Tags: Serious Discussion, my sandals smell like feet, Eric is a dingleberry, Danny is a naive child, Sil is a sour grape, Danny, Nominate [ Add Tags ]
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Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 20, 2010 - 22:07 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Yes Danny, and this is a serious question: When do you plan on helping anyone, other than yourself? Will you finally donate your time, money, effort, etc. to improve the lives of others when it's as sensational and sexy as conspiracy theories and secret knowledge? Does the rest of the world have to wait for volunteer work and donations to be as easy as DVDs for you to help out? | |||||
#61 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 20, 2010 - 22:09 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | From another thread, he says: "And Edward, I do help donate clothing and cans goods every month, so I am helping people. " So I guess he is doing something other than passing out DVD's, which is already better than 95% of the CT community. | |||||
#62 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 20, 2010 - 22:14 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | I'm honestly shocked, but what does it tell you when the assumption is that "conspiracy theorist = selfish asshole." I'd venture to say that if he really is helping others, he's about 1 in 3 million as far as Alex Jones listeners go. But my other points still stand, how is handing out DVDs beneficial to anyone, ever? Why not spend that time helping others instead of spreading bullshit? Think about it this way, if you believe it without question, then maybe you should keep it to yourself. He's made it clear that's how he feels about conspiracy theories. | |||||
#63 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Diane | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 00:06 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Obviously Danny thinks he's doing good, in the long run, by handing out DVD's. Obviously he thinks he's helping to build a movement that will eventually be able to counteract the evil elite. Personally, I think the assumption that "conspiracy theorist = selfish asshole" is completely unwarranted. I think Danny wants to make the world a better place, and I think that desire is praiseworthy. He just needs to find a more realistic way to accomplish that goal. He needs to learn that spreading falsehoods can be harmful, and, therefore, that he should make at least some effort to ensure that he's not doing that. As far as I can tell, the desire to help others is actually not that rare amongst the Alex Jones crowd. Here in New York, We Are Change holds an annual benefit to raise money for 9/11 first responders. The problem is that WAC also supports anti-tax nuttiness, which, if successful, would mean a drastic cut-off of government money to help those same first responders. The little bit of money WAC raises every year would not be anywhere near enough to compensate for that. My biggest problem with Alex Jones, as I've said elsewhere, is that he promotes bigotry against non-Christian religions. Too often, when he talks about the evil elite, his focus is NOT on actual bad things that various elite people have actually been known to be doing in the real world, but rather on things like the evil non-Christian occult religious rituals they supposedly practice. | |||||
#64 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
cranberrysauce | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 00:19 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Orcs, Humans, Undead, or Night Elves? (right answer: Undead) | |||||
#65 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 00:40 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | Undead has the best hero class (Crypt lord, he's just so adorable), plus they summon in buildings just like protoss, so yes... Undead. | |||||
#66 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Eric | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 00:43 |
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![]() Oooh baby, baby, baby, baby, ... EEE baby, baby, baby. Level: 1 CS Original |
Well he is wrong. It has been pointed out more times than I care to count that the conspiracy movement has been doing the same thing for decades, and they have yet to accomplish a single goal.
Perhaps on a personal basis, surely that is an inaccurate assumption, but as far as the broader conspiracy movement goes it is not. Many of the conspiracy theorists (online ones, at least) seem to be young, white, middle class, western males who really have no critical thinking skills and lash out at those who disagree with them. They believe that their, undeniable, infallible beliefs are more important than helping others. I do not see Alex Jones and his movement running soup kitchens and even The Zeitgeist Movement, which promises to have an egalitarian world, does not promote engaging in anything other than self-perpetuation. Alex Jones and Peter Joseph alike tell their members they are fighting for a future where people are better off, but have yet to demonstrate their abilities to put that world in action. Peter Joseph can use the excuse that The Zeitgeist Movement has only been around for a short time, but Alex Jones has been working at this for at least 15 years, and prior to that we have examples of many others doing the exact same thing.
