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advancedatheistPosted: Feb 15, 2010 - 21:38

Level: 3
CS Original

I'd like to ask the Shitegeisters the same thing I ask Objectists and Austrian economists: Suppose we do everything you propose, and it fucks things up even worse. What do we do then, brainiac?</p>

Conservatives make an excellent point about the dangers of fooling around with pragmatic, inherited social systems which work well enough, otherwise known as: If it hasn't broken, don't fix it.

#301 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 15, 2010 - 22:11

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

An objectivist once told me that the reason I would risk my own life to save my child's was because I was protecting my investment.

I don't debate objectivists anymore. They are depressing.

#302 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 15, 2010 - 22:50

Level: 0
CS Original

As promised, my long response and last one until after Zeitgeist Day because I'm so busy with work and the movement and social life that I've constantly got a headache lately.

I'll look forward to continuing dialogging with you all when I return.

Quotes go back to page 7.

And I also want to add that I see wilbur22's posts as clear troll behavior, obvious topic hijacking.


>> There's no way technocrats on any large scale are going to united with TVP project. The ideology of Fresco is too stubborn, and any thing like energy accounting is simply considered crazy, even though it's absolutely necessary to track production.

Most technocrats don't think society will magically be transformed, it will take a lot of effort, and new ideas we haven't thought of. Technocracy today is something to be discussed like anarchism, nobody really thinks we can do it tomorrow. I imagine if you asked TZM members they'd tell you that they could do it tomorrow. <<
There are already tons of technocrats doing so. I quite frequently get an e-mail from a technocrat, because I frequent a few technocrat communities and they often want to find an active group in their area.
The Venus Project doesn't talk about energy accounting because Fresco doesn't talk about the transition much at all, which is rather unfortunate but he obviously doesn't think it's necessary at this stage. The Movement, however, is entirely open to such a concept.
I would argue however, that production could also be tracked based on human need. I think I mentioned somewhere (not sure if it was in this thread) that human consumption could be monitored by technical systems with an algorithm that manages an equilibrium of production and distribution. That's not as idealistic as it might sound - a computer calculating demand and providing supply.


>> @Edward:

"I imagine if you asked TZM members they'd tell you that they could do it tomorrow."

Probably because Roxanne and Fresco think it could have been done a hundred years ago, which shows how unrealistic they are. <<
I disagree in many ways. One of the strong premises of The Venus Project is that we must work toward providing life's necessities in a high standard of living for all people. Organizations like the WHO have been saying that that's possible for decades.
So why not do it? Because to do so we'd have to surpass the free-market. Wouldn't that be so scary?

>> "We've had the technology for decades to provide the necessities for all the world's people"

That does not satisfy the Venus Project's goal, Brenton, as you well know. <<

It absolutely does. If you feel that it does not then please express why it does not. Security of energy, education for all, food and water for all and working towards right relations between all nations and peoples are the basic fundamental aims. They're all possible now.

>> And I'm reposting this as I think you missed my point about "doing something":


"When will they actually start doing things you think? They want to build a "research city", right?

You think they will get to that point in the near future? They cant even scrape together enough to make that film and when it inevitably flops as hard as Loose Change: An American Coup what will they do? Just what ARE they hoping to accomplish with the film? Get funding for the research city? From where? From rich people that aren't concerned with science apparently. I'll tell you what will happen, they will forever be spreading the news. Forever. Fresco will die and Roxanne and Peter will carry on. Spreading the news. That is what the Zeitgeist Movement will be. " <<

With the film they're hoping to accomplish Jacque/Roxanne/Others to get mainstream attention to gather a much larger core group in general. They want it to be very high order - think: cost and popularity of James Cameron's Titanic.

When will we start doing 'real world' stuff? This year. That's all I have the time to say on that for now.

>> "Looking Forward" is really goofy, you guys should check it out.</em> <<
Looking forward was a fictional book written to relay social concepts. I'd like to comment on a few of your interpretations on them.

Page 4 says:

"Looking forward is an imaginative and fascinating book...

Looking Forward is much similar to a philosopher inventing a scenario to get across an idea, think: Plato's Cave or Murdoch's Ego-driven man.

>> I know a lot of people won't agree with me, but I think if the Venus Project society ever came about, we would end up with the same kind of New World Order that the first Zeitgeist described. <<

If that's the case then I guess we're all for a control grid. If it creates greater harmony than we have now and a global high standard of living then, I'm sorry, but I'm all for it.

