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The Burger KingPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 11:28

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original


>>Wait, what's this about plastic surgery? I missed something.<<</p></p>

Muertos, Brenton is never wrong is what I'm getting from this.

#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 11:36

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Of course he's not. He's Jeffree Star.

Well, not really. But he wants to be.

#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:08

Level: 0
CS Original

You're hilarious, Matt. I'm influenced by JStar because of the importance I place on physical perfection & beauty - not the other way around.

He thinks he can somehow push Merola's influence out of the movement. Good luck with that.

Again, no. Did you read my first response here properly?

I'd also go back if they effectively cut themselves off from notions of conspiracy theories, which seems to be happening (just a little too slowly, though).

All I can assume is that you think that it's impossible for them to cut themselves off from conspiracy theories while Peter is head & founder. Think that all you want. I disagree.

Also I love that 48 hours ago everyone was telling me not to be so seriouzzzzz and now the shoe is on the other foot, Matt. haha.

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EzPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:15

Level: 3
CS Original

TZM itself is bullshit even if you remove conspiracy theories entirely.

#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Kaiser FalknerPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:24


Level: 6
CS Original

^ That's because RBE is nonsense and devoid of any meaningful interpretation of human activity.

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:25

Level: 0
CS Original

Well, as I said at the start of the thread I went from the movement to a powerful political organization in Australia with virtually the same ideas - they're so much about overcoming the market system's limitations that they're like 2 footsteps from demanding it's removal anyway.

Our present government would have been a conservative minority if it wasn't for the Greens-Labor-Independent alliance. And our conservative party is like a wet dream for the american tea parties - they're really that bad.

Let me emphasise my earlier point by quoting myself:

I'm a paying member of the Greens now, which essentially has very similar policies on economics to ZM. All you have to do is read point 1 of official policy here to gather that:</p>

Read that economics policy carefully and you'll see the same thread running through: 'the market system is failing humanity'.

This party will have the balance of power in the Senate from June.

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:37

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Beauty Killer Yes your new movement you latched upon is identical to the Zeitgeist Movement. Success?

#37 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:41

Level: 0
CS Original

Well that's my point in bringing it up, yes. And not to mention that it was key in keeping us out of the global financial crisis of 2008 by massively interfering in the market. #shockhorror
My point in bringing it up is important. When I was growing up, the Australian Greens were very small and very much ridiculed. They used to be labelled as tree-hugging hippies [insert whatever anti-environmentalist anti-humanistic phrase you want here]. My mother and father used to bitch about them all the time in political discussions. Well, the world has changed a lot because my mother voted Greens for the first time last election - which is true for a lot of people.
Point being if they can go from being the laughing stock of a nation - to the party that takes the largest single private donations of any party ever, to getting praise from academia all over the world - the ZM can too. Like it or not, they're very much capable of doing so.

#38 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EzPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:42

Level: 3
CS Original

The Green Party looks nothing like TZM to me. No bullshit resource based economy, no robots, no computers controlling resources and government, no sexbots.

#39 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 18:57

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Ez I talk to a crazy green party person, they were promoting windmill technology and handing out pamphlets, they say to me that windmill has zero negative affects on the environment I jokingly throw in "What about all the birds that will get chopped up in the fans", the guy gives me a evil look and says " no that's impossible blah blah blah" I responded it's possible, and it was a joke", then he proceeded to attempt to get my credit card number and information thinking I'd donate to this loon. So maybe I think green technology is great but the people in those organizations I think are loons.

But Cynthia McKinney who I believe still is in the green party is pretty cool. I'll look into it. Yeah maybe it's not like the Zeitgeist Movement/venus project then after taking a look at it.

#40 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:02

Level: 0
CS Original

Well, I'd disagree - having worked within the party I'd say I'm in a better position than you to comment. First of all, robots & computer resource management isn't core to ZM theory anyway - so I needn't comment on that. What is core is the idea of actually managing resources as sustainably as possible, which is core to the Greens as well. Allow me to post some of that economic policy, I mean some of it reads like it came right out of Fresco's mouth (even though, of course, it did not):

1. human economies exist within, and are dependent upon, natural systems; resource management is, therefore, central to good economic management.
2. equity of access to the essentials of life and promoting equality are central goals for a civilised society.
6. the fulfilment of human potential and the enrichment of lives is best achieved when people work together for common goals.

So they're saying that our strength comes from how well we manage our resources, that we cannot call ourselves civilised until everyone has access to the necessities of life (and if you know Greens policy that means free education, free health, etc,) and works towards a common set of goals. Sound familiar?

If you were to ask Peter about the Greens, I bet he'd almost definitely call them an 'ideal transitional government' or something like that.

So maybe I think green technology is great but the people in those organizations I think are loons.

Well then I guess Australia is FULL of loons, because the Greens are the fastest growing political party in the country.