So did Pol Pot. While it good he wants to make the world a better place, he seems to not understand that spreading lies (and promoting a person who wants to execute everyone who disagrees with him) is not a good way to do it.
That is indeed true, but if he spreads falsehoods which he believes to be true, and believes it without question, which he seems to, he likely will not stop spreading the falsehoods in the first place.
Their motives are not pure of heart though. They use the first responders as a way to validate their conspiracy beliefs, and tug at the heartstrings of potential followers. I saw the film where Alex Jones, Jr brings up very important issues about the lack of health care and help for first responders, but instead of providing real solutions, goes on and on about how 9/11 was an inside job. Of course, when the topic of universal healthcare comes up, which would help these first responders for sure, it's fought against because it will be used for depopulation. How selfish and ridiculous, they are assholes.
And homosexuals, and he thinks the United States is the only free country (also some how the world's biggest dictatorship) on the planet, he is a follower of Texe Marrs, he misquotes articles, takes books out of context, makes things up on the spot... we could go on and on. I realize that I was not partaking in this discussion, so I hope there are no hard feelings if anyone believes I meant to hijack this thread.
I personally do not believe this to be true, or at least I believe him to be embellishing. Not only is it very uncommon for conspiracy theorists to help others, young people also rarely do, and now we are looking at a combination of the two. I imagine, if it is true, it is likely he is doing work with his church or something like that, rather than doing it on his own free time, out of the goodness of his heart. I base this on his other posts I have read, but I am definitely willing to concede that I am wrong, this is just my opinion on the quote above. For the record, being wrong about this does not make the rest of my post incorrect, which is the conspiracy theorist philosophy when reading something from a skeptic. | |||||
#67 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Diane | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 01:25 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Erik wrote:
I agree. And I agree that terrible awful things can be done with the best of intentions. Nevertheless, I think it's a good idea to acknowledge good intentions when they seem to be there, as a first step to explaining how those intentions have gone wrong. Where I'm coming from on this: If you refuse to acknowledge the good in people, you thereby make it a lot harder to persuade them of anything. Also, I really don't like the demonization of any group of people, on general principles.
I agree that there are an awful lot of assholes online -- not confined to any one particular online subculture. There are also an awful lot of people who seem to have no critical thinking skills. Regarding WAC's benefit for the first responders:
Very few people, anywhere, are truly "pure of heart." Anyhow, your statement implies that the "potential followers" do indeed have "heartstrings" that can be "tugged."
This is indeed totally ridiculous.
I agree. There are a lot of things about Alex Jones that bother me deeply too. I hate his ideology, on many levels. The question is, how can we effectively dissuade people from it? | |||||
#68 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 14:43 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | Danny, kudos to you for donating clothing and food. I wish more people would do that. Honestly, I don't think Danny is a very good conspiracy theorist, nor do I think he'll stick with it for very long. Conspiracy stuff appeals to a lot of young people because of the "secret club" aspect (that you're now privy to secret knowledge that everyone else ignores or denies) as well as the obvious rebellion against authority aspect. Once he works the woo out of his system, I wouldn't be surprised if Danny eventually joined us as a debunker, assuming this board is still around in a few years. | |||||
#69 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 15:10 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | I think it would actually be very hard for Danny to break out of the woo, so to speak. This is because, he has A LOT of CT influence in his personal life... mostly coming from his brother if my memory serves. Also, it's easy to see from a lot of his posts that he just despises his peer group, he sees people listening to music he doesn't enjoy or watching sports games and he equates it to a brainwashing conspiracy. So it's a lot of teenage angst, a feeling that he doesn't belong that is then justified by believing that everyone else is wrong. | |||||
#70 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Diane | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 15:36 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Sil wrote:
