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sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 12:48 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Has anyone read through www.9112010.com? I have, and I would like to see what people have to say about it. | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 13:08 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "Joan Barker Um... what? | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 14:14 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Apparently it's a web site from the future that doesn't know about the hundreds of investigations into 9/11. By "real" what they mean is "one that agrees with our pre-determined conclusion." | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 14:23 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | Okay, I read through some of it and I am thoroughly confused about several things. What's the intent of the site? From what I've read, it's apparently a "journal" of future events that haven't happened. Mentions something about a nuclear bomb going off in Charleston, SC on 9/11/10. This will eventually lead to Dick Cheney becoming President of the United States. Under the "Spread the Word" section are just posters of Dick Cheney accompanied by the words: "Without 9/11, he could have never achieved his dreams of Power... and he knew it". So... is it implying that Dick Cheney was the mastermind of 9/11 and the future mastermind of this 9/11/10? An ultra convoluted plan that involves getting Obama impeached, swearing in Nancy Pelosi and then having her pick him as her VP and then resigning so he could be President? Under the disclaimer section it says: Any resemblance to the Joan Barkers, Mike Barkers, Mike Barker, Jrs., Jeff Collinses, Rebecca Collinses, Eileen Mitchells, Hank Mitchells, Nora Howes, Tim Howes, Owen Kwiatkowskis, and/or Abdul al-Majiids of the world is purely coincidental. No, seriously. So really, I have no idea what's going on. Sounds like a bunch of BS, they don't even claim to be time-travelers from what I've read... no background story at all to even keep it interesting. What are your thoughts on it OP? Since I assumed you read the whole thing. | |||||
#4 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:01 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | The portion at the end is intended to show what could happen in the future. The first two parts include information regarding the events surrounding 911 that I have not seen debunked anywhere. I would like to hear comments about the information mentioned in the first two parts. | |||||
#5 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
maninwarren | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:06 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | @Sil: do yourself a favor, don't go near 1984, Brave New World, The Handmaid's Tale, Oryx and Crake, etc -- your head might explode. Gee, and the intent of the site might be something like "WHY WE NEED A REAL INVESTIGATION". | |||||
#6 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
maninwarren | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:13 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | @Edward: From the "about us" page at Architects and Engineers for 9/11 Truth: (http://www.ae911truth.org/aboutus.php) I guess they're just a bunch of idiots who also don't "know about the hundreds of investigations into 9/11". | |||||
#7 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sky | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:38 |
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![]() Level: 3 CS Original |
Can I ask why? A common tactic on this site is for people to show up and post a link to a two hour video or a entire website and demand that people disprove it. This is retarded because why should anyone be expected to write in depth about something it took you two seconds to post a link to. You said it contains information you haven't seen debunked before. I scanned over the pages and I didn't really see much that hasn't been talked about on other sites like 9/11myths or ScrewLooseChange. So what are we supposed to comment on? | |||||
#8 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:39 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @maninwarren: In my experience truthers either know about them or don't know about them (the plenty of investigations and studies done on 9/11), but even when they are informed it usually makes little difference. For example, they may claim that all steel was shipped off and melted down before anyone could study it. That isn't true. Various studies were done on the steel itself including independent studies. They may act like it took a year before there was an investigation into 9/11 (ie. the 911 Commission) yet there was PENTTBOM the largest investigation in FBI history that started after the attacks and FEMA already came out with a report on the collapses 7 months before the Commission was set up. Truthers may also act like other than the 9/11 Commission, NIST and FEMA were the only investigations done into 9/11. In reality there's been hundreds of studies done on the collapses and published in legitimate peer reviewed journals by scientists and engineers around the world. NOT ONE of them have been truther papers, truther's can get anything in a legitimate journal. You see truthers aren't looking for just any investigation, they are looking for an impossible investigation where past and present heads of state are answerable to incompetents and liars like Kevin Ryan, Steven Jones, Richard Gage and David Ray Griffin. People who will lie over and over again even when they have been proven wrong multiple times in various different ways. If you are basing your opinion that there should be a new investigation on lies and false claims then there's no reason to have that opinion, is there? In regards that website, I browsed quickly and found two lies already. First they have a problem with Building 7's collapse, obviously (they are truthers after all). And secondly they take out of context PNAC, as usual. That's reason enough to ignore the rest of it. | |||||
