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Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 02:02 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | What's this adoration with Scandinavian countries that TZM members seem to have, especially with Iceland? In general, homogeneous populations tend to organize well for various reasons, namely the lack of inter-ethnic and religious conflict. | |||||
#61 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Brenton | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 03:16 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | Um, I think of members just tune in on how much more democratic Scandinavia tends to be. I have deeper ties, but then I had them before I was in the movement and maintain them after it. :) | |||||
#62 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 03:48 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | I imagine the reason 'they' keep PJ alive is, he is perfect for making sure we don't get organised.. Part of me even wonders if he is being paid to make sure we remain ineffective and powerless.. I think the Scandinavian connection is that many of the more cooperative TZM folk come from there! Iceland I think is only a blip because of its geothermal power generation, TZM members seem to think that makes it paradise, forgetting about the volcanic risks, the I've heard them decribed as mainstream population (eg. your probably not going to find them awfully sympathetic to TZM/TVP type hippy solution parts..) types, and a lack of much other industry. (Not to mention the climate isn't peachy for building in your shorts..) > In general, homogeneous populations tend to organize well for various reasons Agreed. Is why I'm keen to help maintain that homogeneous part and expand on it, rather than let communities fragment as they are so often doing at the moment with our multiculturalism effects, and equality laws, leading to inequality, anger and resistment from the indigenous populations. (Or at least, whoever came before them..) | |||||
#63 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 03:55 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | I suspect that Scandinavians habour a special cooperative domestication gene(s) that enables them, even if born in other countries, to be helpful than many other folk I've come across, as such I'm keen to see some selective type breeding done to further spread this, and build up communities full of intelligent decent hardworking folk who can build the future today. Though I can imagine their environment plays a part, it has puzzled me why people from that part of the world, or from that stock so to speak, are noticably different from joe average in their helpful nature. (I first noticed this when playing MMORPG's, if I got a worker from a Nordic country, 99 out of 100 times, they was not just helpful and hardworking, but also honest and intelligent. Where as most UK/US'ers tended to be the worst possible people you could ever meet, liers, cheats, scam artists, and so lazy! Though I did notice those from Texas was more like those from Nordic countries..) It was, and is interesting to spot little pockets around the world of cooperative folk and try to figure out which parts are due to genetics and which are environmental. (I can imagine over time, if you have a cooperative environment, your breed cooperative folk..) | |||||
#64 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 04:20 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | >> I suspect that Scandinavians habour a special cooperative domestication gene(s) that enables them, even if born in other countries I figure that highly unlikely, after all, look at anarchist Spain. >> Where as most UK/US'ers tended to be the worst possible people you could ever meet, liers, cheats, scam artists, and so lazy! The US and UK also have a long history of dire poverty, inequality, and tons of other problems. >> It was, and is interesting to spot little pockets around the world of cooperative folk and try to figure out which parts are due to genetics and which are environmental. There are isolated tribes all over the Earth that are so egalitarian that they make Scandinavia look fascist by comparison. *Chi-pow* Shoot from the hip. | |||||
#65 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Brenton | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 04:41 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | Your post, Captain Ferseus, is hot pink. | |||||
#66 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 07:39 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | How do you explain that sharp difference between those from Nordic countries (And of nordic stock) and the rest of Europeans who generally are far less cooperative ? I did find a spot in the UK whose population is 50%+ of Nordic stock, who having settled here some 500+ years ago, still show a marked difference to the general population in their helpful and intelligent nature, even though they are surrounded on all sides by barbarians! Think Galapagos Islands when it comes to other tribes, is how I think it could explain it. I also notice that Chinese folk for example are often cooperative and helpful. (I found out recently it appears some of my genetic history is from northern China, perhaps that explains my youthful looks and intelligence ;-) also perhaps my stamina..) It interests me to try and replicate as close as possible the ideal conditions to encourage a cooperative community to be built and expanded upon. I'm not sure what tests one would do for newcomers to the community to test for cooperative nature, any thoughts ? (Its perhaps a more interesting question than you might imagine, as going by the vast majority of TZM folk, very few I would say fit into that catagory, so I would hope any tests can weed out those that say they are cooperative, compared to those that actually are..) Its a bit like 'friends' you want a lift off you all the time, but when you have lost your car, suddenly are unable to give you a lift.. | |||||
