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EdPosted: May 28, 2010 - 11:11

Level: 10
CS Original

The bottom line is i have seen footage of the bombs going off in the base of the buildings

No you have not.

there is documented reports by fire fighters police and civilians of bombs going off!!

Again, no there is not. Of course there was Alex Jones' friend Kevin McPadden who changed his story and describes huge earthshaking explosions at the collapse of WTC7 that no one else heard and no one caught on tape despite cameras in some cases being only a couple of blocks away.

Reports of "explosions" do not necessarily equal explosives. Lots of things can expload and lots of things can go bang, but the signature of an explosive is quite specific.

Maybe you can tell me why NO ONE AT ALL had any injuries consistent with explosives, if they were going off all over the place and injuring people?

People that were caught in the blasts were treated at hospital!!!

Prove it.

The number 1 injury you will sustain if you are injured by a bomb will be ruptured ear drums. How many people suffered ruptured ear drums Casey?

The bottom line is i have seen footage of the bombs going off in the base of the buildings there is documented reports by fire fighters police and civilians of bombs going off!! People that were caught in the blasts were treated at hospital!!! So a plane hitting the top of the building made that happen!!!

Why are you you repeating yourself?

FDNY? Im not ignoring you!! Can you ask it again please?

The FDNY have no problem with the collapse of Building 7, they also disagree with everything truthers claim about it. Therefore, if what truthers claim about WTC7 is true, and that include you Casey, then the firefighters have to be lying.


#121 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 28, 2010 - 15:11

Level: 0
CS Original

Again what do the general public belive happend?

The bottom line is i have seen footage of the bombs going off in the base of the buildings

No you have not. Yes i have and elsewhere like all down one side of building 7

Fire fighters you were asking about them before?? to name but a few!!!

Again, no there is not. Of course there was Alex Jones' friend Kevin McPadden who changed his story and describes huge earthshaking explosions at the collapse of WTC7 that no one else heard and no one caught on tape despite cameras in some cases being only a couple of blocks away. well you just been proved wrong by them links lol!!! no one else heard em lmfao!!!

People that were caught in the blasts were treated at hospital!!!

Prove it. Ok thats easy!!

so much more!!

key witness murdered!!


By the way what a lovly lady she is, bless her x x

#122 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 28, 2010 - 15:22

Level: 9
CS Original


It will hurt taxpayer dollars even more.

#123 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:04

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Casey, you asked for scientific evidence proving that the WTC towers did not collapse as a result of controlled demolition.

I provided three peer-reviewed scientific studies to that effect.

You admitted you did not read them, then claimed you really want to believe that the "official story" is true, and then posted a link about WTC7 "free fall" and said "look for more real evidence." The link you posted explains a theory that is SPECIFICALLY REFUTED in one of the papers I posted. In fact, I cut and pasted an excerpt from one of those papers that specifically refutes this theory.

Please explain to me:
1. Why you did not read the scientific refutations you specifically asked me to provide you.
2. Why you believe a YouTube link is "real evidence" that refutes what those scientific papers say.
3. Why, if you claim you want to believe in the "official story," you specifically ignored evidence to support it. Shouldn't you be desperate for supporting evidence? That is, unless the opposite is true--that you're so desperate to believe in conspiracies that you're willing to ignore the scientific peer-reviewed evidence demonstrating those theories are wrong in favor of a YouTube link.

Explain this to me, please. And please try not to include any YouTube links in your explanation.

This is the second time I've asked this.

#124 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:04

Level: 0
CS Original

jesus sill watch the links before posting at least please!!! and no a few mill wont hurt watch the last link at fucking least man

#125 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:12

Level: 10
CS Original

Casey you have ignored me YET AGAIN.

Its really annoying.

Are the firefighters lying about Building 7 or not? Why is that such a hard question for you to answer?

We've been over videos that you have posted before, but you refuse to even answer something so damn simple whats the point in going through it again for you? You even said people were treated for blast injuries at hospital, I asked you to prove it, I told you no one even suffered ruptured ear drums. "Skin hanging off" is not a blast injury, burning hydrocarbons is not a great way to destroy infrastructure. Truthers claim Barry Jennings was thrown around by explosives, so what were his injuries Casey? Why did his ear drums not rupture? What kind of demolition occurs 7 HOURS BEFORE the building collapses?

Are the firefighters lying about Building 7?
Are the firefighters lying about Building 7?
Are the firefighters lying about Building 7?

Just answer the question or STFU

#126 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:16

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Casey, you asked for scientific evidence proving that the WTC towers did not collapse as a result of controlled demolition.

