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Forum - Earth 2.0 Venus Project movie bombs, drops & fails because Fresco is anti social

Tags: Jacque Fresco failure, Earth 2.0 failure, Venus Project scam, grifter, confidence trickster [ Add Tags ]

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anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:31

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

We always said we were on a journey; a journey of exploration, a journey of learning. Given the subject matter of Earth 2.0 – namely the new operating principles our species needs to employ if we are to have a sustainable biospherical future – creative ups and downs in the pre-production process were always going to be inevitable. But it still came as a distinct shock to us when we got into a bit of a rumble with The Venus Project (see an earlier blog article about our initial visit to The Venus Project a few months back). Well, it started out as a bit of a rumble but soon escalated to the point where we were forced to part company with working with them. In retrospect this is no bad thing and has meant that we are learning to stand on our own two feet independently of other projects. After all, we are making an independent movie and our creativity is at the behest of no organisation or movement (other than the biosphere of course).
Signs of looming trouble began in New York in mid-March. We were there to meet up again with Jacque Fresco (director of The Venus Project) along with his partner Roxanne Meadows. They were appearing at the annual Z-Day event (part of the Zeitgeist Movement). Now, up until this point we had been working very closely with Jacque. Indeed, we had lined him up to be the first main ‘actor’ in Earth 2.0. We wanted to him to delineate the core principles of The Venus Project such as the sharing of the Earth’s resources. In fact, the idea has been to focus one section of Earth 2.0 on the notion of sharing and all that this implies.
The trouble began one morning over breakfast. As we sat and talked in a 71st Street restaurant, a background ‘issue’ came to the fore once more. Basically, Jacque and Roxanne do not like metaphysics. Anything spiritual or pertaining to the expansion of consciousness is anathema to The Venus Project. They even refer to popular spiritual ideas as “verbal masturbation”. We knew this harsh stance of theirs only too well from previous meetings but had not let it interfere with our collaboration. Yet it was becoming ever more clear, at least to us, that The Venus Project will not be able to deliver its healing promise all by itself but needs to be driven by raised consciousness and changed values, both of which are psychological in nature and also unavoidably connected to emotion and spirit.

Continue reading the article and comments here:

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:36

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I honestly don't understand Fresco's hatred for woo when so much of his shtick is reliant on things he cannot prove.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:39

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Its the same old story, set yourself up on the opposite camp, throw missiles at the other side, and call yourself right. Then go about to the rest of the world acting more self righteous and spread your infallable truths.

This guy is just a complete fucktard and he honestly deserves to fail and have his assets stripped from him before he causes some serious problems.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:42

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

From your blog:

"Welcome to the club. Literally hundreds of people gave their blood, sweat and tears, since the 1960’s, to help make Fresco’s dream possible. Once these followers are parted with their money, their services are no longer required, and they are dumped, and he leaves town. Marxism (by any other name)cannot tolerate spiritual beliefs, because you need to break a few eggs to make an Omelette. Just ask Pol Pot or Fidel Castro. Ask Fresco where the money came from to purchase the Venus Property in the first place. And what happened to the investors who never got their money back. Fresco’s favorite line is “The Venus project IS NOT a DEMOCRACY”. It’s his way or the highway. Imagine if he was in a position of power where he could “really” do some damage! It’s great being an avowed Atheist, morality is “relative” regardless of who is hurt in the process. The rules of morality are made up as you go along. That being said, his reading list is still well worth looking at, artistic drawings have their limitations without foundational information."

Now that's interesting to me. Because I am having a very hard time finding any information about Fresco that doesn't read like a public relations press release.

Does no one in the movement ever wonder what the hell this guy has been doing with his life before this Venus Project crap?

What the hell has he been doing for 94 years?

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:44

Level: 12
CS Original

He's 94? Holy crap.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:47

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Yes I have inquired about that Matt.

i am waiting for this guy to return with a scoop.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:49

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Perhaps Fresco was planning on cashing in on TVP and bailing to Ecuador to spend his last days dodging lawsuits and debt collectors. I wonder if being unable to sell the land in FL screwed up the plans.