Maybe hard, but not impossible. Back in 2003 or 2004, I had some online interaction with a teenager from a neo-Nazi family, who broke away from that influence during the time I knew him. Eventually he told me he was afraid his parents might disown him because he had made some Jewish friends. More recently I ran into someone who, in an online forum, did a lot of debunking of banking conspiracy claims. This person turned out to have come from a strongly Judeophobic background and was, apparently, still in process of breaking away from it. He was still a believer in Holocaust revisionism, but apparently he had come to see through the banking conspiracy claims. | |||||
#71 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Danny | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 16:14 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | "I think it would actually be very hard for Danny to break out of the woo, so to speak. This is because, he has A LOT of CT influence in his personal life... mostly coming from his brother if my memory serves." The "woo" as you call it is what I strive for justice and our country being restored to where it once was where their wasn't a goddamn PATRIOT ACT or any other form of secret operations going on used against the American people. Yes my brother highly influenced me. Because, my wonderful, loving, parents wouldn't have. When I come to them and show them the evidence, the documents, the audio files and what not, they simply ignore it! They either go off to watch some silly "reality" TV show or add friends on their damn facebook accounts. My mom and dad both say "You're too young to be worried about that stuff; you should enjoy yourself now as a kid”. Mom and dad, HOW?!!? They're putting all these artificial preservatives in food, autism is on the rise, this planet is heating up, pollution is getting WORSE, and the youth in this country are being over-sexualized and desensitized to violence on a daily basis. Do any of you really think I should be "enjoying" myself with the bullshit the oppressive regimes have bought on this country? I'm glad my brother showed me those videos, because damn it I'm the most patriot out of anyone in my whole damn city, THAT'S WHY I DO WHAT I DO!! I LOVE MY GODDAMN COUNTRY. @Erick Now continue on, with ACTUAL QUESTIONS! NOT CRITICAL ANALYSIS OF MY PERSONAL LIFE. THANK YOU. | |||||
#72 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Eric | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 16:44 |
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![]() Oooh baby, baby, baby, baby, ... EEE baby, baby, baby. Level: 1 CS Original |
And when was this? Are you now going to glorify the 1950s and prior, when women and minorities were heavily marginalized?
This is the same brother you say watches 1984 every day or every week, I cannot remember. It is fairly obvious he does not understand what the film or the book are trying to say, and if he believes what is in the film/book is going to happen to everyone, then he's missed the story all together. Perhaps you should learn about real totalitarian governments and the things they're capable of; granted, none are capable of the type of magic attributed to the NWO. Get over it, your brother is a wacko. He isn't any more privy to secret knowledge than my tennis shoes.
That's going to be true with pretty much everyone, even if your "evidence" isn't total garbage. Most people simply don't, and never will, give a damn about anything. Once you learn this you can grow up a bit, but until then you're utterly hopeless. You do not realize that you are not privy to anything, you do not know anything others have not heard of, perhaps only sheltered people or young people like yourself. I heard all of this same stuff before you were born.
Sad, but true with most people again.
I actually agree with you on this one, I think it's stupid when parents say things like that. Actually, my parents said the same thing when I was interested in politics and social change when I was your age.
Do you have proof these are dangerous? I am not saying I disagree, however.
Are you sure autism is on the rise and there is not just a rise in diagnosis? Consider that autism is a very broad spectrum, from people as mentally sound as yourself to people who cannot function in society at all, many who talk about autism on the rise fail to realize the broadness and assume it is all the latter. I remember when ADHD was hugely on the rise as well.
So you do not believe global warming is a fraud?
True indeed.
If you honestly believe the US is an oppressive regime, you are more hopeless and naive than I could have ever imagined. Please demonstrate any rights you have lost since your were born.
Videos of what, what the hell are you talking about?
Oh poor baby, you wouldn't want any of the "sheeple" you've judged countless times on this forum and others to judge you in return; you don't like it do you? Do you realize how hypocritical and retarded you just made yourself look in those four sentences? That little quote right there shows how out of touch with reality and common sense you really are. You need to get off of your high horse and grow up.
