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Forum - I'm taking a break!

I'm back to announce my future in the debunking community

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ClockPosted: Apr 29, 2013 - 21:25


Level: 5
Hello everybody Clock here.

I am here to announce that I am taking a break from debunking. Having experienced debunking for 5 months, I must say, it is a pain in the butt to stay commited to it! I'm taking a break because I have much other important things going on in my personal life, such as my studies.

I would also like to announce that I believe that I am completely finished with the "Muertos Revival" project I had started in January-February. This is because many of the articles that had not seen the light of day were all in the Skeptic Project blog, (which I revived as well, with the help of Edward) I will upload the 'confessions' later, (I need to find them in my thousands of files that I have, my computer is a mess)

Also, if any of you want to do some debunking, I updated the team review ( in which I thought we could debunk a vigilant citizen article together.

looking back at these 5 months, I've realised that I've acted very snobbish in my terms of writing, as if I was a teacher and the debunking company were my students. I also feel stupid about snapping about people not doing much of anything on this website. It seems as though I did not know my place and it seems a bit childish on my part. If I pissed off anyone, accept my apologies.

Anyone, see yuh later everybody!
#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: May 02, 2013 - 14:21

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
"I am here to announce that I am taking a break from debunking. Having experienced debunking for 5 months, I must say, it is a pain in the butt to stay commited to it! I'm taking a break because I have much other important things going on in my personal life, such as my studies."

Well debunking, being a skeptic, or whatever it's a hobby not a job and like anything else you go at a pace that will keep you moving but not enough to burn you out or that interferes with a individuals personal life.

"It seems as though I did not know my place and it seems a bit childish on my part. If I pissed off anyone, accept my apologies."

As far as an apology, first apologizing to other SP members is way to formal, second I don't see any need to apologies I didn't think you did anything that bad, I also realize canucks are different as well. Third never apologies/say your sorry to people, show it by your actions not by words (life lesson). It's easy to say you apologies, it takes more of an effort and is more meaningful to correct the problem through action rather than for a individual to just apologies.

"I also feel stupid about snapping about people not doing much of anything on this website."

Therein lies the problem, as it's your problem not ours. Just because it's not in a format that you like or a topic that you don't like to discuss does not mean that nobody is doing anything. I personally think members on SP are doing a good job at addressing issues. SP members did a really good job at addressing planned obsolescence topic. In general I don't write blogs, maybe when I find something interesting I may write a blog about it, until then I'll do my debunks in a none blog format.
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