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Forum - Peter Merola is doing his radio show about critics tonight - Page 2

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NanosPosted: Jun 30, 2010 - 16:50

Level: 0
CS Original

> why did Fresco trademark RBE?

I might hazard a guess that was some laywer out to make sure they got paid to look useful.

> had his lab confiscated back in time..

Thats possible, perhaps he has some pictures from that time, and can tell us what he was working on in that lab. (A background story to how come it got taken away would also be interesting..)

> That's the first I've heard of this "confiscated lab."

Me2, but then Fresco hasn't had this oppertunity to talk so much, so there maybe yet more things that are fresh to hear.

But, it does make me a tiny bit suspicious.

> if you're reading this, and you probably are

Getting him to read his own forum is hard enough!

#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 30, 2010 - 20:59

Level: 12
CS Original

The best/worst part of the radio address is that Merola wants his members to "stop caring about what others think of them."

I think this is Merola's #1 life flaw. He should have paid attention to his advisors, his friends, and everyone else who told him he's crazy.

#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jun 30, 2010 - 23:25

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

>> The best/worst part of the radio address is that Merola wants his members to "stop caring about what others think of them."

That's obviously worked wonders for others trying to create revolutions.

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Jun 30, 2010 - 23:31

Level: 6
CS Original

"But when the foundations of the movement are built on offending my personal biases, how can Merola expect me to focus on everything else concerning the movement?"

You HAVE to work with the movement or society will DESTROY ITSELF!

#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Jul 01, 2010 - 01:16

Level: 0
CS Original

> I think this is Merola's #1 life flaw. He should have paid attention to his advisors,
> his friends, and everyone else who told him he's crazy.

His mistake is not this, but in not listening to specific errors he is making.

I get told I'm crazy all the time, but I take no notice of that, what I do try and take notice of, if when someone says something more specific, such as your making a mistake with X and Y, then I look to address those particular issues, and often folk will come up with a suggestion as well, and its worth listening and pondering about those.

As such, over the years I've adjusted my plans, and the amount of your crazy talk has reduced as my plans and achievements focus in on the more practical side of things, whilst still maintaining some of their idealistic zeal of their origional birth.

PJ just appears mostly to stick his fingers in his ears and doesn't listen at all.. :-(

He is stuck in that area I see politicans get stuck in, anything you say to them, isn't seen as possible help, but just as a personal attack.

That, coupled with his stupidity, yes, lack of intelligence! means he isn't able to understand and grasp certain things, even when you wave them about in his face and point to perfectly valid examples of where he is wrong, he still can't see it.

> "stop caring about what others think of them."

Would be good advice, if they was on the right track...

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jul 01, 2010 - 01:19

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

>> He is stuck in that area I see politicans get stuck in, anything you say to them, isn't seen as possible help, but just as a personal attack.

Almost all of which are unsuccessful. I'm not sure about England, but here in the USofA they often get stuck in either State or the Federal House of Representatives, it's like even the State and US Senate doesn't allow people as stupid and crazy as Ron Paul, Michele Bachmann, Dennis Kucinich, and those other geniuses.

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]