I provided three peer-reviewed scientific studies to that effect.

You admitted you did not read them, then claimed you really want to believe that the "official story" is true, and then posted a link about WTC7 "free fall" and said "look for more real evidence." The link you posted explains a theory that is SPECIFICALLY REFUTED in one of the papers I posted. In fact, I cut and pasted an excerpt from one of those papers that specifically refutes this theory.

Please explain to me:
1. Why you did not read the scientific refutations you specifically asked me to provide you.
2. Why you believe a YouTube link is "real evidence" that refutes what those scientific papers say.
3. Why, if you claim you want to believe in the "official story," you specifically ignored evidence to support it. Shouldn't you be desperate for supporting evidence? That is, unless the opposite is true--that you're so desperate to believe in conspiracies that you're willing to ignore the scientific peer-reviewed evidence demonstrating those theories are wrong in favor of a YouTube link.

Explain this to me, please. And please try not to include any YouTube links in your explanation.

This is the third time I have asked this.

#127 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:28

Level: 0
CS Original


StOp throwing bullshit questions back at me and ansWer my questions!!! watch the links fully and answer all within and rebute all of it!! IF YOU CAN!! yOU ARE THE PROFESONAL DEBUNKES SO YOU SHOULD BE ABLE TO DO IT!!! IM JUST SOME ONE ASKING QUESTIONS ABOUT IT ALL FOR FUCK SAKE!!

i have noticed a particular anomely you answer what you can and ignore the rest!!! so do i but im not an expert like the rest of you so you all have no excuse!! im just some chump who watches youtube vids not some CT'ER. and none of you can even convince me!!! and i wanted to belive they were all nuts!!! now i belive what they are all saying because all of your's and everyone elses arguments on this site seem fabricated!! Pretty much the same as alll debunker sites FUCK JESUS GOD!!! None of you even watch the links i post up before replying!!!

#128 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:42

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

I watched the video you posted as a "response." That is the only link that's relevant to my specific questions.

Remember, this started when YOU asked for scientific refutations. I provided them. You didn't even read them, but said you thought a YouTube link could counter it.

I want to you know exactly why you believe that YouTube link counters the scientific refutations I posted--WHICH YOU ASKED ME TO PROVIDE TO YOU, let me say again--and precisely which portions of those scientific refutations that you believe to be faulty.

These aren't unreasonable questions, and considering you started this particular discussion with me by asking for scientific refutations, I'm completely mystified by why you don't seem to want anymore what you said you wanted when you asked me to provide them to you.

#129 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: May 28, 2010 - 16:55

Level: 10
CS Original

Casey you cant just post random youtube videos, I have already replied to your videos before and some of these ones and you just ignore it. So why bother asking us what we think? You obviously do not care and will ignore it anyway.

btw, do you accept the firefighters in the FDNY are lying about Building 7?

#130 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: May 28, 2010 - 19:17

Level: 3
CS Original

I don't understand why you guys bother writing such well thought out replies and blogs and everything to people who's posts look like a pile of buffalo manure thrown up onto the page. I mean, I think if you just leave him alone for a bit, Casey's head will cave in from the weight of his own stupidity.

#131 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: May 28, 2010 - 19:36

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Sky, stubborn idiots like Casey are themselves beyond redemption. They will continue to believe their ridiculous fantasy bullshit no matter how much evidence is put in front of them to the contrary. However, I want anyone out there who's witnessing this conversation to see, explicitly and without any question, how dishonest, inconsistent and intellectually bankrupt conspiracy theorists always are. The point is, as always, to make sure that conspiracy theories never gain any legitimacy in mainstream culture and that conspiracy theorists are always marginalized as the lunatics they are.

#132 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: May 28, 2010 - 21:52

Level: 12
CS Original

I agree with Muertos. These conversations are helpful for people who are searching for intricate rebuttals to common 9/11 myths. They also help show how strong the CTs' arguments are.

#133 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 11:25

Level: 0
CS Original

Ok so our govenments are fine and always tell the truth, and are NEVER complicit in conspiracies. I give in you are all right and i was wrong, im so sorry for being such a heretic!</p>

For your convenience links i posted on the other thread, out of a sence of completeness

#134 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: May 31, 2010 - 11:29

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

For your convenience, a link I posted on the other thread, out of a sense of completeness:

#135 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 11:48

Level: 0
CS Original

lol he he! Very funny!

#136 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: May 31, 2010 - 12:45

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

The blog is not intended to be humorous.