Also, does Meadows actually sleep with this creepy old goblin? That's disgusting.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
michiPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:52

Level: 0
CS Original

Fresco spoke at the 2012 Tipping Point Conference with a bunch of New Age crackpots, though. Sounds like they just don't want to share! Like the blog said, they have had their heads up their asses for 30 years and think they're the kit and kaboodle. The filmmaker probably realized what a snore and a repetition his movie would be if it just had Jacque yapping.

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:55

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Frescos wife/ex wife/hippy lover ? Bambi and she also goes under other names left him and it seems to me around the time when Roxanne joined him at the age of 20-21, he was aged 50-60 ish at that time.

They both set up their businesses together and for me theres a wiff of adultery and divorce proceedings here [of course this is all speculative] but I am just basing this on HUMAN BEHAVI0UR and products of environment.

Remember they have both been living together on the same site alone for 35 years ?

I think we can probably say theres been some intimate moments shared in that time together.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:57

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


Do you have any sort of timeline concerning Fresco's life?

I'd love to know what the hell he's been doing all these years.

Is his renewed popularity nothing more than Merola picking up the phone and calling him? I'd never heard of him before TVP became involved with ZM.

#10 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
michiPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 10:58

Level: 0
CS Original

Aside from money, they are interested in creating a legacy. They want to promote Jacque as one of the "greatest thinkers of our time" or a genius. Some dipshit interviewer already likened him to Leonardo da Vinci!

#11 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 11:00

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"They want to promote Jacque as one of the "greatest thinkers of our time" or a genius."

But he's a nobody outside of woo circles. I can't find anything remarkable that he has done.

#12 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 11:02

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Fresco was contacted by a film maker to do a doumentary in 2000 ish, this documentary was given to Merola. Merola then contacted him for his scond movie as an addage to it, he himself claims to have never heard of Fresco up until he did addendum.

Frescos life [business life] can be plotted from my blog where I discuss his donations, here you can map his timeline on what he has failed on.

His personal life is a bit of an enigma at present.

PMing u Matt.

#13 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 11:08

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Fresco was contacted by a film maker to do a doumentary in 2000 ish, this documentary was given to Merola."

Future by Design? I keep meaning to watch it, but I find Fresco's speaking style to be abrasive and confusing. The idea of watching that old fart flap his gums and play with toys for two hours is less than appealing.

#14 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 11:34

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

yeah thats the one. Peter loved it to bits and just had to have him in his new movie. :S

Seems like he may have made a huge mistake, perhaps even bigger than making conspiracy movies if the poster on my blog is correct.

#15 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 11:40

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"Seems like he may have made a huge mistake, perhaps even bigger than making conspiracy movies if the poster on my blog is correct."

Glad I'm not part of a movement that is lead by an illogical and tyrannical art school drop out.

#16 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
advancedatheistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 12:32

Level: 3
CS Original

@ Michi:

Aside from money, they are interested in creating a legacy. They want to promote Jacque as one of the "greatest thinkers of our time" or a genius.

I know Ray Kurzweil groupies who would dispute that in favor of their guy.

At least Kurzweil, before his mid life crisis, gave the world some useful inventions, like his music synthesizer and his reading machines for the blind.

#17 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 12:39

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Yeah I have to say Kurzweil synths are very nice.

#18 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
advancedatheistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 13:00

Level: 3
CS Original

@ Matt:

Does no one in the movement ever wonder what the hell this guy has been doing with his life before this Venus Project crap?

What the hell has he been doing for 94 years?

You can find some hints in his 1969 book Looking Forward. Fresco writes that he spent some time on a South Pacific island - but how did he get there? Did he go AWOL from military duty in the Pacific Theater during the Second World War and hide out on the island until Japan surrendered and he could sneak back into the U.S?

#19 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 13:15

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

this article is utterly false. having seen the whole thing first hand, Earth2 team lacks sufficient understanding of the scope of The Venus Project. The writer, Simon, lacks an even kindergarten understanding. In attempting to stick his own misinformed interpretations into the project he would have done tremendous damage to the direction that The Venus Project is promoting. Jacque rightly exited the situation.