#67 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 08:24 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "I'm not sure what tests one would do for newcomers to the community to test for cooperative nature, any thoughts ?" Tests available to laypeople? None. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Minnesota_Multiphasic_Personality_Inventory or http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/NEO-PI</p> There's those, but you wouldn't know how to score them even if you tested someone. | |||||
#68 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 14:44 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | >> I did find a spot in the UK whose population is 50%+ of Nordic stock, who having settled here some 500+ years ago, still show a marked difference to the general population in their helpful and intelligent nature, even though they are surrounded on all sides by barbarians! I think you're just using confirmation bias. Nordic societies themselves have ample proof there's no genetic basis for being more cooperative than any other human society. All one need to do is look at the last 1,000 years of Nordic history, and you see Vikings, Kingdom of Sweden, Kingdom of Denmark, et al. and they spend a hell of a lot of time fighting each other and others. Human beings, given the right situations, can be very cooperative with each other, but given another situation be the exact opposite. >> I also notice that Chinese folk for example are often cooperative and helpful. (I found out recently it appears some of my genetic history is from northern China, perhaps that explains my youthful looks and intelligence ;-) also perhaps my stamina..) The Chinese are very insular and it's a part of their culture, which may do more to explain why Nordic people act the same way. >> It interests me to try and replicate as close as possible the ideal conditions to encourage a cooperative community to be built and expanded upon. I'm not sure promoting homogeneity is the best way to do it, there have been people over the last 100 years or so that tried to promote these things, and even though most had the best intentions, it always ended extremely badly. | |||||
#69 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 15:06 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > I think you're just using confirmation bias. There is that risk I agree, but I've met so many helpful people who tend to be, or who come from that part of the world, that its gone far beyond what I would consider natural variation at play, and into the area that something else is at play. It reminds me of racist/sexist/agist/etc. comments older folk used to tell me when I was younger, it wasn't until I spent several decades around many different people that I began to actually spot differences in groups/races/gender/etc. Of particular interest to me was seeing how 2nd/3rd generation immigrants/etc. changed their behaviour (Or not..) after having moved to a different culture, to try and spot which parts of their behaviour appeared more genetically linked, and which was more environmentally based. For example, one glaring example is how few women are willing to work hard compared with men, so don't expect to be hiring many woman to dig foundation ditches! Many of these observations are often very politically incorrect, but awfully practical.. > it always ended extremely badly. Agreed, it hasn't been done well to date. I think the reason for that is a rigid thinking model that everywhere has to be like that, where as I reckon that if we just do that in someplaces, and allow other places to naturally mingle, and give folk a real choice as to which one they want to live in, that this will help solve many of the issues previously found with such an approach. (As at the moment, one of the biggest bugbears of people is being forced to live with neighbours they don't like, so to fix that you need to not just give people more freedom to move where they want, but to kick start it all by starting off an area thats free of the worst of humanity and fill it with cooperative, fit, intelligent folk so you have a good starting point to help develop other communities that will not necessarly be so restrictive. Eg. starting community = non-smokers, 2nd community may well be a smoking is allowed one, 3rd community depending upon demand maybe either non-smoking or smoking. Same with a fat limit, you will need the first one to have such a limit,or everyone will be too unhealthy to do any work, but the 2nd community maybe more relaxed, as long as people realise that if everyones too unfit to work, that you may not get that really important life saving surgery in time.. In simple terms, its about giving people choice. (As at the moment, most people don't have much of one.) | |||||
#70 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 15:13 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | If you take another example, gender balance. Your need a 50/50 mixture or so of the genders, or you risk getting the population falling! So, if you have 100 job openings, if more women apply than men, you will have to stop taking women at 50 positions and fill the rest with men. (Sort of reverse positive discrimination..) You might well allow some leyway, say 5% to 10% more of one than the other, but as some places are very lacking in women say, you will need to address the balance or the place will end up as a dust bowl.. Eg. I'm after sustainable community design that is more stable than the current market response types that move rapidly from boom to bust, resulting in a lot of wasted resources as say structures are built, demolished, and rebuilt as demand ebbs and flows, rather than being in constant use decade in, decade out. | |||||
#71 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 15:43 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | >> Your need a 50/50 mixture or so of the genders, or you risk getting the population falling! Hasn't the world typically be about 60/40 of women/men? | |||||
