010 - 19:12

Level: 9
CS Original

Something about A1 steak sauce.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jul 28, 2010 - 19:20

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

That's Homer Simpson, one of your chair warmers from sector 7 G

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Jul 30, 2010 - 12:00

Level: 1
CS Original

I saw this kind of rambling on the Icke forums when I was a member...
It was depressing to watch.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jul 30, 2010 - 12:03

Level: 12
CS Original

I strongly desire to find out how many conspiracy theorists and strange people online have mental disorders.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Kaiser FalknerPosted: Jul 30, 2010 - 12:08


Level: 6
CS Original

The problem is that the diagnosis of many mental disorders is dependent upon symptom set recognition. You can have a mental disorder just by barely crossing the symptom threshold. Plus youd actually have to talk to them face to face... which would suck.


P.S. Aaron, let's not fight anymore. can't you see what its doing to the children?

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 01, 2010 - 15:32

Level: 1
CS Original

Kaiser; Icke in fact was "tested" by some psychologist (i think it was a psychologist) for one of his documentaries, and they said he didn't fit the bill or something for being crazy. (WTF!)

Im not a psychologist (even though I have studied Jungian Psychology for 3 years), but knowing his beliefs and experiences fairly well, I am positively sure he is with 90% probability a paranoid schizophrenic. If you believe invisible lasers are going to give you cancer and that you are on a grand mission...You fit the bill.

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Aug 01, 2010 - 15:39

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

How do you know Icke even believes this stuff he says?

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Aug 01, 2010 - 16:11

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

^ I agree with Alex Jones when he says that Icke probably doesn't believe anything he says, he's just a scam artist. How else can someone go from being a football announcer, to Jesus Christ, then to being some sort of prophet that knows about reptoids.

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Aug 01, 2010 - 16:29

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Wow for once I agree with Alex Jonestown.

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 09:58

Level: 1
CS Original

Jacque, because I have readed his old articles, own one of his books and I've seen multiple documentaries of his. He certainly believes in reptilians and everything else he talks about. Even the psychologist (?) who 'tested' him said so. Thus, paranoid schizo.
I'll search for the video and post it if I find it.

Special Ed: AJ has since changed his opinions on Icke. They're buddies now. Just check for some Icke/AJ interviews on youtube. "Two scam artists sitting in the tree..."

#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 10:12

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original
#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 10:53

Level: 1
CS Original

Edward, that's not the one I've seen. But this is one doc atleast where they discuss the reptilian = jew code word and also, passing comments on his mental health.

In the video above, a lady from the Anti defamation league is interviewed and asked about Icke. She discusses whether or not reptilians is a code word for Jews and if Icke really believes in reptilians. (4:37~) And at 5:30 she discusses HIS health if he does indeed believe reptilians are real. 6:54, Icke says he believes in Reptilians and defends himself saying reptilians is not a code word for Jews.

Part 3: /> 0:27 - The reporter tells the ADL-lady that Icke says he's not an anti-semite, yada, yada and the lady responds. 4.43 - a guy talks about Ickes connections to far-right groups.

I can't find the doc I saw where a psychologist (or was it even one?) tested him...Perhaps my memory is tricking me. Or the reptilians are getting to me. AUGH!


Edward, I watched the doc (the Icke parts + few others) and even though this is indeed NOT the doc I was talking about, this one is FAAAAR better!

In parts:
- 34:10 A professor and a doctor discuss conspiracy theories and test WHY conspiracy theorists believe in what they believe in. Beyond awesome.
- 39:34-45:30 Chris travels to meet Icke to give him the results of his tests. Icke flips, gets angry that Chris has not readed his books. Classic CT behaviour.

I found the clip on youtube too:

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 11:11

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Nothing you find on the Internet is going to tell you for certain whether or not Icke believes the shit he says. Only Icke knows that.

We can only speculate.

Yeah, I bought the Biggest Secret too. Doesn't mean shit.

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 11:14

Level: 1
CS Original

Jacque, do you personally believe he does NOT believe in the stuff he writes about? Just curious.

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 11:16

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Are you asking me to prove a negative?

I sure fuckin' hope not. Because if so, you have learned nothing here.

#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 11:18

Level: 1
CS Original

Jacque, okey dokey. Im walking away now...

#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 11:19

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

That would be for the best.

#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 02, 2010 - 11:36

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Anouk have you watched that video ?

Because @34 minutes the two psychologists are introduced and Dr French meets David Icke face to face @39 minutes. Theres a discussion about why people believe conspiracy theories and even why david icke does.

Nevermind just saw your post above.

And your clip is an edited section of the video I posted.

#20 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Aug 03, 2010 - 01:00

Level: 2
CS Original

Does anyone know how or why the 322 on skull and cross bones is supposed to equal 666, I keep seeing this every where and I don't get it..........
3*2*2=12 12 doesn't =666?
3+2+2=8 8 doesn't =666?

#21 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
babybackribsPosted: Aug 04, 2010 - 09:24

Level: 1
CS Original

Gosh it's been ages since I've been here. The vapor trail I am.

@Anouk, you were on the Icke forums long ago?! Same here!
What was your handle??

@duncanlecombre, 322 doesn't equal 666, unless you want it to, but it still doesn't mean it does.

#22 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 17:38

Level: 1
CS Original

Edward, I watched the video you posted and then I searched for the clip on youtube.
The documentary was awesome and I recommend that everyone watches it.
(Atleast the clips where they test students + the part where Icke looses his marbles. Oh. Wait...XP)

Baby: I'd rather not say, since I have left some posts there Im not proud of.
Im inactive now though, literally.