>> >"I submit the conjecture that you can identify a crank idea from the fact that its proponents catastrophize an imaginary, benign, overblown or manageable problem which the crank idea allegedly solves."<

And now the Venus Project is being sold by Peter Joseph as the answer to the conspiracy theories that Zeitgeist propagates. <<

Peter is not selling it as a solution to any conspiracy theory. It's being contended based on the present economic, social and environmental problems we are facing - none of which rely on any conspiracy theory whatsoever.

Also, the environmental problems especially are not overblown. It's fucking insane what we're doing when you understand where it's going to take us.

>> If these guys were really doing things by the scientific method, they probably shouldn't listen to Fresco on a lot of things. By the time this future society came about, people would be able to create better inventions then Fresco's designs. [1] Plus a lot of his ideas are impractical already. There are reasons why city planners don't build round cities like that, the trafic would be all messed up, and the way he explains it, people would have to travel all across town to use city services.[2] In the future are people just going to do things just because Jacques Fresco said to design it that way, even if it isn't the best way to do things? <<
[1]: You're right.
[2]: Actually, many city planners have proposed circular cities precisely because it would fix many traffic problems. Canberra was supposed to be one such city, but the idea got lost in the tradition of building cities as they are - so it's only partially circular.
And no, city services are everywhere as in any sane city of today.


>> @Ed,

I think Looking Forward is pretty relevant to understanding Fresco's weird mix of 1960s free love and science fiction. <<
Unfortunately The Venus Project has nothing to do with either of these. What do you even mean by 'free love'?

>> The original question this thread poses still stands I guess. <<
It certainly does because I'm yet to see you construct any formal arguments in favor of your question (which is really actually a contention) and until you do this thread will be a messy discussion that can't answer that question.
Not only do you need to create a formal argument for it, you also need to specifically define what you mean by cult and new age.

>> @Brenton,

"We do provide a solution. A systems-approach to society on all levels appropriate to sustaining our environment, standard of living, etc,."

That isn't a solution. That's a fantasy. Fresco's writings are not a solution to anything but getting Fresco laid. <<
Fresco didn't invent the solution of a systems approach. Countless scientists advocate such a thing, not just The Venus Project and technocrats.

>> "Though, honestly, I think in time The Venus Project will get Government support."

Not after I fill out this PDF and mail it to the IRS.</p>

The IRS might find TVP's financial practices to be of interest, especially considering they claim to be a non profit.

Let's see how your movement deals with an audit.

I take it personally when people steal from the society I live in. Those are my tax dollars. You live in Australia. Courting people who accuse this country of murdering its own people is bad enough. But when you start stealing tax dollars from society, you are robbing legitimate groups of needed funds. That can't be allowed. <<
Hahahaha! I can't believe you thought I was talking about the US government. The United States will probably be one of the last countries on Earth (save for probably China and North Korea) to even consider a resource-based economy.

When I said Government Support I was referring to Iceland, most specifically, which already has two people in their parliament that supports this direction (which is a pretty big deal when you consider how small their parliament is).

In many ways this could already work in Iceland because they've already got the energy problem solved and have been working for quite a while to move away from fossil fuel dependency. Then after that they could begin to nationalize food production and start putting up more geothermally heated greenhouses so that they don't have to import any food at all. And so on...

Iceland would actually probably be the ideal place to begin this, once the issue that they are a little bit deficient in many resources is overcome.

Please feel free to submit an audit form to the IRS. The Venus Project is pretty clear that they have a not-for-profit as well as a for-profit arm.

I'd also add that The Venus Project has never accused the US government of murdering it's own citizens on 9/11 - Jacque has stated many times that The Venus Project doesn't support Zeitgeist I at all. This is one area where Peter J really does a huge disservice to The Venus Project by not at this time adding disclaimers to (as well as an FAQ on the Movement site) that clearly states that Zeitgeist I has nothing to do with the work of the Movement or The Venus Project and should not be confused of having any correlation. I hope to see such a disclaimer soon.

>> From the same site:</p>

Free labour/Volunteers
Free promotion/Fundraising
An advertsing man in Peter Joseph who is targetting a market
Tax free income for the npo [$28000 in 2008, will increase in 2009]
0ther earnings from his private business [estimated $120,000 annually]
A nice minimum priced $650,000 patch of land complete with 9 buildings and lakes in a beautiful scluded area of Florida.

This is bullshit. These guys are defrauding the government. <<

They can't just spend their tax free income on whatever they like. They have to account for it in all cases or else they lose their NPO status.

>> "But I like the inconveniences."

"We don't," said the Controller. "We prefer to do things comfortably."

