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cranberrysauce | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:48 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Holy shit, John Titor, I remember that. It's funny how as more and more things are revealed to be false about something, people say that they may have METAPHORICALLY happened. Kind of like the Bible...... | |||||
#31 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:48 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Oh and I love this: --------------------------- They debunk themselves AND somehow try and make it sound like the point is in their favour. How can Marvin Bush who worked for Stratesec but not on 911 and didn't since 2000 get anyone in the WTC building without anyone noticing them attaching all these explosives to the buildings considering Stratesec itself lost the contract for the WTC in 1998. The only role Stratesec seems to be in connection with the WTC after that seems to be as a contractor, providing software. I like the way this claim has evolved. First it was Marvin Bush worked for the company providing security for the WTC on 911, now its gone all the way to what 9112010.com are now saying and they are STILL proverbially waggling their fingers at you and winking telling you its a some significant "coincidence" in the same way as they did before. Its the first time I've ever seen any truther actually tell you more or less the truth about the Marvin Bush claim AND still use it the same way, that's pretty interesting. Can anyone say "goal post moving" while rubbing their tummy and tapping their head? The majority of this website is just an exercise in "lets make stuff up and say a lot of "what if this happened?" or "what if that happened?". Here, I can do it too... What if the US government actually did make a space based beam weapon and what if that beam weapon destroyed the WTC! Then they base more claims upon that assumption, then do that dozens of times, then make conclusions about it, then make assumptions based on those conclusions. | |||||
#32 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:53 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | I'm grateful to have found this site. There are some very articulate thinkers. Ed, what is your take on 911 in general? Do you think Cheney used it to go into Iraq? Do you expect Obama to get us out of that war? | |||||
#33 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Dr_Benedict_Zaroff | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:57 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | "Even in the darkest night, the truth can be a guiding light." Hey, that rhymes. Better get with the times. | |||||
#34 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 19:13 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @Aaron, I think it happened more or less the way the "official story" says it happened. Islamic terrorists hijacked planes, flew them into buildings and passengers fought back in one plane and it crashed into a field. Yes I do think Cheney used 911 for all kinds of justifications, Bush too. Their actions after 911 is actually one of the reasons why the truthers claims about all this are so ridiculous. If they went to all this trouble to carry out 911 to make them look GOOD in what they wanted to do, why would they end up acting so incompetently in Iraq? Why would they do everything in their power (apparently) to make themselves look BAD? Why wouldnt they make solid connections to Iraq in their 911 plot so they wouldn't have to admit it had nothing to do with it? Even ON 911 the way they acted shows they couldn't have carried out 911. In one example truthers actually try and make a conclusion out of the opposite of what the situation really shows. I'm sure you have seen the claim that Bush sitting so long in that classroom on 911 is suspicious. Why didn't he move? Why wasn't he rushed out? Surely this means he knew something! Therefore inside job! ... Well assuming Bush actually did carry out 911 why DIDN'T they act like they knew what they were doing and get the president out of there as quickly as possible? Why WOULD they act (according to truthers) in a guilty way? We have to believe they were so stupid as to forget to do that. There's so many examples where truthers will simultaneously try and convince you of both the genius and stupidity of these conspirators at the SAME TIME 911 certainly presented opportunities in certain ways, but nothing more than that. The problem with someone new to this and innocent of how truthers act is that they are unaware that truthers build lies on more lies and on conclusions based on those lies. Thats how something like Loose Change or Zeitgeist is constructed and can be seen as persuasive. People first of all aren't able to believe that ALL of the claims are wrong, surely even if some of them are its something to be concerned about right? That was my understanding for a good while as well. But after a while you check and you go back and watch those same films and you realise its just one lie after the next. For people who haven't done this and don't know how wrong it is they will be the ones most "at risk" of believing it. Also if you are not familiar with similar movements or groups like Creationists for example, you will have a harder time knowing the difference between who is credible and who isn't. Richard Gage and Steven Jones being engineers and scientists as truthers promote them to be might sound impressive to someone who didn't know better. Truthers (and I'm including the global warming deniers in this), use pretty much all the same tactics as Creationists do in terms of fake or hyped credentials, faked or dishonest petitions, out of context quote-mines and so on. And the way they treat science is EXACTLY the same as Creationists do. They have their own fake peer reviewed journals, EXACTLY like Creationists do. Like Creationists they hate real peer review because they cant get it in a real journal but go crazy promoting a paper that SOUNDS like it did. Because I was very familiar with these tactics I became very skeptical of truthers very quickly after I started realising they did the same things. As for Obama, I'm not up to speed on that current stuff so you'd have to ask someone else :) | |||||
#35 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 19:25 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Ed, thankfully, I am breaking out of the group who instantly buys something like Zeitgeist. This site has done wonders for my peace of mind. Currently, I am reading the thread where peterjoseph bans you from his forum. It's tragic to read their arguments. Cold fusion? The fallacies in Zeitgeist don't matter? There will be a test before you can register at the forum? Wow. There's still a part of me that wonders... what if Cheney and Co. did such a good job of fooling us... it still bothers me that he and Bush testified for the commission in private. Ed, I may have to privately speak with you about the creationism debate. It has been on my mind lately, and I'm falling for arguments on both sides of the debate (ie The missing transition fossils). | |||||
#36 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 19:35 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Aaron, No need to ask me about Creationism. Just watch all of this series, then watch some more of his followup videos and I am sure you won't be falling for Creationist nonsense for much longer: I used to follow Aron on numerous online debates since 2001, he is the best source IMO for explaining Evolution to lay people and debunking Creationist myths. But back to 9/11 if you read some more of that thread I linked you to earlier where I talk about PNAC you also might find it interesting. I have had various other long 911 debates on that forum, but that is the longest and has the best material overall IMO. Pentacon trolls do show up near the middle and I bow out for a while until they leave, those are the guys that think a plane flew over the Pentagon. Even a large number of other truthers think they are stupid. They are very stubborn and obnoxious. There's also my youtube channel: Not many videos there and a few spelling errors but still.:) The Richard Gage video is still amusing to me. | |||||
