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Forum - The UN and the to explain these things - Page 4

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EzPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 00:44

Level: 3
CS Original

'I've once dated a girl who was literally afraid of the devil. Like she couldn't sleep. We got her to voluntarily enter therapy and it's still haunting her at times, but at least she knows that it's bull.'

Maybe she suffered from sleep paralysis and hallucinations? Alot of people who have had that believe it to be a demon or ghost attacking them even though its a well known condition.

@Questionmark I'm 100% sure that 'proof' was either fake, taken out of context or they were just things like bad cellphone footage proving reptoids exist. I think maybe getting counselling would go a long way to helping you get over your anxiety related to CTs, alot of people suffer from various forms of anxiety so you aren't the only one.

#91 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 06:30

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

You're welcome, Questionmark.

#92 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
QuestionmarkPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 11:42

Level: 1
CS Original

It wouldn't surprise me if the "proof" was fake. I don't think it's phone footage, though. I can't find the video anymore...CTists would likely claim "they" took it down. But there's all sorts of videos on youtube with "evidence" of holographic technology.

I remember the video was of the queen sitting and giving a speech (a televised speech, not a public one) and sort of flickering or something and you could see a man through/behind her. Wouldn't that really mean, "the queen is a man?" and not, "the queen is a shapeshifting lizard?"

#93 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JoePosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 12:21

Level: 8
CS Original

Or maybe she is a G-G-G-Ghost. Ask yourselve what would "holographic technology" have to do with the Occult anyways. Plus the only CTers that go cracy over "holographic technology" I know of are idiot no-planers.

#94 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
QuestionmarkPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 12:27

Level: 1
CS Original

It was more tied into the UN...someone claimed she was using it at the UN...though, I don't think that video I mentioned was anything to do with the UN.

#95 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
QuestionmarkPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 12:29

Level: 1
CS Original

I found it! It looks like some weird double-exposure sort of thing. Can that happen with videos? I really doubt it's "evidence" of anything than a technological error, but here's the vid:

To me, it's evidence of how memory and emotional states can play tricks on looks different than I remember it. More explainable than it did when I was at the heights of my anxiety. It's been a couple of years since I've seen the video.

Someone named Esther216 even comented: "oh get real, i have worked in cable my whole career, the first on is the tunner on the tv same with the black guy, the blonde actor is called tiling, that is from loss of digital signal, it is sent in blockes, educate yourself for gods sake!"

But people are still thinking it's proof of holographic technology.

Anyway, I'm getting off-topic, but I'm starting to understand how the CTist mentality differs greatly from a critical thinker's mentality.

#96 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JoePosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 12:51

Level: 8
CS Original

The thing that you need to understand is that the avrage rank n file CTer is when it comes to tachnology or science is a idiot. So they jump to idiotic concluions.

#97 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 17:02

Level: 3
CS Original

My cable tv service gets scrambled like that all the time. The people made that video are probably mentally ill.

#98 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Mar 26, 2011 - 17:22

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I don't even understand what this video is supposed to show. That Barbara Bush is a reptoid? Reptoids look like dudes wearing ties?

The comment about it being a member of Kraftwerk made me lol.

Other YouTube videos about this use footage from the documentary "Spin" I think, which is actually a pretty good documentary.

#99 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Mar 28, 2011 - 00:56

Level: 2
CS Original

"There aren't a lot of debunking sites, so this site is important to me to begin with. Sometimes it seems like the whole planet believes in CTs"

well there are.......
People who believe in CT's
People who find them stupid and don't waste their time
and Finally people like us who think their stupid but make it some sort of pastime.

Most people will fall into the previous 2 groups.

#100 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
QuestionmarkPosted: Mar 28, 2011 - 17:56

Level: 1
CS Original

I think I finally figured out why CTists get so up-in-arms about the phrase, "New World Order." Bailey actually used the term in some of her writings. And the fact that she wasn't a mainstream Christian coupled with the fact that she used the name Lucifer probably made Christians freak out.

She wasn't the first to use the phrase, as it had been by others used in regards to politics just after World War I.

So, Bailey probably got the term from other and incorporated it in her writings.

It turns out she was looking forward to one world religion. I'm starting to think that most of these NWO CTs started with her writings.

And for the Freemasonry connection: "Also in 1919, 32nd degree Freemason Foster Bailey (1888–1977), who was to be her second husband, became National Secretary of the Theosophical Society. (Bailey, p. 157) [29] They married in 1921.[30]"

You make a good point, duncanlecombre.

#101 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
QuestionmarkPosted: Mar 28, 2011 - 20:50

Level: 1
CS Original

Annie Besant also had involvement in Freemasonry, which probably just made CTists freak out more:


Annie Besant in 1897
Given Annie Besant's activity in pursuing the rights of women, humanitarian causes, the mysteries and occult teachings, her interest in freemasonry and subsequent leadership and activism comes as no surprise. She pursued freemasonry with equal vigour when it was mentioned to her that there was a masonry that "accepted women as well as men". She saw freemasonry, in particular co-freemasonry, as an extension of her interest in the rights of women and the greater brotherhood of man and saw co-freemasonry as a "movement which practised true brotherhood, in which women and men worked side by side for the perfecting of humanity. She immediately wanted to be admitted to this organisation", known now as The International Order of Co-Freemasonry, Le Droit Humain.
The link was made in 1902 by Francesca Arundale, who accompanied Annie Besant to Paris, along with six friends. "They were all initiated, passed and raised into the first three degrees and Annie returned to England, bearing a Charter and founded there the first Lodge of International Mixed Masonry, Le Droit Humain."
"In a very short time, Sister Besant founded new lodges: three in London, three in the south of England, three in the North and North-West; she even organised one in Scotland." Travelling in 1904 with her sisters and brothers she met in Holland, other brethren of a male obedience, who, being interested, collaborated in further expansion of Le Droit Humain. "Annie continued to work with such ardour that soon new lodges were formed Great Britain, South America, Canada, India, Ceylon, Australia and New Zealand. The lodges in all these countries were united under the name of the British Federation." [4] Annie Besant, therefore not only founded the British Federation of Le Droit Humain, of which she was eventually the Most Puissant Grand Commander, she was a major influence in the international growth of the Order."