"But I don't want comfort. I want God, I want poetry, I want real danger, I want freedom, I want goodness. I want sin."

"In fact," said Mustapha Mond, "you're claiming the right to be unhappy."

"All right then," said the Savage defiantly, "I'm claiming the right to be unhappy."

"Not to mention the right to grow old and ugly and impotent; the right to have syphilis and cancer; the right to have too little to eat; the right to be lousy; the right to live in constant apprehension of what may happen to-morrow; the right to catch typhoid; the right to be tortured by unspeakable pains of every kind." There was a long silence.

"I claim them all," said the Savage at last.

Mustapha Mond shrugged his shoulders. "You're welcome," he said.

Matt responded to this quote from Looking Forward:


What an insufferably arrogant thing to see value in.

Agree with my world view or you like syphilis.

Classy. How could you read this and emulate it?

Give me Philip K Dick's fantasy world over this crap any day.


I think what's written in that part is pretty obvious. In the same way if you refuse to take a necessary vaccination you are declaring that you want the freedom to contract that virus or disease. If you declare you're against sharing the Earth's resources (financial or material) then you're declaring the freedom to allow others to live in poverty, etc,.
But you don't need to agree with The Venus Project to agree with using medicine or sharing the Earth properly.

>> Men naturally form dominance hierarchies, so, yes, you'd probably see the alpha males competing for the highest status positions even in a "scientifically" designed society, just so they can attract and shag the hottest young women. And women would exploit the Venus Project's welfare system to support their bastard children fathered by alpha male cads so that they don't have to subject themselves to the indignity of marrying and putting out for beta males. <<
I can't believe you'd say that (referring especially to the bolded text) because even in high school Psychology this is not taught, but rather that an environmental aspect is what comes in to play with such issues.
The work of Robert Sapolsky is just one good example of the silly idea that hierarchy is inherent and unalterable in terms of human societies.
There will always be hierarchy per se, but it's role and the what it actually means to human societies constantly changes.
By the way, the accusation that welfare systems are bad for human development is really quite ignorant. The countries that have the strongest welfare and state run enterprises (education, medicine, etc,) tend to be surveyed as having the happiest people with the higest literary standards, etc,.

>> Fresco also catastrophizes the current social system, when the empirical evidence shows that people in high GDP developed countries, and even in several middle income developing ones, live generally satisfying lives.</p>

I submit the conjecture that you can identify a crank idea from the fact that its proponents catastrophize an imaginary, benign, overblown or manageable problem which the crank idea allegedly solves.

Some examples:

Problem/Crank Solution

Sin, alienation from god/The gospel

Economics problems/Austrian economics

Autism/Stop vaccinating children

The Human Condition/The Venus Project <<
Fresco's never said that the standard of living is becoming worse in developing or developed countries. In many it is, in many it is not. The contentions are much wider than that, and it's statements like that which make me wonder if you've read the orientation guides or referenced the lectures (which, by the way Edward refuses to 'debunk' because he considers those to be sound) or you probably wouldn't make that statement.

All I'll say is this: this system requires endless economic growth with often finite resources that are not being renewed at a high enough rate to provide for all.
What's going to happen when China and India, for example, realize that they cannot bring their whole population up to the West's living standard because of the way we do things today? I'm not making this India and China statistic up - well respected academicians such as Jared Diamond have written long volumes that contend this strongly in part of their volumes.

The Venus Project is not a 'solution to the human conditon'. It's a possible solution to the socio-economic and environmental problems that are inherent within the present economic system.

>> Correct. But Rand, like Fresco, promoted a crank world view, in my judgment, because she predicted our destruction if we stay on our current course. We could only save ourselves by adopting her radical alternative, despite the fact that humans excel at muddling through.

Fresco just promotes a different version of the same sort of argument. <<

The idea that you think Fresco is the only one predicting huge problems for civilization if we don't change is really silly. That's pretty mainstream within scientific fields such as climatology and other environmental fields.

>> I'd like to ask the Shitegeisters the same thing I ask Objectists and Austrian economists: Suppose we do everything you propose, and it fucks things up even worse. What do we do then, brainiac?</p>

Conservatives make an excellent point about the dangers of fooling around with pragmatic, inherited social systems which work well enough, otherwise known as: If it hasn't broken, don't fix it. <<

Problem being that it is broken and millions and millions who don't even know of The Venus Project agree fundamentally on that. Not just from an economic perspective but also based on what this system is causing environmentally and in terms of human relations.

If it doesn't work, try something else until you find something that does work. This system is great, but it cannot be sustained - so we will either change before we are forced, or do so when there's no other choice.


