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Forum - What's so bad about Monsanto anyways?

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Agent MattPosted: Jun 15, 2010 - 17:46

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


My stance: Good science. Bad lawyers.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 15, 2010 - 17:47

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

The whole patenting seeds and suing farmers thing seems a bit shady.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jun 15, 2010 - 17:48

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Well, like companies of their size and in the same industries, some shady and weird things go down, but for the most part it's based on some weird idea that Monsanto is some evil super-corporation like from a comic book or 80s/90s cyberpunk film. It's largely based on fears that GMOs are bad, and they aren't, or cow hormones are bad for humans or make their tits big, they don't, etc.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 15, 2010 - 17:52

Level: 12
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#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jun 15, 2010 - 18:02

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I think I agree with Mister Agenda in that JREF thread.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jun 15, 2010 - 18:06

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

I second that motion.


But if Monsanto sells fertile seeds their frankenfood varieties will conquer the world. Weren't concerns about fertile GM seeds spreading and hybridizing outside laboratory conditions one of the reasons Monsanto was pressured to make sterile seeds? Sounds like most of the same people will think they're evil either way.

We're on the verge of a GM-based green revolution in the poorest parts of the world stuck with the crappiest growing conditions and the main thing holding it back is anti-GM propaganda when NO GM food has EVER been shown to be harmful to humans or other crops. Setting a higher priority on stroking Luddite, anti-corporate prejudices than on helping people in extreme or severe poverty get enough food to eat and have a little THAT's evil. I don't care if Monsanto is run by Lex freakin' Luthor, what they're doing in Africa will do more to improve the lives of a hundred million people than all the organic-produce-only fair-trade-coffee-buying Prius-driving hemp-wearing bleeding hearts who have ever lived, put together. There's nothing wrong with any of that stuff...but it's companies like Monsanto that have helped to increase the wealth of the world about 1800% in the last 100 years and moved us from a world where 80% of the human population was in extreme or severe poverty to one where less than 35% of the world's population is that poor. Economic growth and business innovation can lift another billion out of poverty in the next 20 years and all we have to do is get out of the way. Better crops for Africa is key to countries like Mali achieving enough development to reach the bottom rung of the economic ladder, to getting to the point where they can start climbing out of poverty. I know in twenty years, with hardly anyone left in extreme poverty and less than 20% in severe poverty, there will still be people crying out against corps for not caring, for exploiting the poor, for not being good citizens and so forth. They still won't comprehend the role that multinationals played in making their world possible and will still think that pure motives are more important than good results. C'est la vie.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
oreolvrsPosted: Jun 16, 2010 - 07:05

Level: 1
CS Original

"The whole patenting seeds and suing farmers thing seems a bit shady."

I agree It basically means a poor farmer takes away seeds from a field patented by Monsanto they are treated as criminals.I share some not all of the views regarding GMO's as Dr.Vandana Shiva in that I have no problem in any organisation or person patenting an invention like say a song,a film,a car model but food is something that is essential not just to human life but to all life and so patenting something so universally necessary is just plain wrong.Control the food supply and you essentially control the world.Golden rice is an example of the false nature of GMO's benifiting the third world - raw corriander leaves contain far more vitamin A than golden rice.<br />
Personally I'm a supporter of hydro/aeroponics but since it doesnt need herbicides,patenting and other chemicals mainly from companies like Monsanto it aint going to pursued soon.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]