They also don't include the logo of the Cross in the society's seal with the other religious symbols. I wonder if that made things even worse.</p>

I wonder if I should start a new topic

#102 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JoePosted: Mar 28, 2011 - 21:08

Level: 8
CS Original

Just because thier some people where in both the Freemasonrys and the Theosophical Society does not means that the two groups are the same.

Plus being afread of anytime somebody talks about B.S. Satan/Occoult leads you to falling for comments like this one. (Comment posted on a Jay Z acticle)

"He took the deal with the DEVIL and this article is Bullshit!! I KNOW people in the industry and I tell young people that if you want to make it huge/big you MUST do some gay @#$% for both men and women, blood sacrifice or something. With the execption of what I KNOW from personal experiences there's a documentary called "ITS A @#$% SHAME" Google it order from black star video and take the time to watch it. This article is for the dumb masses so it's a lie! LONG STORY SHORT!!!"

#103 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JoePosted: Mar 28, 2011 - 21:19

Level: 8
CS Original

I was not trying to attack you. Believe it or nat I was a big CTer. I am where you are right now last year. Like you when I realized that CT where B.S. I tried to figure out where they were coming from. But then I realized that it does not matter why.
But Yes that is what they do. They use guilt by assioation.

#104 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
duncanlecombrePosted: Mar 28, 2011 - 23:14

Level: 2
CS Original

hey question do you have trouble sleeping?? I'm not trying to bug you its a serious question.

#105 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
live and learnPosted: Oct 07, 2012 - 15:21

Level: 0
Quote from Joe


Just because thier some people where in both the Freemasonrys and the Theosophical Society does not means that the two groups are the same.

Plus being afread of anytime somebody talks about B.S. Satan/Occoult leads you to falling for comments like this one. (Comment posted on a Jay Z acticle)

"He took the deal with the DEVIL and this article is Bullshit!! I KNOW people in the industry and I tell young people that if you want to make it huge/big you MUST do some gay @#$% for both men and women, blood sacrifice or something. With the execption of what I KNOW from personal experiences there's a documentary called "ITS A @#$% SHAME" Google it order from black star video and take the time to watch it. This article is for the dumb masses so it's a lie! LONG STORY SHORT!!!"

hmm, I've seen similar comments back when I was trying to get over my fear of this stuff. People saying they are in the industry or that they know people in the industry and that all this stuff is true/will come to pass. Yet I also saw a couple comments from people who say it's not true and they know that because they're family is/once was in the industry. Even with that quote you mentioned, I was kinda scared at first. It's possible that that quote might be somebody trolling, but even if that isn't the case, my question is this:

If all that is true then why are you openly posting what you "know" on the Internet? I sure as hell wouldn't be spreading it on the Internet, I would only tell specific people that I trust. Plus, how does he know that the article is "bullshit" and that Jay-Z sold his soul? Does he know Jay-Z personally? Did he witness Jay's rise to fame? i doubt that highly. Plus, if you know so much "truth", why is your comment still available for EVERYONE to see? wouldn't it be suspiciously removed if anything you're saying is true and authentic?
Not to mention: who are these "people" in the industry that you claim to know, are they actors or musicians who are often accused of being devil worshippers? or are they just others who believe the same "Illuminati" stuff that you believe? (ex:...people who work for these celebrities in one way or another, or people who are involved in other aspects of the industry that don't often get accused of being occult/satanic). It isn't unheard of for people within the industry to believe crazy accusations about the industry, that doesn't necessarily make them right.

those are my questions that come to mind whenever I remember/see a comment such as that. My 16-year old mind has gotten better at examining these things over the past 11 months or so that I've known about this theory. Although with that particular comment and any similar one I too get scared that maybe I'm wrong and maybe they're right, but don't just take their word for it QuestionMark, examine what they say and the circumstances. Remember, conspiracy theorists/believers always tell you to examine everything and not be a "sheeple" or any other stupid words that they tend to use, yet they're notorious for forgetting to do that, in other words most of them are hypocrites, telling you to do something but forgetting to do it themselves, as I mentioned here:

Any thing I missed while examining that quote? (ex. any other questions that should be considered, any other indicators that comments such as that are BS?)

edit: not to mention: My Theatre Arts 12 teacher at school used to work in the entertainment industry, movies and all that, don't remember exactly what he did, I'll ask him sometime. Does he ever rant on warning us that the industry is "satanic"? no! he doesn't, why not? cuz it's BS. And if he's able to just stop working in the industry whenever he feels like it and start teaching Drama classes in school then I highly doubt the "Illuminati" is real. Since you supposedly can't just leave the industry once you're in it according to these theories. Another thing that tells me that the whole theory is most likely not true at all
#106 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]