When you act like a lunatic, self-centered douche-bag, don't be surprised when people start to be critical of you. By the way, fuck you too, learn to spell my name when it's right in front of you. I am glad to see you did not disagree with my assessments, so like Alex Jones, I will assume that I am right and you just do not want to admit or deny it. | |||||
#73 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 16:59 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "The "woo" as you call it is what I strive for justice and our country being restored to where it once was where their wasn't a goddamn PATRIOT ACT or any other form of secret operations going on used against the American people." So what justice would you like to strive for? What state would you like our country to be restored to? | |||||
#74 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 18:01 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | @ Eric: Just to speak in his defense, Danny made it clear in another topic that he is NOT a global warming denier. I actually find that refreshing, considering Alex Jones and most of the CT crowd regard anthropogenic global warming as another Illuminati hoax (Al Gore, of course, is an Illuminati don). @ Danny: Do you know how your brother got into conspiracy theories? | |||||
#75 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Thelonius | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 19:02 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | >>>Orcs, Humans, Undead, or Night Elves? (right answer: Undead) So my blood elf azz is SOL then? | |||||
#76 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 19:12 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | In the context of that question, Blood Elves would fall under "Humans". | |||||
#77 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Diane | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 19:30 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Danny wrote:
There's nothing wrong with striving for justice. That's not what anyone here is objecting to.
How long ago?
Lots of respectable organizations have opposed the PATRIOT act, or at least regard it as having gone too far. You're far from alone on that issue. I don't think anyone here would have a problem with you opposing the PATRIOT act.
I think most of us here would agree with you on that too. (See Edward's page about COINTELPRO.) But we should be careful to avoid inciting panic over secret operations that aren't real. Are you familiar with the Aesop's fable of The Boy Who Cried Wolf? | |||||
#78 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 19:35 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | I also brought up a very important issue on the COINTELPRO page:
This concept seems to be lost on most CTs when talking about the PATRIOT Act, they also often fail to demonstrate rights they've lost or witnessed lost due to the PATRIOT Act. I oppose the PATRIOT Act because of the unlawful wire tapping among other reasons, but there's nothing in there remotely close to the claims made by the likes of Alex Jones. The idea that it's equal to the Reichstag Fire Decree is like saying a kitten is the same as a rabid wolf. I also fail to see how the PATRIOT Act has been used to subdue citizens, and if it is a pre-text to Martial Law, why didn't they declare Martial Law after 9/11 and just say the terrorists are under every bed in America? It was the perfect time, and it didn't happen. ^ That last part is a question for you, Danny. | |||||
#79 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 19:43 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | I oppose the PATRIOT Act. Doesn't mean I believe in NWO or conspiracy theories. Next? | |||||
#80 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 21, 2010 - 19:45 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | The PATRIOT Act also doesn't prove they exist, in fact I haven't seen any proof that they exist other than people claiming they do and using anecdotal or circumstantial evidence to prove other things, which they then use to prove the NWO, rather than the NWO directly. | |||||
#81 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Danny | Posted: Apr 22, 2010 - 14:44 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | @ Sil "So what justice would you like to strive for? What state would you like our country to be restored to? " The justice that I strive for is freedom of the people.Freedom in which we have the right to question athourity figures when we find what they done is either questionable Or there's proof behind a claim (but this should be done in a respectful manner)and therefore they should be prosecuted. I strive for a country where the coporations and political figures face the exact same type of treatment in our court system, that would be done for average people such as you guys and myself. I just want my country back. @ Muertos "Do you know how your brother got into conspiracy theories?" My brother got into the movement around 16 thanks to a few of his friends. He got deep into it through. Once he started working, he got the books, DVD's etc. And started passing the information around. I thank him for opening my eyes. But to be honest I'm getting worried about him; like one day he asked me "What if the 9/11 conspiracies, where created by the government themselves?", to manipulate the minds or something along those lines, I'm not reall sure, never gave him an answer, his veiws on 9/11 may have "changed", but he's still a firm believer in New World Order, Digitalized terror etc. I think. I say I'm worried about him, because now he seems to be getting into the whole "What is real" "why are we here" "What if the sky was etc." , New Age/Spirualist crap. I'm not liking it at all. @Edward "I also fail to see how the PATRIOT Act has been used to subdue citizens, and if it is a pre-text to Martial Law, why didn't they declare Martial Law after 9/11 and just say the terrorists are under every bed in America?" I honestly don't know, cowards perhaps, proud of what they had done. I think you got me on this one Edward. =) | |||||