Everything you need to know about this potential cult, including its refusal for financial transparency with evidence of dialogues between a member and Roxanne Meadows. The identity of Peter Joseph, The legal dispute and failing of trademarking of RBE by the venus project with documents, and other important facets they dont like discussing on their official forums.

Ex members spill the beans on the inner workings and information not many know. <<

I'm glad you call it a potential cult because I've been reading your blog for ages (as well as having posted a widely circulated response [which I'm updating soon] to your blog which you've ignored, it seems: and you still haven't defined what a cult is and how The Zeitgeist Movement fits that description. I actually appreciate some of your content on that blog, too. The information on Peter is great because you also found out about the Brzynski (spelling?) film which is going to be screened in Byron Bay - thanks to that blog post I'm thinking about flying up to Byron Bay to check it out at that screening.

Where's the dialog between a member and Roxanne Meadows? I can't find it and I'm wondering why because dialogging with them is as easy as picking up the phone and dialing.

There was obviously going to be a legal contest about the trademarking of the term 'resource based economy' because it's such a general term.

>> We havent even touched on the finite resources of the earth yet, and how this RBE society claims to make everyones equity value the same on earth, talk about decentralised logistical nightmares. [1]

Their whole theory is dependant upon entire nations, corporate owners and nationalistic heritages all bending to their will of handing every resource on their land over freely to the rest of the worlds nations. [2]

Does anyone else see any stumbling blocks here? [3]

Maybe in a fantasy land everyone will just be 'educated' to hand stuff over to other people freely, even when those resources are depleting rapidly and are rare, but in reality I predict a couple of major problems there. [4]

And of course we get to the whole preservation of resources and monitoring them from a centralised system, this in itself is a logistical nightmare, imagine all the millions of resources this system will need to monitor in real time [raw materials as well as products] but fact is if resources are running out everyone wont be at the same equity value because there wont be enough to go around. [5]

Unless we start taking away from everyone and sharing equity so everyone has less, so the ones with none can have some? [6]

Doesnt much sound like the fantasy land they sold it on in reality. <<
[1]: Not quite. We claim that we technically can provide basic necessities for all people and that we have a duty to do so.

[2]: Based on the premise that you can provide for all there is no need whatsoever to take from anyone. That'd only be necessary if there wasn't the technology to produce enough and there had to be rationing - which, by the way, I personally (this is not an official statement of The Venus Project) am not against: you do not have the right to have more than others if there are people who are starving. I personally think that a 'poverty tax' might be a good idea where literally 1-5% (based on income bracket) of individual incomes is taken directly from those of affluent nations (about 1 billion of Earth's people at present) and sent as aid to the most poverty stricken nations. That's just one way we could begin to provide for those in mass starvation.
For example the UN's Millennium Development goals, it is projected, would only take about 190 Billion to meet ... well that's not really much when you divide it up between 1 billion affluent people.

[3]: Of course. The Venus Project proposes the most fundamental cultural change in history. There are enormous stumbling blocks to overcome. It's very difficult. But do you shy away from altruism and equality because of that? Black and Gay rights once seemed very difficult.

[4]: Which resources are you talking about? Energy, food and many necessary resources are entirely renewable.

[5]: I cant understand what you're saying. It's not a centralised system that's being proposed. The proposition is for an inter-dependent central database that is a combination of thousands if not millions of independent monitoring [production, distribution, et al,.] systems all over the globe.
What you're saying is akin to saying that because a car has many monitoring systems that are continuously monitored that it can't possibly work out.

[6]: I'll restate. Based on the premise that you can provide for all there is no need whatsoever to take from anyone.

>> and it has a for profit matt:</p>

“Venus Project Inc is a private company located in Venus, FL. Current estimates show this company has annual revenue of $120,000 and employs a staff of approximately 2.”
The Venus Project, Inc. also currently operates under the name “Global Cybervisions” and was actually established in February, 1995.

Donations to the Venus Project via their website go to their non-profit sector, Future by Design, which had revenues of approximately $28,000 in 2008.

Other revenues go to the for-profit sector (Venus Project, Inc./Global Cybervisions), which is not listed anywhere on their website.

Jacque & Roxanne have been involved in 7 + private businesses as directors with different people since 1970 <<

What's your point? They're not allowed to make profit to keep themselves alive?

