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Forum - Skepticism at work this morning on facebook

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freeflyerPosted: Jul 20, 2011 - 09:29

Level: 0

Ma Prem Mayo
Status: I just heard that a tsunami and earthquake are about to hit the Caribbean

Ma Prem Mayo: Play some music and pray

Me: Prem Mayo, can you post a link to the news? Cause I suspect its not true.

Ma Prem Mayo: Why would I lie about such a thing? my friend lives up that way, that's how I heard. You be free to search for a link.

Me: What is his/her source of information?

Ma Prem Mayo: the source is that my friend lives in the Caribbean

Ma Prem Mayo: The prediction is an 8.4 earthquake

Me: What is the prediction based on

Me: and who's making these predictions? I hope not a psychic

Me: It is wrong, because earthquakes can't be predicted, especially to that accuracy

Ma Prem Mayo: Ok, you got me looking for links...can't find anything. I feel foolish but I believed something that was said,I believed it from my heart heart.Maybe it's right maybe wrong. I hope it's wrong

Me: The warnings come about only after potentially strong seismic activity

Ma Prem Mayo: Funny you say that. I didn't know she thought that way of herself but apparantly she calls herself one.Now the boy who cried wolf comes to mind.Have I been fooled publicly? OMG

Ma Prem Mayo: ‎1.Of or relating to earthquakes or other vibrations of the earth and its crust
2.Relating to or denoting geological surveying methods involving vibrations produced artificially by explosions

3.Of enormous proportions or effect
- there are seismic pressures threatening American society

Ma Prem Mayo: The definition of seismic

Me: lol i don't want it

Ma Prem Mayo: I realise that but others may...who read this conversation.I've never heard that word before tonight.And by knowing the definition we can understand what yu wrote

Me: so it was from a psychic? LOL

Me: I must be a psychic cause I guessed that one right LOL

Ma Prem Mayo: I think so lol God, people are gonna think I'm mad lol

Ma Prem Mayo: LOL I'm laughing so hard

Ma Prem Mayo: People read the conversation it's so funny I feel bloody silly

Me: And I feel proud. Of my psychic abilities. LOL

Ma Prem Mayo: My EGO so wants to DELETE this conversation 'but' I won't let it win me over lol

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Jul 20, 2011 - 09:50

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

I wish we had more stories like this.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Jul 20, 2011 - 12:33

Level: 4
CS Original

skeptics 1, psychics 0

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
freeflyerPosted: Jul 20, 2011 - 15:21

Level: 0


#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]