#82 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 22, 2010 - 15:25 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "The justice that I strive for is freedom of the people.Freedom in which we have the right to question athourity figures when we find what they done is either questionable Or there's proof behind a claim (but this should be done in a respectful manner)and therefore they should be prosecuted. I strive for a country where the coporations and political figures face the exact same type of treatment in our court system, that would be done for average people such as you guys and myself. I just want my country back." We DO have the right to question authority. Aren't you doing it right now? The US isn't the oppressive regime that you think it is, you should look at how we treat other countries before you criticize the way we are treated here. The fact that sites like prison planet as well as LEGIT sites out there criticizing the government is proof that we ARE allowed to question authority is completely lost on you it seems. Political figures and corporations will never be treated the same as those who aren't in the public eye. Would you like 24 news coverage on you, just because one of your secretaries gave you a BJ? Social standing and money is power, and it's why if say... a celebrity commits a crime, (assuming it's not murder or anything like that) they'll usually get off with a slightly (emphasis on slightly) lesser punishment than if you or I committed the same crime. So yeah, it would be nice if EVERYONE was treated exactly the same under the law but it's a far cry from oppression and fascism like you seem to think it is. Edit: "I honestly don't know, cowards perhaps, proud of what they had done. I think you got me on this one Edward." Or perhaps, declaring martial law is not anywhere on anyone's agenda? Edit x2: Danny, what worries you about the New Age/Spiritualistic stuff? | |||||
#83 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Danny | Posted: Apr 23, 2010 - 14:10 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | "Danny, what worries you about the New Age/Spiritualistic stuff? " a lot of it dabbles in the oocult, the whole worshipping of the moon and the earth and what not. Bascially the whole worshipping and celebrating of the spirit (coming from a Christian family, the only spirit you are to believe and worship is the lord jesus christ) and other forms of secular practices such as, Incense lighting and chanting, the whole using planets alignments as "predicitons" for what's going to happend. I somewhat agree with the whole there is a force within the person that is powerful(?) but not in the way that they make it out to be. All that Gnosticism/Mysticism/new age/rastafarism/Sufism islam stuff is just a false hope. It's no different then dabbling in the dark arts, but puts a whole "peace and love, bro" face on it. EDIT: I'm worried about my brother because before he got into that stuff (I think he may becoming a new age-er) he was really deticated to spreading of the truth and helping our country from slowly slipping into ground of true martial law...but ever since he got involved with that stuff, all he does now is go to work, light incense & reads books, listen to jazz, hang out with his friends or play that retarded X-Box crap. i'm not saying he shouldn't he have fun; but there's a time and place and right now, the movement needs as many TRUE soilders/patriots as possible. | |||||
#84 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 23, 2010 - 17:15 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "All that Gnosticism/Mysticism/new age/rastafarism/Sufism islam stuff is just a false hope." There's something else you're missing from that list, me thinks. :P "all he does now is go to work, light incense & reads books, listen to jazz, hang out with his friends or play that retarded X-Box crap." The horror!! Maybe he's been involved with the "movement" so long that he realizes what a load of nonsense it is. That many years of listening to failed predictions can have that effect on people. I'm glad to see that your brother is actually (seemingly) enjoying himself now, and if New Ageism can give his life some meaning other than sitting in his room watching 1984 all week then I guess it's an improvement. You have to realize that your "movement" is just one big circle-jerk, you seem like someone who wants to help... but you've just been suckered into something that won't ever really do anything to change the world. Hell, even when there's someone who shares the Patriot Movement's ideals and goes and acts out something like that... the whole movement derides them as a CIA operative or claim that the whole thing was a false-flag operation. (OKC Bombing, Plane in the IRS, etc.) It is destined for nothing. | |||||
