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sorryPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 17:57

Level: 12
CS Original

anticultist, this yahoo answer went as you predicted:

That "Best Answer" is hilarious, especially considering all of the critical answers below.

#91 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 17:58

Level: 12
CS Original

Gray Shadow and company have lived most of their lives thinking they have it all figured out. Many of them are probably college graduates, and some may even be college professors, and spent a very large portion of time being TAUGHT what to believe, instead of searching out the truth for themselves. In fact, they've spent so much time and effort integrating themselves into the establishment that when they're finally confronted with ideas that countermand what they have been TAUGHT, they are actually personally insulted.
"How dare they question my decades of academic brainwashing!" they say to themselves. "I've spent years reading textbooks, and textbooks are never wrong!" They cry out in fury.


Before he wrote that, Giordano thought, "How dare they question my minutes of nonacademic brainwashing! I've spent minutes watching videos, and videos are never wrong!"

#92 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 18:16

Level: 10
CS Original

that Yahoo answer's thread sure has a lot of truthers posting their wares there.

edit: ah I see its years old lol

#93 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 19:30

Level: 9
CS Original

Lol's at that yahoo answers thread. You can always see the healthy amount of projection that CT'ers have when they say things like:

"Many of them are probably college graduates, and some may even be college professors, and spent a very large portion of time being TAUGHT what to believe, instead of searching out the truth for themselves. In fact, they've spent so much time and effort integrating themselves into the establishment that when they're finally confronted with ideas that countermand what they have been TAUGHT, they are actually personally insulted."

So many of them are unable to accept that people are able to watch Zeitgeist and see it for the load of shit that it is, without being a status quo supporting sheeple drone or whatever the preferred terminology is.

Edit: Also, notice how Giordano is doing that random WORD CAPITALIZING thing that conspiracy THEORISTS do ALL the TIME.

#94 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 19:37

Level: 4
CS Original

Wow, it is scary that someone who uses logical reasoning gets down-votes while someone spouting idiotic conspiracy theory rhetoric gets up-votes..

Maybe if we yell louder about logic and reason, people will think we know what we're talking about more.

#95 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 19:59

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

I like this part

If the facts and ideas presented in movies like Zeitgeist are so "ridiculous," and so "Crazy," why do people like Gray Shadow troll Yahoo Answers desperately trying to refute them?

I mean, think about it! If Zeitgeist is obviously a sham, then why are they so threatened by it? So threatened that they'll spend days on end posting on EVERY SINGLE QUESTION THAT MENTIONS ZEITGEIST. If the people in the 9/11 Truth movement are so crazy and "on the fringe," why don't they just leave the "wackos" to do their thing? Nobody's going to listen to the "conspiracy theories" anyway, right?

I guess that's why the majority of responses were pro-conspiracy and everyone who spoke against conspiracy theories were voted down far more than voted up? If it there was some vast conspiracy by those threatened by Zeitgeist, you'd think they'd do a better job, considering there are more people who think conspiracy theories are retarded, than believe them.

Also, doesn't it strike you that people who claim the movies aren't the movement, work so hard to defend the movies and the conspiracy theories? Doublespeak?

#96 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 20:42

Level: 4
CS Original

Lots of doublespeak.

#97 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 22:26

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

IF TZM started charging people money VTV would not be able to afford it since him and his wife, at that his wife being the bread winner since she has a job working at Burger King, are getting a divorce and he would probably have to raise that $50 through donations on his vradio along with his Utilities, properties taxes etc... My guess is VTV probably didn't use the donation money to buy a computer if he's smart it's going towards his utilities or his kid since VTV says his wife is a unfit mother. I have to say I do not care to carry any sort of dialog with VTV the Wife beater, he is the true scum of this earth and oh he is fat.

As far as the test if you guys continue to pump out cheat sheets, then it'll force their hand to create more question in the long run it'll be that much of a pain in the ass to pass the test unless they make the test easier. In a way your actually helping to lower the amount of individuals who may want to join the forums by increasing the probability of failure versus success rate by increasing the question pool that are presented to the user.

I imagine they will need more sources to get question off of and yeah I do agree the test is very cult like and unnecessary. Peter Merola is showing his true character as of now. His controlling dictatorial manner, ordering the anonymous moderators to lock topics upon his request so he doesn't look like the "bad guy". Each topic that is locked isn't the moderators that are doing it, it's Peter Merola ordering them to do it so he should be blamed for each locked topic. Liker Peter Merola says it's his website he's the one paying the bill, he's the one calling the shots, he's the one locking the topics if you got a problem with locked topics it's Peter's fault don't blame the moderators and some admins they are just cult drones they can't think for themselves.