#9 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:50 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | A "truly open and independent" (read: done by conspiracy theorists who already have a conclusion, the exact opposite of an investigation) investigation wouldn't somehow magically turn up information on a non-existent form of thermite that can be painted on buildings, or lasers in space that can be used to knock down buildings and fake video footage. It comes down to wanting access to secret testimony by people like Dick Cheney, alright, that's fine, but do you really believe knowing what Dick Cheney had to say will make a form of thermite that doesn't exist come into existence? Do you think it will change the laws of physics? Will steel finally be proven not to weaken at all during a fire? I really can't say anything else that Ed or Sky didn't already say above, other than: >> I guess they're just a bunch of idiots who also don't "know about the hundreds of investigations into 9/11". No, they're a bunch of idiots who believe in conspiracy theories, and no investigation will ever be good enough unless the conclusion is thermite, lasers, missiles, and faked phone calls. | |||||
#10 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:52 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | @Sky & Ed I suppose I ought to read the 911 debunking sites more in depth. In the least, I think this website provides information from both the press and the government that is worth reading about. I too felt this site takes the PNAC quote about the "politically useful tool[s]." What is the general consensus on PNAC? Do debunkers think that it's nothing to concern ourselves with? | |||||
#11 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
cranberrysauce | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:54 |
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![]() Level: 1 CS Original | Thanks for reading it, guys, now I don't have to waste my time. | |||||
#12 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:55 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Edward, I'm relatively uninterested in the conspiracies regarding how the towers fell or whether a plane or missile hit the pentagon. What I am interested in is uncovering details that have not been brought to light before. This website provided me with many details that were not in (and thus debunked by this website) Zeitgeist. | |||||
#13 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 15:58 |
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![]() Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "I too felt this site takes the PNAC quote about the "politically useful tool[s]." What is the general consensus on PNAC? Do debunkers think that it's nothing to concern ourselves with?" There are all sorts of think tanks out there. Right wing ones, left wing ones, the list is endless. The PNAC got lucky, other think tanks have gotten lucky in the past too depending on the political climate at the time. Post 911 America was a PNAC wet dream come true, and look where it got us. Bush could possibly be regarded as the worst President in history. I don't really think it was a success for the PNAC. | |||||
#14 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 16:00 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Thanks, Matt. There are a few parts regarding Afghanistan and the corporate oil issues going on in Iraq. These have less to do with the conspiracy and more to do with the pure blunder and travesty of the situation at hand. | |||||
#15 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 16:02 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @aaronmhatch, While I was still a member of the Zeitgeist Movement's forum I discussed all this stuff at length. If you look at this page we go through PNAC. Unfortunately the thread was locked before I could see what the guys response to what I said was. Most of it can be found on 911 Myths but sometimes seeing someone else go through it makes it make more sense. Truther claims about PNAC make as little sense as they do about their claims about Iraq. In that truthers claim 911 was a false flag attack by the government to give them a reason to attack Iraq. However they don't even put any Iraqi's on the planes or make any connections between 911 and Iraq, instead we find more connections to Saudi Arabia the US's allies, since many of the hijackers were Saudis. They tried to connect it to 9/11 of course, but eventually made themselves too really bad when they had to admit that Iraq had nothing to do with 911. Speaking of making themselves look bad, they also failed to plant any WMD's. The whole Iraq mess made them very unpopular with the rest of the world and one of the reasons why the Bush administration is one of the least popular administrations in the history of the United States. Yet truthers claim they carried out 911 to get support for this? Why did they do such a poor job of using it then? The truthers claims about PNAC is similar in that yes 911 helped get more money in the military budget, but NOT in the way PNAC wanted. | |||||
#16 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 16:11 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Interesting response, Ed. To make it clear, I try my best to remain objective and unbiased. I try not to assert my personal beliefs into my arguments. I would rather discuss facts than opinions. I have no intention of spreading more 911 truther propaganda. With that being said, I try to play devil's advocate to help me different angles of an issue. Could it be that putting together a flawless conspiracy - one where Bush could successfully plant WMDs or get Iraqi terrorists to attack us - was implausible? The very imperfection of the conspiracy only adds to the likelihood of a small group of leaders putting it all together. I think it would be best for me to look into more of the 911 debunking sites. | |||||
#17 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 16:12 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | @Sil: do yourself a favor, don't go near 1984, Brave New World, The Handmaid's Tale, Oryx and Crake, etc -- your head might explode. Gee, and the intent of the site might be something like "WHY WE NEED A REAL INVESTIGATION". Yes, I'm sure only die-hard truthers have the brain power needed to comprehend books that are on pretty much every high school curriculum reading list. Get over yourself. As others have already said, there have been REAL investigations into 9/11. What CT'ers like yourself mean by a "real investigation" is "an investigation that agrees with what me". | |||||