>> So since Peter/Jacque have no credentials in the matters they are discussing we can safely say no cedentials in sociology, no credentials in psychology, no credentials in architecture, no credentials in science, no credentials in city design, no credentials in philosophy, no credentials in anything. So what does this all mean Brenton ?[1]
Are we actually agreeing that Peter shouldnt be talking about this stuff as if he knows anything about it, and should simply add a disclaimer that anything he says is merely an opinion of his own. Same goes for Jacque since hes just an old guy who has shacked up in his cave for the last 40 + years with no credentials either, just a few jobs he claims to have done.[2]

What has history got to do with claims of a futurist city and a futurist society please Brenton ? [3]

You do realise Jacque only did nice drawings and models, these will of been shown to architects as examples of nice aesthetic design, not as technical adaptations of buildings. Roxanne is only a model maker and cad drawer forarchitects too.
Jacque discusses building molds and pre fabricated designs, for machines to build. Yes future by design, I have watched that baloney as well. [4]

So other scientists do all the work on RBE, jacque does the pretty pictures and read a few books, but you give jacque the credit and follow him about like a lapdog? why not follow the real scientists about like a lapdog Brenton ? [5]

And about an RBE working I think we really should be seeing if its possible in reality before we all start hailing it as the new life saver and the only possible answer, since logistically speaking there are a tonne of flaws and problems.[6]
AND where do him and Jacque get off with the social engineering/societal manipulation ? [7]
Now Brenton before you start your incessant arguing, alllow me to say one last thing:

These two are just a bunch of neo hippy pseudo intellectuals clambering for a bit of attention and getting the likes of you to promote it and defend it. [8]

Yes this is Pdr under this name, I am using it on here if thats ok by you ? its ok by the blog owners
[1]: It doesn't really mean anything. A person can understand chemistry without being a chemist. I'd also add that just because somebody doesn't have official credentials doesn't mean they cannot comment on or suggest something. I also referenced this in my article to the AntiCultist blog when I talked about the Wright Brother's and quoted Time Magazine.</p>

[2]: Jacque is well respected by many architectural schools. That's all I have to say in that area. Countless uncredentialed people have contributed amazing things. For example the Wright Brothers, but also people like Karl Marx who didn't do particularly well in school ( yet contributed amazing commentary on Capitalism (much of which has turned out to be scientifically validated - and I can reference that when I come back) and society in general.

[3]: History has to do with the fact that Peter's commentary on credential-ism had nothing to do with The Venus Project in particular. If you paid attention he said he was talking about 'subjective fields' such as history, arts and economics. This is why Peter continually appeals to authorities in his lectures, so that there is no need to rely on anything as his opinion whatsoever.

[4]: Jacque also has technical blueprints of all his designs - this is why architectural schools have infrequently sent students to conference with The Venus Project.
He doesn't make those public in terms of publishing them or putting them on his website because he doesn't have the money to pay for patents at this time.
Even so, his designs are not necessary for a resource-based economy.

[5]: We do, Pdr. Watch the lectures that Peter has done, watch the lecture that I'm giving on Zeitgeist Day, etc, etc,.

[6]: We've spoken about your logistic issues above, however, none in the Movement disagree with you. Science is the path but a resource-based economy needs to be created in a working self-sustaining environment to be fully validated - yes.

[7]: What do you mean? Everything is social engineering in one way or another and we all engage in it.

[8]: So instead rather than making a formal argument you'd rather fall onto the pathetic path of defamation as you have consistently done in every discussion I've had with you. Well done.

>> We all know that people like Brenton are going to continue arguing this till they're blue in the face, no matter what contrary opinion or evidence you have, and until the entire idea fails and goes away like the last made up fad people like him are gonna be blabbering on about it.

Then he will be onto his next beautiful ideology and start all over again, working his way into a position of pretend authority within the group, and start spamming all the message boards with how great it is, and how we should all love it.

And so the cycle repeats with the follower types looking for answers. <<

And I'm especially going to continue arguing it when you provide no solid evidence against it, other than baseless attacks!

>> Zeitgeist Movement is as simple as this: utopia cult + conspiracy theories. That's it. That's the whole enchilada. Take away the conspiracy theories and you've got a smooth-talking self-promoter who's angry at the world and making money and Internet fame from saying so (Merola) and a washed up, warmed-over 60s New Age guru (Fresco) going through the motions, trying to hustle followers like any other utopian cult. <<
Well done. You contributed attacks, buzz-words and absolutely nothing else. You didn't even define 'utopian cult' so we essentially, like Matt, can't have any idea what you're talking about.
And not to mention that conspiracy theories have absolutely nothing to do with The Zeitgeist Movement.

