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Forum - New movie to the list - Invisible Empire

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IssueCannonPosted: Jun 10, 2010 - 20:51

Level: 0
CS Original

Invisible Empire A New World Order

I don't know if anyone has seen this yet, made by Jason Bermas creator of Loose Change, he even mentions that he nothing of geo-politics before 9/11 (or after according to his Loose Change movie) and the infomation he used seems mostly internet based (this shown in this video).

He then mentions a the New World Order manual hand book at around 7 mins into it, and the way he describes is almost TZM way of thinking, and he pulls the nazi card at around 10 mins, in a subtle way.

Again, the smugness of this guy, 'I used to be like everyone else, THEN I OPENED MY EYES!', 'My movie changed my life, but countless others as well'.

Also when did Kevin Smith become a conspiracy theorists.

And how do conspircay theorists believe that when a celebrity believes their nonesense, the conspiracy theory becomes even more reliable?

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