Imagine what will happen if this cult is ever successful having a Venus Project… I can’t even… I’m happy with the current system as of today compared to if we were to implement the Venus Project based on the actions I see from TZM/TVP…

#98 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Jun 11, 2010 - 22:31

Level: 9
CS Original

How many TIMES have we heard this ONE before?

>>"They will claim constantly that the facts presented in Zeitgeist and other films are easily "debunked," however, when taken to task on these claims they inevitably fail to present any concrete evidence other than the shaky CLAIMS of the Government itself. Fascinating!"

As Edward has pointed out so many times, conspiracy theorists love to use mainstream media sources too... the difference being they usually interpret these things in a totally bonkers way. For example, let's take a look at the Federal Reserve stuff. Where does Peter get his information? Modern Money Mechanics (or so we've been told). So it's okay when a conspiracy theorist uses a government source, but if a debunker wants to use one... suddenly the sources are all full of "shaky CLAIMS".

I have a feeling that most conspiracy theorists believe people believe the official story just because it's the official story, but I think that's them projecting... like how they will believe something just because it goes against the official story. In reality, a lot of people (especially on this site and others) arrive at their conclusions from studying the facts, not just because "WELL DUR THE GOVERNMENT SAID IT SO ITS A-OKAY!".

#99 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
NanosPosted: Jun 12, 2010 - 00:39

Level: 0
CS Original

> VTV says his wife is a unfit mother.


Maybe we should invite his wife to this chat to find out more..

> VTV the Wife beater

As much as I'm not a fan of VTV, I do have some sympathy in that he could be the victim there, as I've known women who have pulled that card with their partner.

Perhaps a Jenny Joans lie detector test is in order on this one..

> he is fat.

He can always go on a diet like me!

> My guess is VTV probably didn't use the donation money to buy a computer

You know, I don't mind him doing that, but I find it annoying that there are double standards in that others are not allowed to do similar in the name of Z and ask for money too without being told off as its against the rules..

Though, in true Z spirit, he could have asked for donated parts first, or even a whole machine as it wouldn't suprise me if the odd vendor hangs out on the Z forum..

For all his faults, he isn't a complete clutz.

Should he do a radio show, well, its not all bad, should he be a moderator, well, no he isn't good at that.

Should we insult him, well, if he insults us first..

I like to play:</p>

That does mean in the interests to try and develop cooperation that at some point, you try to be more civil. (And I have found its perhaps worked with VTV myself, at times he is insulting to me, and at others he is not, it seems like overall he is getting better with me.)

I suggest giving it a try myself, in the interests of creating a more harmonious atmosphere, one where we can focus on fixing our faults, and less at throwing mud back and forth.

As much fan as it is listening to well crafted insults :-)

#100 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Jun 12, 2010 - 04:37

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

As far as the test if you guys continue to pump out cheat sheets, then it'll force their hand to create more question in the long run it'll be that much of a pain in the ass to pass the test unless they make the test easier. In a way your actually helping to lower the amount of individuals who may want to join the forums by increasing the probability of failure versus success rate by increasing the question pool that are presented to the user.

Good point, helping decrease their membership by pissing merola off and making him react by making it harder to get into his cult is good. yaaaaaay !!

Peter Merola is showing his true character as of now. His controlling dictatorial manner, ordering the anonymous moderators to lock topics upon his request so he doesn't look like the "bad guy". ...Each topic that is locked isn't the moderators that are doing it, it's Peter Merola ordering them to do it so he should be blamed for each locked topic. Liker Peter Merola says it's his website he's the one paying the bill, he's the one calling the shots, he's the one locking the topics if you got a problem with locked topics it's Peter's fault

Bingo. he is always complaining about how its his forum as is his drone tanktop.

This is exactly it

#101 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 12, 2010 - 09:16

Level: 10
CS Original

Dont forget that Yahoo answers thread was created before Addendum was made and the ZGM was born. So the only people supporting Zeitgeist back then would have been conspiracy theorists.

#102 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jun 12, 2010 - 09:20

Level: 10
CS Original

The funny thing about the test is that I agree with the idea of making a overall general test so that they understand BASIC concepts and principals.

The test AS IT IS is stupid.

I bet they will ignore that point though.

#103 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Jun 12, 2010 - 11:09

Level: 12
CS Original

On one hand, I understand the argument that we should stop wasting our time with them. On the other hand, I'm on vacation and am intrigued by people who use a fake video to gather members and then continue to defend said videos.

#104 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]