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Forum - Conspiracy Theory people say that the Rothschild Warburg Banking families who

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mikejohnsonPosted: Feb 01, 2011 - 14:55

Level: 1
CS Original

Conspiracy Theory people say that the Rothschild Warburg Banking families who run the Federal Reserve don't pay any taxes income or any other tax can this be debunked my question is do private Bankers pay taxes ? Also they claim that the Bankers like the Rothschild or the Warburgs print and lend money to us then change us interest and the interest is paid back by us paying the income tax and other taxes can this debunked my next question is why would the Rothschilds want our income tax money and why would they change us interest if they also pay the income tax and other taxes if other words do the Rothschilds get rich off our income tax system because they change us interest when they loan us money ?

The Federal Reserve Is A PRIVATELY OWNED Corporation
By Thomas D. Schauf
© 1992


By law (check the Congressional record), we can buy back the FED for the original investment of the FED's 300 shareholders, which is $450 million (Reference 1, P. 227, Reference 17, P. 36). If each taxpayer paid $25, we could buy back the FED and all the profit would flow into the U.S. Treasury. In other words, by Congress allowing the constitutionally illegal FED to continue, much of your taxes go to the shareholders of the FED and their bankers. Note: The people who enacted the FED started the IRS, within months of the FED's inception. The FED buys U.S. debt with money they printed from nothing, then charges the U.S. taxpayers interest. The government had to create income tax to pay the interest expense to the FED's shareholders, but the income tax was never legally passed (Reference 20 shows details, state-by-state why it was not legally passed). The FED is illegal, per Article 1, Section 8 of the United States Constitution. Not one state legally ratified the 16th Amendment making income tax legal.

Currently, fewer and fewer Americans are being convicted for refusal to pay income taxes. In IRS jury trials, the jury, by law, must decide if the law is just. If taxpayers do not believe the law is just, the jury may declare the accused innocent. Judges are legally bound to inform juries of their right to determine the fairness of a law. Judges often do not disclose this information so they can control the court outcome. Luckily, more and more citizens are becoming informed. If one juror feels the law is unfair, they can find the defendant innocent (Reference 19). In Utah, the IRS quit prosecuting taxpayers because jurors verdict is not guilty. Please tell your friends and sit in the next jury.

If we eliminate the FED and uphold the Constitution, we could balance the budget and cut personal income tax to almost nothing. In Congressional hearings on September 30, 1941, FED Chairman Eccles admitted that the FED creates new money from thin air (printing press), and loans it back to us at interest (Reference 17, P. 93). On June 6, 1960, FED President Mr. Allen admitted essentially the same thing (Reference 22, P. 164). If you or I did this we would go to jail.

It is time to abolish the FED! Tell your friends the truth and win America back. We don't even need to buy back the FED. We only need to print money the way the Constitution requires, not the new proposed international money. We want to keep our sovereignty and print real U.S. money.

Why has Congress allowed the FED to continue? If a Congressperson tries to abolish the FED, the banks fund the Congressperson's opponent in the next election (Reference 17, P. 35). The new Congressperson will obviously support the FED. When Congresspeople retire, political campaign funds are not taxed. Get elected and be a millionaire if you vote right. By the way, the profit of the FED is not taxed either (Reference 1, 9). Once America understands, and takes action, Congresspeople will then gladly abolish the FED. In 1992, Illinois Congressman Crane introduced a bill, co-sponsored by 40 other Congressman, to audit the FED. This is a step in the right direction.

America is a great nation. As "We the People" become informed, the media and Congress will be forced to buy back the FED, balance the budget, significantly cut taxes, and stop allowing bribes to determine voting strategies. I have already heard from politicians who claim they will change their platform to include abolishing the FED if enough people become informed.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
mikejohnsonPosted: Feb 01, 2011 - 20:04

Level: 1
CS Original

Why an Income Tax is Not Necessary
to Fund the U.S. Government

Also available on audio for free; click here.
Download to a CD or IPod and help get the truth to family and friends

Devvy Kidd
Originally published and copyrighted in June 2001
Changes in text (c) 2005

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
JoePosted: Feb 01, 2011 - 20:11

Level: 8
CS Original


#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EzPosted: Feb 01, 2011 - 21:08

Level: 3
CS Original

As far as I know the Rothschilds don't even have any business in the US, they mainly operate within Europe. This guy sounds like he's simply throwing around names that get CT'ers paranoia meter up. Sounds like complete bullshit

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Real RoxettePosted: Feb 01, 2011 - 21:22

There ARE more sluts in public schools. Shut up and let me explain.

Level: 8
CS Original

The Rothschilds and Warburgs are completely irrelevant in the modern world, they only reason they're talked about in conspiracy theories today is because they were very popular within anti-semitic circles, and most of those conspiracy theories were adopted in the 70s and onward.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Von KleistPosted: Feb 02, 2011 - 09:22

Level: 1
CS Original

Jesus. These days you could buy out the Rothschilds with the loose change from the sofas at JP Morgan.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Evil ElvisPosted: Feb 02, 2011 - 09:34


Level: 1
CS Original

Which is why CTs mention the two in the same sentence.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]