#85 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Danny | Posted: Apr 26, 2010 - 10:09 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | this question is from @Sil: "So what are you advocating? It sounds a lot like population control. So in your future dream vision of America, where all the "tyrants" are dead and prosperity and freedom rains down on all... there will be people telling other people that they can not reproduce, there will be groups advocating natural selection and only allowing the fittest specimens to breed? Sounds pretty tyrannical to me. And how would you qualify people who were "unfit" to breed? Would it be immigrants? Liberals? Or maybe people who lacked critical thinking skills, as well as the inability to use a spellchecker? Sorry if I'm coming off harsh, but you are sounding like a MAJOR hypocrite and a little bigoted." I'm advocting that the wrong people don't have children, and by wrong people I mean drug addicts, violent offenders, rapist and other people who really don't need to be having any children, and what I mean by natural selection I mean we get rid of these people who do are society harm such as sex offenders,criminals, women beaters, child molesters, gang members and what not. These people are the worst are society has to offer. It may sound tyrannical, but if you start cappin' off pedophiles and rapist they'll get their shit together, if not they better find another country to live in. And I'm sorry if i'm coming of as harsh too, but you sound like a typical grammar nazi, just because everyone doesn't use Firefox as their internet browser. From another thread: "The horror!! Maybe he's been involved with the "movement" so long that he realizes what a load of nonsense it is. That many years of listening to failed predictions can have that effect on people. I'm glad to see that your brother is actually (seemingly) enjoying himself now, and if New Ageism can give his life some meaning other than sitting in his room watching 1984 all week then I guess it's an improvement. You have to realize that your "movement" is just one big circle-jerk, you seem like someone who wants to help... but you've just been suckered into something that won't ever really do anything to change the world. Hell, even when there's someone who shares the Patriot Movement's ideals and goes and acts out something like that... the whole movement derides them as a CIA operative or claim that the whole thing was a false-flag operation. (OKC Bombing, Plane in the IRS, etc.) It is destined for nothing." As I have stated, the whole New age crap is hogwash reiligon and slowly has it's fingers in the bowl of occultism. They idea that they use the aligning of planets to make predicitons is just retarded and you know it is. I'm fearful for my brother, so that's why I brought it up, because he's awoken to the truth and to the facts, but because of his obsession with this crap, who knows how he'll end up. I worry for him because I care. | |||||
#86 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Apr 26, 2010 - 11:59 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original |
The death penalty has been the standard punishment for rape and pedophilia in many societies throughout history, including the one I'm most familiar with, the Byzantine Empire. There were still rapists and pedophiles in Byzantium as there are in any society including ours. You can't make a direct correlation between the severity of punishment and the incidence of crimes, at least not crimes of passion such as rape and pedophilia (as opposed to crimes of profit or opportunity, which generally are deterrable to a much higher degree). | |||||
#87 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Danny | Posted: Apr 26, 2010 - 12:09 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | But keep in mind muertos: American sex offenders are becoming the biggest cowards in the world, especially sex offenders, the ones who pray on the weak. | |||||
#88 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Muertos | Posted: Apr 26, 2010 - 12:37 |
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![]() Paid Disinformation Blogger Level: 14 CS Original | "American sex offenders are becoming the biggest cowards in the world..." I'm not sure I even understand what that means or what it is supposed to mean. | |||||
#89 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
lofihigain | Posted: Apr 26, 2010 - 13:01 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | "As I have stated, the whole New age crap is hogwash reiligon and slowly has it's fingers in the bowl of occultism. They idea that they use the aligning of planets to make predicitons is just retarded and you know it is." I fully agree with you there, the New Age crap is definitely hogwash...ever seen What the Bleep Do We Know? That movie would have been hilarious if it wasn't meant to brainwash. Danny, can you think of another ideology that might be equally as absurd? You clearly practice conspiracy theoryISM. Do you yourself practice religion? Would you be able to tell me in clear words what sets that religion apart making it "true"? I ask these questions because you are able to see the absurdity of your brother's new ageism, yet you don't see the absurdity of NWO/CT ideology or even traditional western religion. You seem smart enough to at least experience some cognitive dissonance when considering these questions. Think about it... | |||||
#90 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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