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Forum - Is Ebegging For real?

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The Burger KingPosted: Jul 05, 2011 - 19:14

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

I googled about ebegging and here's what I found.


The Straight Dope on E-begging

E-begging: Ads vs. Donations

Brett Keane Debate Wrap-up (I recommend to watch this one through)

Begging / panhandling

Brett Keane Asks A Church To Pay His Bills




The act of asking for funds on an established Internet site with mostly user-generated content, such as YouTube, especially if one has not produced much quality content.
The widely-viewed atheist Thunderf00t's attempt to ask for financial support from his subscribers on YouTube drew accusations of ebegging.


So is Ebegging for real? Yes it most certainly is. Ebegging in short is the homeless on the internet.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
alexastormPosted: Jul 05, 2011 - 21:52


Level: 2

Didn't watch them all but what I did watch was very interesting. The one raised a very good point. When you're begging on the internet then turn and threaten to sue someone for calling you on it, you open yourself up to scrutiny from all sorts of government agencies. Like the IRS among others. This all reminds me of the days when people would post their hardship classified ads in newspapers and magazines asking for people to send just $1.00. I always wondered how much they raked in. I also wonder how some of these people can live with themselves.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Jul 05, 2011 - 22:14

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

^Because they just don't care. I really think some of these people just don't know, or don't want, to make something of themselves. Sometimes people are just down on their luck, but some just are too lazy to better themselves so they resort to e-begging.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
alexastormPosted: Jul 05, 2011 - 22:26


Level: 2

Down on their luck is one thing. But I don't see that in these people. Electronics, games, road trips? They should be ashamed of themselves. The awful thing is that they're not.

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