That's all from me until mid-March. I feel like I need go vomit after sitting here writing all that. Have a good day y'all!

I depart with these words, which Edward might understand but which will be ambiguity to you all ;):
Hef ekki hugmynd um hvort til sé guð
hvort dauðinn færi mig í meira stuð
ég staldra við um stund ef heyri sagt
að skilaboð að handan hafi borist

#303 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 15, 2010 - 23:01

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"With the film they're hoping to accomplish Jacque/Roxanne/Others to get mainstream attention to gather a much larger core group in general. They want it to be very high order - think: cost and popularity of James Cameron's Titanic."

Now wait, by Titanic did you mean the movie or the ship?

The market for 1960's sexual utopian science fiction is huge!

This is a joke, right? I'm not thinking of Titanic, I'm thinking of Battlefield Earth with cable porn.

Straight to DVD and Cinemax after ten.

"[3]: Of course. The Venus Project proposes the most fundamental cultural change in history. There are enormous stumbling blocks to overcome. It's very difficult. But do you shy away from altruism and equality because of that? Black and Gay rights once seemed very difficult."

People actually died and went to jail to accomplish that. Pretty ballsy to compare yourself to that. You're pretty disgusting.

#304 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 01:51

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

'And I'm especially going to continue arguing it when you provide no solid evidence against it, other than baseless attacks!'

Anybody else notice how these zeitgeist cult members believe that the more they argue and get the last word in with people who disagree with them and their ideology, the more they believe they are validating that their ideology is the best ?

It somehow seems that by them arguing their beliefs about trivial and pedantic points they are justifying it to themselves that their entire belief structure is unbreakable, even though they have nothing of substance or value to give you to prove it.

I can do that too Brenton I can argue that the planet mars is made of chocolate powder, and all we need to do is add milk to it and we can have milk shakes forever.
Dont tell me otherwise because I will just argue that I am right forever and that makes me right.
Mr Choco TM is the best, his ideas about chocolatey milky goodness are the greatest yum yum chocolate milk shake forever weeeeeeeeeeee. You should watch all his videos about making the same chocolate milk shakes over and over and over till you understand.

ok I am back to normal now. hehe

#305 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 12:53

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original</p>

Yet another Peter Joseph type twit, copycat of TVP and a basic rip off of the same concepts.

Go figure why these people think they know what the world needs without asking us all, and proceed to tell us instead.

#306 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 20:24

Level: 0
CS Original

I wasn't going to come back until after Zeitgeist Day, but since I haven't got a ridiculous slew of responses I'm back for a few minutes during my afternoon break. And I especially can't resist responding to the anticultist because he's literally run from every discussion I've challenged him in, in the past.

>> "With the film they're hoping to accomplish Jacque/Roxanne/Others to get mainstream attention to gather a much larger core group in general. They want it to be very high order - think: cost and popularity of James Cameron's Titanic."

Now wait, by Titanic did you mean the movie or the ship?

The market for 1960's sexual utopian science fiction is huge!

This is a joke, right? I'm not thinking of Titanic, I'm thinking of Battlefield Earth with cable porn. [1]

Straight to DVD and Cinemax after ten.

"[3]: Of course. The Venus Project proposes the most fundamental cultural change in history. There are enormous stumbling blocks to overcome. It's very difficult. But do you shy away from altruism and equality because of that? Black and Gay rights once seemed very difficult."

People actually died and went to jail to accomplish that. Pretty ballsy to compare yourself to that. You're pretty disgusting. [2] <<
[1]: No, by Titanic I mean the budget and the sheer cast size - and the high quality the film was for it's time. Calling something utopian science fiction is pointless if you don't provide argumentation to support such a conclusion.
[2]: One person in the UK has already been jailed for distributing ZM stuff. Granted, he was also an illegal immigrant and used the films to leverage his own agenda - but I'm pretty sure he wasn't sentenced for the illegal alien stuff yet.
I'm gay myself and all too aware of what people have and continue to go through for gay and other equal rights. I wasn't comparing The Venus Project to gay rights movements in that sense - the point was simply to highlight how impossible they one seemed. Likewise world unification seems impossible at this stage, but it's not.

>> 'And I'm especially going to continue arguing it when you provide no solid evidence against it, other than baseless attacks!'