And just to illustrate that point a little, the swings of the last election in August:


#41 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:03

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


#42 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EzPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:09

Level: 3
CS Original

Well I'll admit I didn't look at it too hard but I just checked all their policies and they sounded reasonable to me. We already have free education (from primary to secondary school) here and free healthcare, even if your a refugee you can get access to free healthcare. There is a Green Party here but they are mainly focused on the environment.

#43 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:12

Level: 0
CS Original

There is a Green Party here but they are mainly focused on the environment.

That used to be their main focus here, but when they started to articulate policy on economics/international relations etc they started to gain power.

#44 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Inside JobPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:26

Level: 2
CS Original

The Greens are utopian communists. The only thing they provide to Australian politics is an alternative for university students that want to fight the power or old hippes whose mind are still in the 60's.

#45 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:46

Level: 0
CS Original

You can say that as much as you want but the problem is that a lot of their growth is coming from the 'baby boomers'. Not solely uni students. Even so, if all the uni students were the only ones voting Green then that means that in 10-15-20 years all their kids will be voting green etc etc,.

#46 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Inside JobPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 19:55

Level: 2
CS Original

Not really because once they graduate and get a job in the real world, they quickly realise that the Greens just aren't practical.

#47 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 20:16

Level: 0
CS Original

Well, you obviously missed my point. My point being that the majority of the Greens vote is not determined by students alone, but by baby boomers. You know, those people that had lots of kids and worked really hard and are now retired and wiser than fresh graduates? It's weird that many of them are racing to the Greens, then.

Not to mention the majority of the gay community which will probably always support the Greens because they're the only party with a track record for standing up for equal rights in this area.

And then on top of that, not to mention people that care passionately about the issue of climate change - they're probably going to support the Greens indefinitely too, because they're the only ones who have held a principled stance on this issue which is more important to the average Australian voter than voters in most other Western nations (meaning we as a country care about it more - having had the 'climate change election' in 2007)... I mean if it weren't for the Greens you and me would be getting taxed on KRudd's CPRS which was going to tax precisely the wrong group - the public rather than industry.

#48 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Inside JobPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 20:21

Level: 2
CS Original

I don't believe you. The only reason that they got a seat in the lower house was because the electorate in Melbourne is full of pretentious, latte drinking, skinny jean wearing, gen-Xer's who aren't really affected by most of the Greens' policies.

#49 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 20:39

Level: 0
CS Original

Well yes, in fairness you're right about the central Melbourne seat. That electorate is a hub for university students, yes. But the lesson of that loss is that Labor is losing it's younger generation voters because it is no longer seen as the progressive fighter for the underdog that it used to be, and that title is going to the Greens.

You don't need to believe me. The voter statistics are in a mail-out I received about two months ago. When I find the specific statistics I'm talking about (probably sometime during this week (we get a lot of mail-outs, so please be patient) I'll scan them up and post them for you if you'd like.

I would also say that the majority of young voters vote Greens because they have a conscience about the world future generations will inherit if we don't fundamentally change things. Same for the baby boomers, same for most Greens voters. It used to be a protest vote, now it's a vote that you do because you have a conscience.

And the people in the media that bitch about Bob Brown, very often, seem to be devoid of something that I was brought up to believe is core to social values.

#50 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 21:33

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"But Cynthia McKinney who I believe still is in the green party is pretty cool."

Uh, no. She is not. She's a horrible nutball.

#51 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 22:05

Level: 0
CS Original

I tend to agree with Matt's criticisms of the Green party in the US I've seen since I've been here.

#52 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 22:47

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@NWO Florist I remember her going off on a few people and yeah she can be consider a nut ball but I think she's cool.

@Beauty Killer your in the U.S? and what makes U.S. green party differ from the Australian Green Party?

#53 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 23:34

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

I guess she's cool if you think flinging around crazy conspiracy theories is cool. I think she's a flake.

#54 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 23:37

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@NWO Florist she flings CT's? Like what? This is new.

I just googled her, she's the biggest CTer as they come... Yeah although from what I heard she had to put up with down in Georgia is cool from last I heard of her her views of drastically changed which is not a representation of reality. She was cool too... I thought it was some minor CT stuff but I briefly read my google search on her and it's hardcore CTer BS.

#55 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 23:56

Level: 0
CS Original

@Beauty Killer your in the U.S? and what makes U.S. green party differ from the Australian Green Party?

Well, the Australian Greens don't do what Matt is accusing Cynthia McKinney of doing.

#56 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jan 22, 2011 - 23:57

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Well if you represent the Australian Greens it isn't like I have that much more of a favorable opinion on them than I do the American ones.

#57 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 23, 2011 - 00:04

Level: 0
CS Original

Well lucky I don't need to seek your favour then.

#58 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jan 23, 2011 - 00:17

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

That's fine with me, just don't make it sound like the Australian Greens are any different from the American ones. The rhetoric's pretty much identical.

#59 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
BrentonPosted: Jan 23, 2011 - 00:21

Level: 0
CS Original

Well of course it is, but they don't go around spreading conspiracy theories as you might suggest. Oh and they're powerful. But whatever.

#60 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]