<kronicfrenzy> republicans are logical thinkers
<kronicfrenzy> and democrats are emotional thinkers
<SJane> you never do them with me, Collin...so how would you know?
<kronicfrenzy> which is why they r called the right and left
<infocyde> read it on the bathroom stall at Walmart...I'm going to get hit for this one.
<Archaic> I thik republicans and democrats fight over the constituion ripped in half then ask us which half we want
<Archaic> constitution
<SJane> Infocyde: Don't forget
<SJane> I know where you sleep
<SJane> and what you fear
<kronicfrenzy> i'm just waiting for texas to declare itself a soverign nation
<kronicfrenzy> and then i moving south
<infocyde> I think both parties are owned at this point. CFR, TriLats, Banker Agents have both sides pretty much bottled up.
<Archaic> if it does expect alot of mexicans
<kronicfrenzy> yea if that were tohappen they would be the first to get evicted
<infocyde> I thought about Texas too.
<Archaic> Texas was nice, until you see the shanties
<HemperorClaus> FYI: Freemasons control the country.
<infocyde> No, people who control the people who control freemasons
<infocyde> oh well then. What kaballah books have you read?
<Archaic> um from Elizabeth Claire Profit and this guy name Israel Rodriguez
<Archaic> Israel is more like into ceremonial magick
<Archaic> Golden Dawn kind of stuff
<infocyde> Golden Dawn can mess you up bad.
<Archaic> err I studied all sorts of things on religion and the occult etc
<infocyde> You every seen things manifest?
<Archaic> aleister crawley, Raymond Buckland, Scott Cunnigham, Baghavad Gita, the Koran, everything myths supesuperstitions etc
<Archaic> um I seen things manifest, I know witchcraft works, I have more faith in that then UFOs
<Archaic> I really dont get into UFOs never seen anything like that
<infocyde> What did you see, if you don't mind my asking? You can leave out details if prudent.
<BobDobbs> archaic are you familiar with the concept of pareidolia?
<Archaic> well I mean, I can tell you a ghost story
<Archaic> it has nothing to do with summoning
<infocyde> tell the ghost story
<Archaic> but its real
<infocyde> don't know pareidolia Bob
<Archaic> okay its 1984 I know its 1984 because the Tigers were in the final games for the world series and back then I liked baseball
<Archaic> my mom wanted to be a cosmotologist and my aunt knew someone and gave her her number so she could ask about the school
<BobDobbs> theres no such things as ghosts
<SJane> but you did get a cool non-stealable robe
<Archaic> so we all go over this ladies house to get our hair done so my mom could ask...my brother 5 my sister 2 and I 7 and my granmother too went with us
<Archaic> this was in dearborn heights
<Archaic> so I run out the door when I get there to be the first to ring the doorbell and catch the rest of the game
<Archaic> and this little girl all in white was crying on the porch holding somekind of toy
<Archaic> at first she looked solid but as I ran up to her I stopped because I could see through her
<Archaic> my mom comes up behind me a little ways and goes "little girl why are you crying"
<Archaic> the girl looks up and her eyes were black in the center and was surprised to be seen, she ran through the house and past this guy sitting on the chair in the living room and he rushes up to the door
<Archaic> "whats wrong with your little girl" my mom asked, "My little girl?" the man asked "I thought it was your little girl I dont have a little girl"
<Archaic> My mom held up my sister and told the man my sister was only 2 this girl was like my age
<Archaic> so we searched the whole house to find her and couldnt. all the doors and windows were locked
<infocyde> I believe you.
<Archaic> yeah it started me on my quest to find things out
<infocyde> My sister sees people sometimes walk into a room and then out, sometimes through things
<infocyde> It was a hook Archaic.
<infocyde> There are unseen things that most people can't see. Unfortunately you can, probably because of your family history.
<BobDobbs> pareidolia
<Archaic> Yes my granmother Doshe was a backwoods witch from Kentucky
<BobDobbs> nothing more
<BobDobbs> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Pareidolia<br />
<infocyde> A good indicator of how you inherited, and your family inherited, some things.
<Archaic> she and this other woman always accused each other of thing from milk turning sour to crops spoiling overnight etc...
<Archaic> oh neat let me check that out
<infocyde> You see Auras or anything.
<BobDobbs> seeing auras is probably a result of a mild stroke
<Archaic> well I know things, not hear them or see them I just know things and things that are going to happen
<infocyde> It is just everything that doesn't fit in a mechanistic universe box must be psychological. Don't buy it.