The above was posted by the user: questioningearth2

Fake name made for the blog, but clearly someone connected to the movement somehow. I am not allowing it on my blog for the reason he opens his statement with 'this article is utterly false'.
I could not honestly care for his emotional attachment to the movie or the movement. And the fact he cant see how fucking intolerant it is what Jacque is saying is really sad.
If he wants to support a seperatist and anti religious hate movement then go for it, but I am not letting him justify his inane BS on my blog.

#20 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Plautus SatirePosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 13:17

Level: 0
CS Original

looks like VTV's pedantic sophistry to me

#21 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 13:19

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Yeah does a bit but the emails all different, so leads me to think its just the party line being towed. You know yourself from experience how similar they all sound.

#22 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 14:12

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

The most damning part of the article was where the author exposed Fresco and Meadows as huge frauds due to the lack of gardens and solar panels.

25 acres of land not doing a damn thing at all, and powered by conventional energy no less.

#23 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 17:01

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Yeah I found that interesting as well that they tore into the fact they profess self sustainability and all that good stuff, but in fact have concrete houses and run off the same power grid everyone else does.

There seems to be no concerted effort in all these years to become self sufficient whatsoever.

The only thing they seem to have achieved is to seclude themselves away from society on their own patch of land.

Kind of like what they want to do with their big city.

#24 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 08, 2010 - 17:40

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I would like to know where the money to build the compound in FL came from.

If people gave Fresco money to develop his ideas there, he's obviously squandered it because he has accomplished absolutely nothing.

Evidently not even something as mundane as a vegetable garden.

The guy has models for futuristic this and pictures of futuristic that, but he has not mastered something humanity has been doing for generations: growing vegetables.

He's a con man. I would not be sad if Fresco spent his remaining few years behind bars.

"You can find some hints in his 1969 book Looking Forward. Fresco writes that he spent some time on a South Pacific island - but how did he get there? Did he go AWOL from military duty in the Pacific Theater during the Second World War and hide out on the island until Japan surrendered and he could sneak back into the U.S?"

A very interesting idea. And very plausible as well.

#25 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 08:45

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

In reference to your question, I don’t want to elaborate to the point that it sounds like I want to bash Fresco. Because, in fact, there are many worse people in this world. And, he lives a life of frugalness, having survived the depression. So, those of us who invested in his projects do not have the interest in ever taking him to court, because he has been and always will be a “grandfather” figure to us. That being said, “fool me twice, shame on ME”. He doesn’t solicit money from people to buy fancy cars (as do some religious leaders), almost ALL the money he receives goes back into his art work, and toy models. So, under the circumstances, I gave him a “pass” for his actions, a long time ago, and in fact learned a lot from his various lectures. I learned to think straight, and corrected many of my metaphysical “assumptions” about the universe. But, like many eccentric “creative types”, he has a sort of tunnel vision when it comes to remembering who his friends and supporters are. You’re IN today, OUT tomorrow!

In the 1970s he was having regular membership meetings at his home in Miami. With a weekly group of maybe 10 to 12 followers. Up until then, everything was only on paper, with “nothing” to show the rest of the “non-believing” world. So, the group (called Sociocyberneering at the time) signed an agreement to purchase some land (near Miami where they all lived) and they agreed to make regular monthly payments until the land was paid off. It would take several years to complete the payoff. The group had the vision to “live the dream” in their own little dome community. The community was to be self-sustaining with agriculture and other manufacturing products Fresco had designs for. They even donated funds for some small dome molds, which could be used for acquiring government grants. The group made regular payments, many of them making only minimum wage (most of members were low income, well meaning do-gooders). Whatever it took to make the monthly payments was done, even if it meant skipping a few meals a week. The goal was to show the world “what is possible with futuristic science on your side”.

