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Forum - 9/11 First Responders Have Been Treated Poorly by Bloomberg

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JoePosted: Sep 12, 2011 - 15:19

Level: 8
CS Original
COMMENTARY | Even though New York City is experiencing massive police patrols, security checks and searches leading to the 9/11 10th anniversary event, according to the New York Post, the very profession providing security isn't to be specifically represented. And neither are the firefighters and paramedics, as reported by The Daily Caller. New York Mayor Michael Bloomberg justified his snubbing of these heroic people by claiming there wasn't enough space to accommodate them.

According to New York Magazine, 343 firefighters/paramedics, 23 NYPD officers and 37 Port Authority officers were killed on 9/11, yet the invitations for them to attend to specifically represent their professions as first responders are generally nowhere to be found.

But first responders like fireman Jack Dewan only got an invitation because he tragically lost a family member, firefighter Gerard "Gerry" Dewan, on that harrowing day, and has been put in a "Catch-22" situation over whether to attend since his co-workers can't unless they lost family members.

Yet even more troubling was that his and roughly 2,800 other invitation packets weren't even mailed out until Monday, which put undue stress on the 9/11 families worrying if they'd get them on time. For they must have the required documents to attend the ceremony, as reported by the Daily Mail.

One must wonder what goes through the mind of a politician like Bloomberg to show insensitivity and disrespect to the professions that were on scene to rescue and treat victims of this terrorist attack. How many politicians risked their lives on 9/11? How many politicians were at Ground Zero in the aftermath, risking their own health to recover the bodies of the victims and clean up the massive debris?

The mayor, also under mass criticism for excluding religious leaders, has acted like one of the mean stepsisters in the story "Cinderella" who got to go to the ball while Cinderella had to do all the hard work.

The sad reality of life is that politicians get the head tables, the exclusive invites, and can rub shoulders with the movers and shakers of society, whether they deserve to or not.
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