#18 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 16:16 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Playing devils advocate is fine, I do that with myself all the time. I also used to believe a lot of this stuff, in fact what made me "stop" being a truther was that I wanted to made damn sure these claims could be defended. If I was going to really start promoting 911 Truth and feel honest I realised I had to do that, I did not want to promote lies to people. To do that I had to go to the people who really did not agree with truthers and see if any of their points were valid and which ones of mine were valid. Through doing that I realised that they were wrong about damn near everything. But not just wrong, so wrong that its impossible to tell the difference between someone being wrong because they are just unbelievably incompetent or just plain lying. It really is incredible just how wrong some of these claims are yet stated as fact by so many people and yet even when you point it out they usually just don't care and just move onto some other point equally wrong. For people who claim to interested in truth its amazing how little they seem to care about it. | |||||
#19 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 16:47 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | Ed, truthers seem to have this complex - an emotional construct that they can not escape. It's as if they feel personally threatened when someone argues with their seemingly special knowledge. Perhaps part of it is the ego. Maybe this supposed knowledge of the real workings of the world feeds them the self esteem or self efficacy they've been searching for. Trying to take that away from them is dangerous to their psyche. At least, that's how I, having been a truther, have felt regarding it. My dad is a 60 year old, diehard Republican, and my landlord is a 64 year old, diehard Democrat. Throw someone like me, someone who admittedly runs with bits of knowledge as if it's the rare solution to a giant puzzle, into the middle of that, and craziness ensues. Over the past year of being in this situation, I've believed things my dad says, only to be completely refuted by the landlord - and vice versa. Fortunately, it has helped me learn the value of critical thinking. I try to question everything, though it's amazing to see how often I accept what I read as true. I remember watching Zeitgeist a few months ago, and I instantly bought it. I then searched for discussions online, and I found this website. It opened my eyes to how well easily I can be persuaded. | |||||
#20 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
maninwarren | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 17:21 |
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![]() Level: 0 CS Original | @Sil, I was addressing your apparent problem with the lack of time travelers in the story; none of those other works of extrapolation have them either, so I thought I'd save you from the pain of trying to figure out why not. @Ed: "The truthers claims about PNAC is similar in that yes 911 helped get more money in the military budget, but NOT in the way PNAC wanted." Are you kidding? Have you even read their documents? Are you aware of their affiliations? America is the biggest consumer of oil on the planet -- no one else comes close. Dick Cheney and the other chicken hawks are very well aware of this, just as they are very aware that if China, Russia, and India -- not to mention Europe and the third world -- continue to grow as they are, the proxy wars over oil and natural gas will turn into all-out war; and the country with troops on the ground and supply lines in place in the oil-rich regions of the world will have a huge advantage when that day comes. And oh, gee, 9/11 gave the neocons the blank check they needed to invade Afghanistan, one of the most strategically important countries in that region (http://commdocs.house.gov/committees/intlrel/hfa48119.000/hfa48119_0.HTM). And oh, gee, they still had enough political capital left to let them (after adding a few lies about WMD to the mix) to convince Congress and the ignorant American masses that we had to invade Iraq, too. And oh, gee, we're still there, and Halliburton, KBR, the defense industry, and the oil majors couldn't be happier. How exactly could PNAC have gotten more? @aaronmhatch: "There are a few parts regarding Afghanistan and the corporate oil issues going on in Iraq. These have less to do with the conspiracy and more to do with the pure blunder and travesty of the situation at hand." Read the above paragraph. The industries and organizations I listed achieved unprecedented profits and power as a direct result of the policies of their closest allies (and very often former employees) in the Bush administration. The country is on a course of perpetual war with no end in sight, and the more war there is, the more money they'll make. When crimes are committed, a reasonable investigator counts as suspect anyone with the motive, means, and opportunity to commit those crimes. Well, crimes have been and still are being committed, and hundreds of billions of dollars for corporations that have a long history of committing war crimes is plenty of motivation. And if you think that the ultimate Washington insiders, like Cheney and Rumsfeld, couldn't find the means among their cronies in both government and industry to commit these crimes, then I can only conclude that your understanding of human nature and power are childlike at best. Last one: Is that really so hard to follow? Is that "ultra convoluted"? If it is, do yourself a favor: don't read about a certain deluded German corporal who thought he and his beer-hall buddies could take over a modern (at that time) European country and then take over Europe itself! It'll be WAY too complicated for you. | |||||
#21 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 17:25 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | @maninwarren: Regarding PNAC and my comments regarding Iraq you said "Are you kidding? Have you even read their documents? " Have you read the discussion I linked to? What do you have to say to it? PNAC is not what truthers claim is is, just like everything else. If you are going to ignore everything I say I don't feel like wasting my time replying to you. This wasn't even directed at you, what about my actual reply to you? Or are you only here to TELL us things, rather than discuss them? | |||||
#22 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 17:39 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | maninwarren, 9112010.com actually includes the House Committee discussion you linked us to. The site goes into detail about how building oil pipes through Afghanistan is the most lucrative choice. It thoroughly discusses the potential monetary and power gains PNAC signers and their constituents would enjoy if they invade Iraq and Afghanistan. | |||||