#72 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 16:24 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Nah, it's about 52 women, 48 men. | |||||
#73 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 16:35 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | I think last I read it was more 52/48, but from what I remember it starts out more towards your 60/40 in the beginning and as more men die off than women as people age, so moves more towards the 50/50 As such, your also need a reasonable age spread, eg. no use having a community of just old folk! A quick google brings us: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sex_ratio</p> > Fisher's principle So it does bring up the good question of what should the demographics of a typical community be, and how more varient one should allow. (Eg. you want to avoid a common problem these days of communities full of old people and lacking young women.) | |||||
#74 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 16:50 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | That's a shame, 60/40 would have upped the chances of me pulling off a threesome. | |||||
#75 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
anticultist | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 16:57 |
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![]() Brainwashing you for money Level: 15 CS Original | Well you still could pull off a threesome edward but you might have to change your dream a little. Ask Matt ? Speaking of threesomes. I wonder if Peter Merola has zeitgeist groupies ? | |||||
#76 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:06 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | >> Ask Matt ? He won't respond to my many advances. >> Speaking of threesomes. I wonder if Peter Merola has zeitgeist groupies ? Maybe guys, girls it's remotely possible, but I imagine it's 95% men in the movement. | |||||
#77 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:10 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | I actually ran into an attractive female in the irc channel. She's in Finland, is a vegan, and believes the Zeitgeist conspiracies, but I found her picture on last.fm and liked it. | |||||
#78 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:15 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Usually good things = crazy personality, at least in my experience. | |||||
#79 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:16 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | It's heartbreaking when hot women (or even guys) become conspiracy theorists. That said, most of the CTs I have met are not very attractive, except that one guy I was talking about in another topic who slept on the roof of his house when a website told him the aliens were going to land. | |||||
#80 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:17 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Yeah, us skeptics and debunkers are the hottest pieces of ass out there. | |||||
#81 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:23 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | I don't remember if I mentioned it, but I went on a date last month with a girl who's a huge metaphysics fan. She said her dad works for Lockheed Martin and believes the twin towers were not hit by planes. She personally thinks it was an inside job. The girl was hot. | |||||
#82 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Jun 20, 2010 - 17:32 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "He won't respond to my many advances." Your dick is too small. | |||||
#83 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
duncanlecombre | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 00:12 |
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![]() Level: 2 CS Original | Hey I might be off topic again but................ | |||||
#84 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 00:14 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | duncan, are you suggesting that the FED as explained by Mercola has international effects? | |||||
#85 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Nanos | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 00:30 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | > That's a shame, 60/40 would have upped the chances of me pulling off a threesome. Well.. I reckon, to readjust the local balance in the spot I'm looking at, that the first community of some 10,000 people, that at least 75% of them will need to be woman.. | |||||
#86 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
duncanlecombre | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 19:59 |
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![]() Level: 2 CS Original | No, I'm just saying if peter was right (which he isn't) | |||||
#87 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 20:02 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Ironically enough, TZM has a huge following in Finland. I don't fully understand the motivation for non-Americans to join. Several told me (many Finnish on the irc channel) that they watched the movies and decided to take part. Why? The religion section has a global impact, but the rest is more or less tied to the USA. | |||||
#88 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 20:04 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "I wonder if Peter Merola has zeitgeist groupies ? " Well, we have to take into account some things... such as the movement is mostly male. So the first challenge is finding a female, then making sure the female is attractive enough. Now I doubt even these two criteria could be met... but if they were, THEN the female has to want a threesome! Just doesn't seem very likely. | |||||
#89 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Jun 21, 2010 - 20:10 |
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![]() Level: 6 CS Original | Maybe PJ is a pickup-artist. "Hey, let me ask you a question - who lies more, government or religion?" And it is on. Or not. | |||||
#90 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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