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scitopsPosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 12:05

Level: 4
CS Original
Hi sorry I haven't posted that much, but I've changed jobs and with that comes a lot of training. I've ditched what teabaggers and libertards call the productive sector of the economy (private sector) and now work for the government. The money and benefits were too good, and I didn't enjoy railroading people while working in private insurance. Interestingly there are plenty of people with tea party bumper stickers who show up at my office to apply for Medicaid and food stamps.

My problem comes from my supervisor. I'll focus on the main problems. She is a fundamentalist Christian. She goes to a church that doesn't believe in instruments, that if you aren't saved you're going to hell, the president is the antichrist, etc.

This wouldn't be a problem if she left me alone. However she asked me if I go to church, and even though I am an atheist I do like to go to the Episcopal church occassionally, so I said yes. I felt very uncomfortable with her question. I later learned she had once gotten in trouble for asking a coworker that question.
I was later with her while driving to a meeting in another town, and she asked me what denomination I was. I told her Episcopalian. She wanted me to describe them. I said something along the lines that they were less strict catholics. I said they had female ministers, although I steered clear of the gay clergy. Of course she doesn't even consider catholics Christians so I she thinks I'm headed to hell. Now I get the feeling she is going to try to convert me. After the meeting somebody at the meeting gave her survival food, and she told me she got it because Glenn Beck told her to get this. I don't want to be put through this. I want to complain to the higher ups, but she will ultimately have the power to let me go after my 6 month probationary period.

What should I do?
#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Real RoxettePosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 12:23

There ARE more sluts in public schools. Shut up and let me explain.

Level: 8
CS Original
I assume you're an American, such things are very illegal, and if you can get documentation of her attempts to convert you and you fighting back, such as letters, emails, micro-cassette recording, etc then you can sue the shit out of her and the company; be sure to complain to whomever is above her first.
#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 12:27

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original
Doing all this overt religious proselytizing would be illega - I don't know if you're in federal, state or local government, but this should be illegal, especially if she already got in trouble for it once. You could sue her, and you could especially sue her if she decided to let you go after 6 months for religious reasons. I think most developed countries have laws like this. Check this stuff out now, so that if more problems crop up after your probationary period, you've already got the knowledge that you need.
#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 12:28

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original
Ignore it.
#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
scitopsPosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 12:48

Level: 4
CS Original
I suppose my fear is she could fire me and claim I was a bad worker if I were to complain.
#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 13:42

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original
Tell her you don't like to talk about things that are not scientifically based or based on a model. The next time she asks you about church explain to her that you generally keep your ideological beliefs to yourself as it is of your own belief and as a general principal do not really talk about your beliefs to others. Explain to her that do not really like to talk about things unless they are scientifically based and no creationism has zero science behind it so if she mentions that explain to her why it's not based on science.

This is a work environment and work politics will be at any job. Being able to get along with someone you don't like is apart of working, the art of it is to try to not get caught up in the BS and actually focus on the work. Taking people to court is a possibility but only in serious cases, in general I'd take a cue from Agent Matt and just 'ignore it'. If she brings up religious stuff again bring up what I said above, keep bringing the stuff up until she turns red in the face and then do it some more. You don't need to take her to court you just need to know how to shut her down from the start.
#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 01, 2011 - 22:07

Level: 6
CS Original
Never talk about religion or politics in the office, it's just gonna lead to problems. Try to ignore her first, if you can't, tell her you're not interested and if that doesn't work go a level up and complain.
#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]