Anybody else notice how these zeitgeist cult members believe that the more they argue and get the last word in with people who disagree with them and their ideology, the more they believe they are validating that their ideology is the best ? [1]

It somehow seems that by them arguing their beliefs about trivial and pedantic points they are justifying it to themselves that their entire belief structure is unbreakable, even though they have nothing of substance or value to give you to prove it. [2]

I can do that too Brenton I can argue that the planet mars is made of chocolate powder, and all we need to do is add milk to it and we can have milk shakes forever.
Dont tell me otherwise because I will just argue that I am right forever and that makes me right.
Mr Choco TM is the best, his ideas about chocolatey milky goodness are the greatest yum yum chocolate milk shake forever weeeeeeeeeeee. You should watch all his videos about making the same chocolate milk shakes over and over and over till you understand. [3]

ok I am back to normal now. hehe <<
[1]: You can call the Movement a cult as much as you want but until you provide a conclusion that is the result of logical premises it'll nothing more than a baseless accusation. You refuse to even define the word cult, so you've got a long way to go.
[2]: You say we have 'nothing of substance or value to give you to prove it'. I'm calling bullshit. Even the owner of this website will acknowledge that the information presented in the lectures is sound, as would anyone who had looked into the sources cited in those lectures. Nobody said our contentions are unbreakable, but by saying we think they aren't you prove nothing. Feel free to provide well sourced argumentation to weaken the overall contentions of The Zeitgeist Movement - I'm all ears, because you're yet to do it.
I've said it to you before, Pdr Jones, and I'll say it again: accusation and contention without a conclusion that is the result of logic consequences holds no value.
[3]: And then you go on with bullshit that highlights the fact that rather than make arguments which you back up with logical consequences, you highlight an irrational scenario that is irrelevant and that nobody in this conversation would hold.


Yet another Peter Joseph type twit, copycat of TVP and a basic rip off of the same concepts.

Go figure why these people think they know what the world needs without asking us all, and proceed to tell us instead. <<
Posting a video of someone talking about The Venus Project/technocracy does not invalidate it. Period.
That's like dumb conclusions that 'all priests are rapists' (which we have seen earlier in this thread).

As we've experienced in other discussions, Pdr, you refuse to back up any of your contentions (is it that you're lazy?) and instead make baseless accusations. Why are they called baseless? Because you provide no premises for your conclusions.
You cant call something wrong without proving why, and you cant call something a cult without providing solid argumentation to prove so.
I seem to remember you talking about philosophy classes once. I'd be surprised as hell if you've ever touched a philosophy class because you seem to have no concept of what an argument even is.

You have absolutely no concept of formal argument.

Adios for now.

#307 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 21:02

Level: 10
CS Original


"Even the owner of this website will acknowledge that the information presented in the lectures is sound,"

I don't think Edward has agreed with Fresco and the Orientation guide as much as you make out

For the record I still agree with a lot of what Fresco says, more so than many skeptics I've come into contact with and even more so as a hypothetical concept. However that doesn't mean there's nothing to criticise, as I think I've made clear.

#308 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 22:09

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Likewise world unification seems impossible at this stage, but it's not."

Who says anyone other than you wants world unification? I certainly don't.

#309 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 22:46

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

I cant even be bothered addressing this kid half the time, hes one of those argumentative types who needs ignoring, otherwise he will just go on and on like a stuck self help record.

When he gets a few more years on him he will look back at this time of his life and blush at how naive and arrogant he was with all the forum members he has pestered worldwide.

Remember me Brenton I will be burnt into your mind everytime you remember this phase of your teenage life, I will be there like a conscious ghost of your ego.

#310 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 22:48

Level: 0
CS Original


>> I don't think Edward has agreed with Fresco and the Orientation guide as much as you make out

For the record I still agree with a lot of what Fresco says, more so than many skeptics I've come into contact with and even more so as a hypothetical concept. However that doesn't mean there's nothing to criticise, as I think I've made clear. <<
He's said to me in e-mail that he's had people asking him to debunk the lectures and such and that he responds that he cannot because they're basically sound.

>> "Likewise world unification seems impossible at this stage, but it's not."

Who says anyone other than you wants world unification? I certainly don't. <<
Oh, I don't know... the United Nations and countless other groups?

>> I cant even be bothered addressing this kid half the time, hes one of those argumentative types who needs ignoring, otherwise he will just go on and on like a stuck self help record.

When he gets a few more years on him he will look back at this time of his life and blush at how naive and arrogant he was with all the forum members he has pestered worldwide.

Remember me Brenton I will be burnt into your mind everytime you remember this phase of your teenage life, I will be there like a conscious ghost of your ego. <<

You do realize that this is three paragraphs of nonsense and an attempt to ignore everything I've said because you can't answer it properly? This is the same way that you behave on Facebook and elsewhere.