666 btw, is not the number of the beast. It's 616.

#23 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 23:19

Level: 2
CS Original

I have heard the 666 is really 616 but honestly know little about it...........
I keep seeing these skull and bones videos where they are claiming the 322 somehow means 666, so for the sake of argument I was trying to work that out, either I'm dense or that is the stupidest CT I have ever heard.

Correct my If i'm wrong.............
the 616 is from the Protestant translation of the bible correct, I also heard (not sure however) that their translation of the commandment its "Thou shalt not murder" instead of "Thou shalt not kill" which I find interesting.................anyway off topic.

About the above wizard of oz stuff I read a similar stupid CT about it, mostly revolving around the fact that Dorthy was taken to oz by a tornado, and tornadoes spiral like snakes, and that the tornado was really Satan..............I wish I knew where I saw that page it's good for a few laughs.

#24 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Aug 08, 2010 - 04:36

Level: 2
CS Original

hahaha I found it...................
The Skull and bones thing anyway........

Face palm!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Its so stupid.

#25 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Aug 08, 2010 - 04:39

Level: 2
CS Original

Wow my youtube account is ruined now all I get is crap in my suggested videos.............
THANKS A LOT YOUTUBE..............

#26 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 09, 2010 - 12:08

Level: 1
CS Original

You recognize a Christian when they say that the snake symbolises Satan. No doubt about it.

I can't remember how I found out it was 616, sorry! But indeed, the bible is filled with mistranslations and the bad thing is that a lot of these mistranslations are causing a lot of problems today. Like when people think that Satan is Lucifer. That's one of the worst ones.

#27 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Aug 10, 2010 - 02:09

Level: 2
CS Original

I have "heard" a lot about supposedly the bible being very close to the dead sea scrolls........but I can't personally validate that as I have never and/or can't read them. The interesting thing I find, potential mistranslations a lot of biblical conspiracy can be debunked using the bible...........they seem very similar to zeitgeist in that they pick out info that helps their case, but ignore things that go against it. I would like to organize some sort of reference material and possibly submit it for this site if they would have it, but its a big job and their is a lot of content to cover.

#28 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 10, 2010 - 09:12

Level: 1
CS Original

Duncan, something like that would take years, since the bible is filled with so many contradictions and mistakes. You would have to go through the old testament and new testament just to point out contradictions first. :x

One good website that points out some mistranslations is freethoughtpedia.
Good article on Satan:<br /> (The article points out how Satan and Lucifer are two different entities, which is information that most Christians like to ignore)

Oy, on the topic of contradictions, from the same website:</p>

The Bible, Christianity’s basic text, is riddled with contradictions.

There are a number of glaring contradictions in the Bible, in both the Old and New Testaments, and including some within the same books. A few examples:

". . . God cannot be tempted with evil, neither tempteth he any man." (James:1:13) "And it came to pass after these things, that God did tempt Abraham." (Genesis 22:1)

". . . for I am merciful, saith the Lord, and I will not keep anger forever." (Jeremiah 3:12) "Ye have kindled a fire in mine anger, which shall burn forever. Thus saith the Lord." (Jeremiah 17:4)

"If I bear witness of myself, my witness is not true." (John 5:31, J.C. speaking) "I am one that bear witness of myself . . ." (John 8:18, J.C. speaking)

and last but not least:

"I have seen God face to face, and my life is preserved." (Genesis 32:30) "No man hath seen God at any time." (John 1:18) "And I [God] will take away mine hand, and thou shalt see my back parts . . ." (Exodus 33:23)

Christian apologists typically attempt to explain away such contradictions by claiming that the fault lies in the translation, and that there were no contradictions in the original text. It’s difficult to see how this could be so, given how direct many biblical contradictions are; but even if these Christian apologetics held water, it would follow that every part of the Bible should be as suspect as the contradictory sections, thus reinforcing the previous point: that the Bible is not a reliable guide to Christ’s words.

#29 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Aug 10, 2010 - 22:13

Level: 2
CS Original

Well their is no doubt translation issues, even from king James version to New international version their are difference's and many believe these two version are basically interchangeable. Thats not even getting into different denominations like protestants which have a slightly different bible. A lot of this kinda stuff is new to me and I'm by no means any sort of scholar, to honestly even begin to comment on that stuff, but I see what your saying. I do find it funny that part one of zeitgeist doesn't really get into any of that because it does hold more weight than anything Archaria S can come up with.

I'm just an average guy, with a belief system and a fellow conspiracy skeptic. Anyway my main point is when you throw a supernatural being in to a conspiracy theory, whether it be Satan, Lucifer, or whatever, there is a certain ideal that logic can be thrown out the window. The conspiracy's presented in zeitgeist can be debunked using logic because peter for the most part, presents them in a scientific and logical belief system. Ed has done a great job in debunking it but some people may hear the same conspiracy, but instead of evil bankers controlling everything its Satan, and all the great info that has been researched by you guys debunking it gets thrown out the window because "Satan" is using evil magic to control the banks. I'm not really here to argue anyone beliefs system, but no matter what, there are people, like me, who believe in the bible, my goal would be to debunk the CT's within that paradigm, because honestly, conspiracy theory's are stupid, and its really sad how many people believe in them, even more so when they are custom tailored to fit within you belief system.

#30 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]