#37 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 19:41 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | This is excellent, Ed. Thanks! This may sound weird, but I wish I had friends in real life like you and others on this forum. | |||||
#38 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
cranberrysauce | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 19:59 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | DAWWWW SHUCKS. | |||||
#39 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
cranberrysauce | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:01 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Most of my friends in real life don't care about shit like this at all (must be brainwashed by the NWO and not have anything to do with them thinking it's all retarded). | |||||
#40 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:04 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | cranberrysaunce, regarding the "brainwashed," I do think far too many lack critical thinking skills and a passion for life. It's far too easy these days to eat junk food in front of a TV and hate the government because it's the cool thing to do. | |||||
#41 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
cranberrysauce | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:08 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | The government sucks, though, which is exactly why I think they would be incapable of pulling off anything that CTers claim they do. | |||||
#42 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:23 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | cranberrysauce, could their incompetence explain all of the issues surrounding 911? For example, the crashed plane in Pennsylvania, the planting of WMDs in Iraq failing, and other screwups that ended up making Bush look bad. I can envision the situation that transpired as including several mistakes. | |||||
#43 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Brenton | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:33 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | "The government sucks, though, which is exactly why I think they would be incapable of pulling off anything that CTers claim they do." Reminds me of something:
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#44 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:37 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "cranberrysauce, could their incompetence explain all of the issues surrounding 911? " Incompetence in the way that they could never even begin to pull off something like this with any degree of success, not that they did... but only with a few little slip-ups. Imo anyways. | |||||
#45 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 20:45 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Did they actually TRY and plant WMD's in Iraq? As far as I remember they just said they knew where they were and made definite statements about it that ended up being basically porkies | |||||
#46 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 21:09 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Ed, the only basis I have for mentioning WMD planting is to bring up the logic needed for such a plot. If 911 was an inside job, and Iraq was part of the game plan, then claiming they have WMDs when they don't would be silly. They would end up looking like liars or at least fools for starting a whole war in a country with little reasoning. In order to make Iraq seem critical, they would have to make Saddam look bad. The method they chose was to claim that Saddam had WMDs. A possible screw up on Bush's part could have been the failure to properly plant those weapons. Then again, they could have figured the American citizens are politically dumb and emotionally distraught enough from 911 that it wouldn't matter if they found the WMDs or not. What I've said is mostly speculation. Separate from 911, the entire idea of invading Iraq hinged on Saddam and his weapons. From what I've read, it seems apparent that oil, and not WMDs, was on Cheney & Co.'s minds. It would've seemed logical for Bush to have WMDs planted so he at least would not look stupid. After typing all of this, the conspiracy really doesn't add up. You would think Bush, had he been truly as evil as he would have to be to allow for 911 to be an inside job, would have simply lied to Americans and said he found WMDs, no? I would have to think that'd be fairly simple to pull off. Instead, he admitted that none were found, suggesting that perhaps he really was just an incompetent yet somewhat humane president. | |||||
#47 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sky | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 21:23 |
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![]() Level: 3 CS Original | If the government faked 9/11 to invade Iraq, why wouldn't they just make it look like the Iraqi government was behind the attack or at least helped somehow, instead of saying it was Bin Laden hidding in Afghanistan? | |||||
#48 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 21:27 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Playing devil's advocate, I would three things. First, Bin Laden's in Afghanistan, so we invade there and get access to the oil routes. Next, the terrorists are from Saudi Arabia, so we keep our friend in check, making them look worse to the rest of the world. Third, Bush already had the WMDs and Saddam as motive for Iraq, so involving them in the 911 plot was unnecessary. Yes, I'm good at theorizing - possibly bad at developing sound theories, but theories none the less. ;) | |||||
#49 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 21:34 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Yes well, it seems like you've basically got it :) My advise is everytime you hear a claim think.. "are they requiring the conspirators be genius' or stupid?"... then do that everytime and eventually you should come to realise how silly they all sound. | |||||
#50 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 23:12 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | The PNAC has a future generating Fox News pundits and that's about it. The PNAC is new and exciting if you just got into following politics, for the rest of us it is pretty boring. | |||||
#51 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 04, 2010 - 01:39 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | I think that if Bush & Co. (or whoever you want) could cover up 9/11 by faking investigations and doing all the other stuff that conspiracy theorists claim... then they could have easily done the same thing with Iraq and Saddam, but of course they didn't because things aren't like CT'ers paint them out to be. | |||||
#52 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Sep 18, 2010 - 17:18 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | I can't believe I created this thread only 5 months ago. I've come along way since then. Anyhow, I'm bumping the thread because their deadline has passed, and none of their predictions came true. The site also went offline a few months ago, which only fuels CT speculation that they were shut down by the men in black. | |||||
#53 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
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