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Forum - The Mustang Conspiracy

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sorryPosted: Jul 09, 2010 - 12:30

Level: 12
CS Original

"After exhaustive research into the little-known but long-running proven conspiracy regarding the destruction of wild mustangs by the U.S. Bureau of Land Management, ATS News has uncovered "smoking gun" evidence that ties BP (British Petroleum) to this heinous activity in the western US states. BP is the second-largest partner in a massive pipeline project that has been responsible for the aggressive round-up of protected wild mustangs off federally protected public land, which was set aside for the horses. A round-up facilitated by the government under false pretenses, resulting in the deaths of dozens of horses, has been for the benefit of the company now killing life in the Gulf of Mexico.
ATS is the first to uncover verified evidence of BP's involvement in this catastrophe in the US west, as more proof of their collusion with the US government, and blatant disregard for the environment."

part 1:</p>

part 2:</p>


#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Jul 11, 2010 - 19:08

Level: 9
CS Original

Are these horses rare enough that "dozens" of deaths makes a huge impact on their numbers?

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]