#137 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 16:27

Level: 0
CS Original

No dude... the way you posted up (For your convenience, a link I posted on the other thread, out of a sense of completeness:) after i did ..... i thought you were taking the piss!! I was told you lot didn't understand irony i guess you don't!

#138 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 31, 2010 - 16:33

Level: 9
CS Original

>>"Ok so our govenments are fine and always tell the truth, and are NEVER complicit in conspiracies."

No one has ever stated that, things aren't black and white like that. It's not like if you don't believe in CT's, then you automatically have a blind love for all government.

#139 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 16:56

Level: 0
CS Original

well said sill i am in agreement with you! I don't belive in all CT's but by the same token not all CT's are rubbish. At the very least what is the harm investigating them?? But no You end up branded crazy, made to feel like some kind of heretic. People laugh and scoff at you but some people won't be put off by that kind of behavior it will only encorage them all the more!!

If there is nothing to it why behave like that towards them in the first place?? leave them to get on with it!! School yard tactics don't work on some people anyway!!

#140 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: May 31, 2010 - 17:32

Level: 12
CS Original

casey, I agree that we should be skeptical of all facets of our lives. We'd be foolish to blindly trust our leaders, just as we're foolish to blindly trust a guy on youtube.

Which conspiracy theories do you not believe in?

#141 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 18:05

Level: 0
CS Original

I dont belive my queen is a lizard lol! Im not sure about fema camps .... don't call me a hypocrite i know i used a referance to them before but that was just to make a point!! Some of the things (but not all) that have been said about fema arn't true (coffins ect lol) corn circles (the one's with no high radiation pings)! To name but a few! Some im unsure about, and some i believe (UFO'S DEFO!)

Why would i trust your or my govenment (im in the uk), when both of them seperated as they are by a huge ocean; put fluoride in our water supply. Im a chemist its a bloody carcinogen ffs!!! There is no good reason for it (ohh the tooth decay thing!! bullshit). It is up to the individual to brush his own damn teeth!!! id rather have rotten teeth than cancer ANYDAY!! everyone drinks that water!!!</p>

Dude if they are going to do that... well they know what they are doing they are the govenment after all!!

#142 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Von KleistPosted: May 31, 2010 - 18:26

Level: 1
CS Original

Only about 10% of people in the UK have fluoridated water. If your supply comes from Northumbrian water, then you are one of them. So, cancer rates increasing in areas of the UK with fluoridated water are they?

#143 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 31, 2010 - 18:36

Level: 9
CS Original

Black pepper contains a carcinogen too I believe, what's your theory behind that?

#144 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 18:51

Level: 0
CS Original

argonessen Erm i don't want to guess at what your question means but are you asking me which regions of the uk have a higher ratio of cancer sufferers? And are they related to where the fluoridated water supply is? I wil presume that is what you asked! Well one, you cannot draw simmetry even if there are higher rates where the fluridated water supply is as there is alot of other variants in the model i.e more heavy industry, more smokers/heavy drinkers ect. A true parallel cannot be drawn!!

And yes northumbrian water supplies my water but they are talking about expanding it much further!!

A study from Taiwan found a high incidence of bladder cancer in women in areas with a high natural fluoride content in water.

#145 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: May 31, 2010 - 18:55

Level: 0
CS Original

Black pepper contains a carcinogen too I believe, what's your theory behind that?

If thats the case dont eat black pepper thats your choice, most people dont know or dont care about the water! blindly trusting, or cant afford to buy bottled water all the time!!!

Not much choice for alot of people if its in the water!!

#146 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: May 31, 2010 - 19:39

Level: 10
CS Original

Oh look Casey still hasnt answered my question about the New York firefighters, I wonder why

#147 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 31, 2010 - 19:56

Level: 9
CS Original

Maybe it's a regional thing, but I don't know a single person who drinks water straight out of the tap.

#148 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: May 31, 2010 - 21:30

Level: 12
CS Original

Sil, I do only because I haven't found a reason to believe it's harmful enough to warrant the purchase of filter.

#149 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: May 31, 2010 - 22:12

Level: 9
CS Original

Haha, I know that there ARE people who drink straight from the tap, and I don't believe that there's anything wrong with it. I was just saying that to Casey's statement about people not having a choice when it comes to water. Aside from bottles (which aren't really expensive at all), there are plenty of filters you can buy if you honestly believe that the water isn't safe. You're right in the fact that most people don't care, but it's not because they are "sheeple", it's because it's really a non-issue.

#150 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]