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scitopsPosted: Jan 19, 2010 - 14:33

Level: 4
CS Original

I seem to be reading that the Eurozone might have some members withdraw.

However according to the Alex Jones crowd the illuminati wants to force us into regional currencies so they can then collapse them then force us on a world currency. Why are the global elites, whom can control everything from stock prices, commodity prices (although the anti-nwo crowd insists they won't be able to manipulate gold much longer), and exchange rates having such problems with the Euro.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
advancedatheistPosted: Jan 19, 2010 - 18:33

Level: 3
CS Original

The Illuminists play both sides. They also created the global warming theory, and then caused the world to have more severe winters to discredit the theory.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
babybackribsPosted: Feb 06, 2010 - 15:30

Level: 1
CS Original

Personally, if I wish to know anything concerning Europe, I read it here:</p>

Pretty good and well informed, imo. However, in regards to the problem with Greece. It's not only Greece. It's Portugal, Ireland, Italy, Spain, and Greece. Aka: PIIGS. LOL!

The problem is, is that their personal economies are not doing as good as they want them to be doing since the Euro was mandatory. Infact, you have what they call the Union for the Mediterranean that they are trying to create in order to have better economical relations not just for Mediterranean EU countries, but also for the Northern African/ Middle East Countries as well.</p>

Plans are already in progress to keep the EU together. However, there is still quite some anti-semitic and anti-illuminati feelings going around in Europe. Mostly due to the internet and CTer's strangle hold on the ignorant and discontent, but most importantly as well, cultural and religious reasons too.

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