#23 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 17:44 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | As I've already discussed PNAC, the thing about the "pipeline" is that all these years later and it still isn't built. So if they really carried out 911 to build one, they sure don't seem that concerned about it. Ain't that odd? If someone is going to suggest such a massive conspiracy requiring the participation of thousands and thousands of people and a HELL of lot of luck and technology that doesn't exist to be invented for this purpose it should require a major pay off. So I see it like this, if truthers are going to give us the REASONS why these conspirators would go to all that trouble, why do all the reasons end up being so damn stupid? | |||||
#24 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sky | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 17:50 |
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![]() Level: 3 CS Original | @maninwarren are you the creator of 9112010.com? | |||||
#25 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Sil the Shill | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:12 |
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![]() Level: 9 CS Original | "@Sil, I was addressing your apparent problem with the lack of time travelers in the story; none of those other works of extrapolation have them either, so I thought I'd save you from the pain of trying to figure out why not." When CT'ers will believe that John Tiller(?) the time traveler story... I wouldn't say it's the worst thing to assume that this was another "SOMEONE FROM THE FUTURE HAS COME BACK TO WARN US!!" type of site. "@Sil: "An ultra convoluted plan that involves getting Obama impeached, swearing in Nancy Pelosi and then having her pick him as her VP and then resigning so he could be President?" Is that really so hard to follow? Is that "ultra convoluted"?" Yeah, it's not hard to follow in that it reads like a bad Tom Clancy novel. However, it is hard to follow in that everything in it is an assumption. It has just as much credibility as me saying "A bomb goes off in the USA, people rally behind Obama and go out and lynch Dick Cheney because they feel the attack was caused by the war which he and others helped to start, yadda yadda yadda." or something along those lines. Can you see why it's hard to take it seriously? Edit: Your story is even less believable than the average 9/11 conspiracy theory because it implies that this was a Republican/Neo-Con only plot. If I'm wrong about that last part than my apologies, but that's certainly what you make it seem like. | |||||
#26 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
sorry | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:29 |
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![]() Level: 12 CS Original | "If someone is going to suggest such a massive conspiracy requiring the participation of thousands and thousands of people and a HELL of lot of luck and technology that doesn't exist to be invented for this purpose it should require a major pay off." Ed, certain pages on 9112010 explain how the inside job could have worked with only a few people in the know. I thought the writer did a good job of explaining how it could have theoretically been possible. One of the suggestions is that lower rank personnel were instructed to put certain parts of the job together. When it was over, those personnel were instructed to board flights for their next mission's locations. These flights would have been AA 11, AA 77, UA 175, and UA 93. This way, the conspirators such as Cheney and Rumsfeld would feel a little less guilty and more secure knowing they would be sending personnel in the know to their death instead of mostly innocent Americans. I'm not saying I agree; but the way 9112010 lays it out is convincing. | |||||
#27 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:36 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | Aaron, They ALWAYS like to claim their conspiracy theory can work with only a few people. But then start looking at their claims and there HAVE to be more people involved. If the towers were demolished, if the phone calls were faked, if there was no real investigation etc so many people necessarily would have to be involved. In would also involve a conspiracy of the entire scientific and engineering community, not counting the paltry number at AE911 of course. In fact even if you talk to someone who insists there could only be a few members involved, if you break down their claims and start questioning them about the details I guarantee you they will start bringing more people into it. And to suggest NONE Of them would talk? No its always that they were paid off or scared into silence. Just watching them try and rationalise their beliefs about Building 7 and the FDNY is astonishing. Also it may be convincing to you since you aren't aware of just how many lies and distortions that website is giving you but I've seen this stuff before. This is a piece of advice, if a truther said it its probably not true. But don't take my word for it. | |||||
#28 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:39 |
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![]() President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | >> One of the suggestions is that lower rank personnel were instructed to put certain parts of the job together I think that's on the assumption that the lower ranking people were all total idiots incapable of putting pieces together. On 9/11 or after many of them would have realized how their part of a task could have been a part of the plot in some way. But we have not a single person coming out saying anything like that at all. >> When CT'ers will believe that John Tiller(?) the time traveler story. I remember following the John Titor story while it was going on, I found it very interesting, not because I believed he was a real time traveler, but because he told the story so well. Not to mention that nearly every single one of Titor's predictions didn't come true. Sounds like most conspiracy theorists to me, fantastic claims that never came true. | |||||
#29 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Apr 03, 2010 - 18:45 |
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![]() Level: 10 CS Original | I browsed a little more and found them promoting Steven Jones with this wonderfull claim: ------------------ Not only is thermite is not an explosive it has NEVER been used in demolitions. Don't you love how truthers can be so wrong about everything? I always find it so fascinating. | |||||
#30 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |