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Kaiser FalknerPosted: Apr 09, 2010 - 14:43


Level: 6
CS Original

I'd also like to refer to my running analogy once more. Ethiopians, Eritreans, and Kenyans dominate Nigerian, Sudanese, etc... in the distance fields, yet they are all ascribed one race. It is clear that the social constructs have little to do with the real developed differences within a group and more to do with the outward, relational differences. I think we should keep this in mind.

#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Dr_Benedict_ZaroffPosted: Apr 10, 2010 - 01:26

Level: 1
CS Original

Here is a gem by Vladimir Avdejew, citing Linne (translation follows below):

"Carl Linné benutzte im Jahre 1735 als erster die Begriffe homo europaeus (europäischer Mensch) und homo albus (weißer Mensch) und schuf im Jahre 1746 die erste Rassenklassifikation, die sich auf psychosomatische und physiologische Merkmale gründete. Sie sah so aus:
I. Americanus rufus - Der Amerikaner. Von roter Hautfarbe, cholerisch, von gerader Haltung, hartnäckig, selbstzufrieden; ordnet sich der Tradition unter.
II. Europaeus albus - Der Europäer. Blondhaarig, sanguinisch, muskulös, rege, scharfsinnig, erfinderisch; ordnet sich dem Gesetz unter.
III. Asiaticus luridus - Der Asiat mit gelbem Gesicht. Melancholiker, geschmeidig, grausam, gei-zig, liebt den Luxus, trägt breite Kleidung; ordnet sich der öffentlichen Meinung unter.
IV. Afer niger - Der Afrikaner. Von schwarzer Hautfarbe, phlegmatisch, schlaffer Körperbau, listig, gleichgültig, eingesalbt mit Fett; ordnet sich der Willkür unter."

Carl Linne was the first person to make use of the terms homo europaeus (European man) in 1735 and homo albus (white man). In 1746, he created the first racial taxonomy based on psychosomatic and physiological criteria. It is as follows:

I. Americanus rufus -- the American. Red-skinned, choleric, erect in posture, stubborn, conceited; submits to tradition.
II. Europaeus albus -- the European. Blonde, sanguine, muscular, alert, intelligent, innovative; submits to the rule of law.
III. Asiaticus lurius -- the yellow-faced Asian. Melancholic, supple, cruel, stingy, loves luxury, wears wide clothing; submits to public opinion.
IV. Afer niger -- the African. Black-skinned, phlegmatic, limp in stature, cunning, indifferent, annointed with fat. Submits to arbitrariness.


This kind of idiocy marks the beginning of "race research" -- and truth to tell, it hasn't shown been much growth in academic, intellectual, or personal integrity.

#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Apr 10, 2010 - 01:49

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Sehr gut Herr Doktor

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Dr_Benedict_ZaroffPosted: Apr 10, 2010 - 04:54

Level: 1
CS Original

This whole race crap makes my blood boil.

#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
cranberrysaucePosted: Apr 11, 2010 - 13:43

Level: 1
CS Original

I'll agree with you on that last point, Falkner, but I think we still disagree on the similarity of the environments in which they evolved. I'll elaborate my argument for that later, but first, I'd like to hear what Dr. Benedict Zaroff has to say about what he posted and how he finds it idiotic since I personally find it to still be like 60% accurate today.

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
cranberrysaucePosted: Apr 11, 2010 - 13:47

Level: 1
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Also, funny picture I found the other day:

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Kaiser FalknerPosted: Apr 11, 2010 - 18:35


Level: 6
CS Original

@Dr. Benedict: The remarkable thing about what you posted is just how intimately bound those classifications are to the philosophical schools of Europe. The "submission to law" may as well be a direct quotation from Kant's moral philosophy. I'm curious to see how these assertions were quantified at all.

There's also the context that these "scientific" approaches were used to further the socio-political endeavor of colonization. This kind of research was encouraged because it continued to justify this process.

#37 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
cranberrysaucePosted: Apr 11, 2010 - 19:02

Level: 1
CS Original

That doesn't mean that they were WRONG, though.

#38 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Kaiser FalknerPosted: Apr 11, 2010 - 19:54


Level: 6
CS Original

Are you contesting that their highly subjective findings are in some way correct? These "data" points are completely unverifiable and absolutely polluted with social bias. How can any of these slanted claims be verified? We are, even today, unable to reduce personality traits to a genetic marker in any individual, much less these more than dubious, overarching claims. This is the exact problem with the history of "race science." It used primitive methods to jump beyond observation to conclusion- and only within an accepted social agenda.

There is also the dubious claims about these specific groups. Consider that "caucasian" or white is constituted by so many radically different groups that it is pitifully futile to try and find some common ground among them, much less to lay the subjective claims that "the European [is] Blonde, sanguine, muscular, alert, intelligent, innovative; submits to the rule of law." Furthermore, this carries the argument that submission to law is a good thing. The argument could run that submission to the rule of law is a sign of weakness if it refers to legislation, and a non-argument if it refers to the "laws" of human nature.

I should clarify that I am highly doubtful of such human "sciences." There is of course science which is verifiable by experiment, and none of these human sciences are. Experiments designed to try and prove these points can't isolate variables in any real way. And the points brought up by the good Doctor are further meshed with a philosophical arrogance- and frankly there is no "hard science" that can anchor itself to issues of philosophy. So yes, I think its hands down wrong.

#39 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Dr_Benedict_ZaroffPosted: Apr 12, 2010 - 17:43

Level: 1
CS Original

Dr. Benedict Zaroff feels that this thread belongs in the forum's trash can section.

Linne's "evidence" was entirely anectdotal, but he is still noted as one of the founders of race "science." Those assertions were never quantified. In fact, actual scientific studies by the UN thoroughly some 60 years ago. It's a pseudoscience, like phrenology and radionics.

Today, Linne's work is especially popular among European neo nazis -- that is among those who "larned their letters." That crowd, too, clamors for "rational inquiries" into socio-physiological differences among the various races and for a "rational discussion" of the historic veracity if the Holocaust.

#40 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Dr_Benedict_ZaroffPosted: Apr 12, 2010 - 17:48

Level: 1
CS Original

I posted the Linne quote to demonstrate how completely asinine this pseudoscientific field is. For one, the field has already been invalidated by the existence of suburban Wiggaz.

#41 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Dr_Benedict_ZaroffPosted: Apr 12, 2010 - 17:50

Level: 1
CS Original

@cranberrysauce Go fuck yourself.
@Matt Will you be my sensei?

#42 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Dr_Benedict_ZaroffPosted: Apr 12, 2010 - 17:59

Level: 1
CS Original

@Falkner ... and from a Thelemic point of view, there is no law beyond Do what thou wilt.

#43 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Kaiser FalknerPosted: Apr 12, 2010 - 19:04


Level: 6
CS Original

Just to be clear, my issue is with the human "sciences" which are perpetually problematic. That is not to say that other fields have entirely the same problem. I'd prefer that my views aren't reduced to thinking all science is completely unverifiable. I wasn't making a comment at your views, but rather the excerpt you had cited. Personally, I think all science needs to be considered within a social context for both its origins and its implications. That is not the same as being skeptical of science. Just wanted to clear that up.

@Cranberrysauce- in answer to your original post, yes you are beginning to exhibit some racist tendencies.

#44 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
cranberrysaucePosted: Apr 12, 2010 - 23:37

Level: 1
CS Original

You have every right to be skeptical, Falkner. I used to be one of the most firm deniers of biological differences between races and a staunch opponent of sociobiology, but the more I've looked into the matter, the more it seems that genetics do play a very significant role in how people develop.

I've always changed my opinions when compelling evidence has convinced me to do so. I would much appreciate studies conducted by scientists that have shown the contrary to what I have argued in this thread.

This is the most recent article I've read on the matter.

#45 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
cranberrysaucePosted: Apr 13, 2010 - 00:34

Level: 1
CS Original

And for the record, I thoroughly detest Neo-Nazis who contest that their race is superior to all and believe they should all be interned on a tropical island in the Pacific without any shade or sunblock.

#46 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]