You attempt to jump over everything I say with baseless attacks on my character. And I'm not a teenager.

Fuck yourself, if you can find out how.

#311 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 22:50

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Oh, I don't know... the United Nations and countless other groups?"

So what? The UN can't even control Darfur.

#312 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 22:53

Level: 0
CS Original

>> "Oh, I don't know... the United Nations and countless other groups?"

So what? The UN can't even control Darfur. <<

The point wasn't how effective they are. Just that they're one of many groups with that sort of aim.

#313 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:01

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

So you point to powerless groups as evidence of people wanting the same things you do?

I really don't understand what that is supposed to accomplish. If anything it makes you sound even less likely to achieve anything.

#314 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:05

Level: 0
CS Original

>> So you point to powerless groups as evidence of people wanting the same things you do?

I really don't understand what that is supposed to accomplish. If anything it makes you sound even less likely to achieve anything. <<

No, it just points to the need for much better organization. But that's not the point of this topic. When is someone going to define the term 'cult' as they understand it and provide a conclusion that's the result of logical consequences to formally suggest that The Venus Project is a 'utopia cult'?

Nobody has done that yet.

#315 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:09

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Actually the burden kind of lies with you to explain why it isn't.

Because I still think it is and my perspective trumps yours.

#316 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:11

Level: 0
CS Original

Wrong. You can't make an accusation without providing definition and formal argumentation for it.

That's like forming a question like "What makes the Bible any different to Hitler's Mein Kampf?" and then saying that the burden of proof is on the people you're asking.

To make an accusation within a question automatically puts that burden on the person who asks the question.

#317 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:12

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Yes, I can. I can post anything I want. You don't have to reply to it.

#318 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:15

Level: 0
CS Original

That's true. But this is also an admission that you're not interested in a proper discussion either. You just want to post stuff without following the process of formal argumentation or discussion, obviously.

If you want to do that, that's fine - but don't act like the title of this thread lends any credibility at all.

#319 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:16

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Dude, I gave up on a proper discussion with your ass like three days ago.

The title of this thread has just as much credibility as Brenton on the Internet does. Who are you anyways? Why do you think you have any credibility to begin with?

#320 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:20

Level: 0
CS Original

You weren't discussing properly 7 days ago.

And there we go, just like anticultist rather than discuss the topic at hand you revert to attacking me.

Integrity out your window.

I don't need to have credibility as a person because I'm applying the standard of formal discussion here, which has nothing to do with me.

It's what's called an accepted standard.

#321 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:22

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I've been attacking you for like a week, why cry about it now? You come back for more every single time.

I really don't care if Brenton on the Internet thinks I have no integrity, I am not trying to recruit anyone to save the planet.

#322 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:23

Level: 0
CS Original

Well that's great Matt.

I know you've been consistently attacking me but we've finally come down to a level where it's pertinent to point it out, because that's all you're doing. At least earlier you were trying to form a contention of sorts.

#323 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:24

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

If I was just about attacking you, I'd probably go after your sexuality. But I haven't. So stick your bottom lip back in your mouth.

In fact, I was careful not to use anything that might be misconstrued as such whether I intended it or not. So quit acting like you're being crucified.

You know damn well your method of debate is infuriating. Its designed to be. Own up to it at least.

#324 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:29

Level: 0
CS Original

Are you trying to say that homophobia is okay? I doubt it but the fact that you suggest you'd use that as leverage is bad enough.

#325 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:30

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

No, read the edit. It had nothing to do with leverage.

#326 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:36

Level: 0
CS Original

No it's not. My method of debating is very simple: show me an argument that contains a conclusion that is the result of logical consequences (or, premises) and we can go from there.

No one has done that yet, at all - so this 'argument' hasn't even begun.

#327 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:37

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"No one has done that yet, at all - so this 'argument' hasn't even begun."

In my perspective it already finished, long ago with TVP being a utopian cult.

You're gonna figure out eventually that you can't control peoples' perspectives and that is exactly why TVP can't work.

#328 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:54

Level: 0
CS Original

Okay, so here now we have a contention "you can't control peoples' perspectives and that is exactly why TVP can't work." At this stage it's baseless, though, because you've provided no premises for such an argument.

If you'd like to provide some...

Remember that they must fit the logic of the contention and be directly applicable to it, and The Venus Project.

#329 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Feb 16, 2010 - 23:57

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Remember that they must fit the logic of the contention and be directly applicable to it, and The Venus Project."

I can call TVP a utopian cult all day long without conforming to your imaginary rules and there's nothing you can really do about it.

#330 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]