One day, without discussion, the land that was purchased was sold. A new “legal entity” was created in the middle of nowhere (Venus), so that the investors would not be able to live there and commute to work at the same time. The new entity was called the “Venus Project”. The proceeds from the sold land was “funneled” into this new entity. The original investors in Sociocyberneering would have no “standing” or voting rights in the new entity. There was no other reason to change legal entities except to protect the funds from those who had built up the fund. If the goal was just to locate a nicer neighborhood, the Sociocyberneering entity could have continued to have control and voting rights of the new land. But, not so if you “dissolve” (under the attorney’s advice) the first entity, and create a second entity. Those members who were upset about this surprise move were assured that they were still welcome to “visit” the new entity and new land “anytime” they wanted to. But, they would have NO voting privileges as to how the money would be spent with the new entity. In the beginning, the 2 hour drive from Miami was tolerated, just to “visit” the new property. But, in the end, most of the investors cut their losses, and stopped contributing further, and said goodbye to any money they had deposited. The bottom line is that we are talking about events that happened over 30 years ago. Some of the members of the time are no longer alive. Most have all lost contact with each other. But, it is safe to say, in spite of all the financial disappointment that happened, most if not all the former members would like to see Fresco succeed. BUT, they prefer to admire him from “afar”, in the same way you can watch and enjoy a “Kung Fu” demonstration on stage, without having to jump on stage in the middle of all the “Kung-Pow” and get kicked by a “well meaning” performer. I would recommend anyone who has not heard any of his lectures to do so. He is one of the best of what he does, namely, explaining “systems approach” methodology to those students who never heard of the phrase. And also he helps people understand “TEC” (total enclosure) systems, as found on cruise ships, and applied to small futuristic communities. I’m sorry I have no other specific details about what happened 30 years ago. I am a strong believer that people should “experience him” directly, on their own terms, and determine yourself what he is or “is not” in terms of his personal behavior. I was particularly moved by your “experience” at the beginning of this blog, and how your well meaning words just “bounced off” him. But, to be honest, if I were to meet Einstein in person, I can’t guarantee that he would be any easier to deal with on a “human” level. “Uncommon people” many times cannot relate to us “common people”, and maybe it has always been that way…..

As far as Venus Project is concerned, there is no voting membership that I know of. Just Jacque. That was the main advantage of dissolving Sociocyberneering, no more “votes” to contend with.

In reference to your other point about forgiveness, I must confess that I WAS distressed while it was all happening, and it DID take several years to cool down. The same is true for the other members. It is “not” his goal to bite the hand that feeds him, it just happens with him “naturally” out of habit. He is focused on the goal, and not the intricacies of “give and take” which is all a part of working with a team. He works best when he is alone, period. He just wants someone to hand him a billion dollars and “shut up”, and not ask any questions. Consequently, none of the multiple millionaires who were introduced to him in the past, by some of his supporters, were interested or enticed to “buy in” to an “offer/relationship” like that. It’s almost funny that he seems “surprised” that no one in a position of responsibility wants to just “dump” a bag of money on his lap, with no questions asked. We try to explain to him that this only happens in the movies, but he is never amused by this observation.

#26 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
advancedatheistPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 09:41

Level: 3
CS Original

@ anticultist:

Fresco sounds like a grifter. He might want to hook up with Charles Pellegrino:

#27 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 09:53

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

7 companies he has been involved with, all different directors, but Jacque and Roxanne have always been on the boards. In most instances these businesses that no longer exist have been managed and located from venus projects land. This seems to me like some very suspect behaviour, particularly when you consider the post this person has made to the blog.

And of course Fresco and Merola have allowed people to call them Dr and not attempted to correct them, not too dissimilar to Pellegrino.

#28 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 09:58

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"7 companies he has been involved with, all different directors, but Jacque and Roxanne have always been on the boards. In most instances these businesses that no longer exist have been managed and located from venus projects land."

I tend to agree with atheist's label of "grifter."

This is pretty much the very definition of the word.

#29 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
jimboPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 10:20

Level: 0
CS Original

@Matt - I found Future by Design on Google Video if you're still interested:

In this video he goes into some of the stuff that he's done in the past and the functionality behind his inventions. He apparently worked in the airline industry (the company that is currently known as Northrup Grumman).

One thing that I wonder is that in the beginning (and throughout) Future by design they discuss his numerous patents. It shouldn't be too hard to search patent databases for anything submitted by Fresco.

#30 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]