<Archaic> I tell people about them and obsess about them when they are big things and I think its just me rambling until something happens...I am talking big world news events alot of the time
<BobDobbs> again, pariedolia
<Archaic> okay checking it now
<BobDobbs> or apophenia
<BobDobbs> take your pick
<infocyde> or not in my box phobia
<infocyde> look up Fortean
<BobDobbs> why?
<infocyde> I looked up pariedolia...
<BobDobbs> thats fine, i am not obligated to do the same ;)
<infocyde> anyway, continue Archaic
<Archaic> dude I am talking about obsessing about Tsunamis or given exact detail the events of 9/11 targets everything, when spaceshuttles blew up the challenger and I think the discovery...I am talking I told people this my entire class in second grade etc for example
<infocyde> Well, there are your witnesses to win over the skeptical.
<BobDobbs> what is more likely? you have special powers that no one else has or anyone can measure or that it all exists in your imaginaion?
<Archaic> I went to school and I made sure to bring a d cell battery because I knew someone would need it, my first day of pre school and sure enough I met my first best friend who had a robot without a battery that took d batteries
<infocyde> To be honest, I'd have to talk to some to verify.
<BobDobbs> personal anecdotes mean nothing
<infocyde> says you.
<BobDobbs> says science
<infocyde> as you define it.
<Archaic> Well its not like other psychics I have heard of
<BobDobbs> theres only one definition
<Archaic> its like I feel and know things like extra sensory
<BobDobbs> probably due to a chemical imbalance
<Archaic> not like angels whispering to me or visions or anything its weird
<Archaic> okay tell you what go to taylor police station and ask for a detective that spoke to an Eric Ison there
<infocyde> Also science only deals with what can be demonstrated repeatably. Just because something can't be repeated doesn't mean in didn't happen, just isn't provable by science.
<BobDobbs> the internet is full of personal anecdotes, it means absolutely nothing
<infocyde> What else has happened?
<Archaic> ask him if he asked me if the space shuttle and my reply
<infocyde> I know, just dismiss them right? Don't fit in the box...
<Archaic> about the space shuttle
<BobDobbs> some things should be dismissed
<infocyde> who decides, you?
<BobDobbs> reason does
<Archaic> I used to run into the book store before my father before I could read...and whatever book or magazine he wanted I would run ahead of him and stand right in front of it
<Archaic> I am talking 3 years old
<infocyde> Now that is strange...again I would have to verify, but if true...
<infocyde> you might have a serious problem Archaic.
<Archaic> I feel things
<Archaic> and know others
<infocyde> I don't mean like physical or mental, but you might be connected to something that you should not be connected to.
<Archaic> why not?
<Archaic> It isnt anything I am connected to thats the thing
<BobDobbs> thats a common symptom of schizophrenia
<Archaic> thats why its hard to distinguish me just imagining and thinking to actually tuning in to the world around me
<infocyde> When mankind fell the connection to the spirit world was purposely severed
<Archaic> I dont know about that
<infocyde> If it is re-established, it is not by God I believe. Pray about it. Ask God to remove it from you if these things are not from Him.
<Archaic> the witch of endor in the bible called on King Saul
<infocyde> Might lead you into darker things in the future.
<Archaic> from the dead
<infocyde> Yes, but she was horrified when the real Saul actually showed up.
<BobDobbs> wouldnt it better to see a psychiatrist, get a proper diagnosis and medication so that you can function like a mentally healthy person?
<Archaic> it was through God
<infocyde> Normally probably demonic impersonators showed up.
<infocyde> God intervened this once. Normally the punishment for dealing with witches was "you shall not suffer a witch to live"
<BobDobbs> this is simply not healthy behavior
<infocyde> Hash, but about keeping Israel from spiritual mainipulation from witches and their spirits.
<infocyde> Endor was an exception, not the rule.
<Archaic> yes I know that, but he also caused astrologers to believe with a sign in the heavens that descripted to the letter a king was born of the Jews and not some ill omen
<infocyde> I will say that there is/was some esoteric knowledge that is outside the Christian / Jewish tradition ... these guys might have been from Bablyon
<Archaic> Well the thing is, I think my quest for answers has become fruitful
<infocyde> I just challenge you Archaic to take it to Jesus in prayer. I've messed with the occult on minor levels, I've researched too, and I've met people who have gone deeper. These things you are experience could develop into something very negative.
<SJane> there should be no "Ive been tolerant"
<infocyde> Beneficial now, but only to draw you in deeper.
<Archaic> err...well I dont ask for it
<infocyde> instinct doesn't give location/times.
<Archaic> its not like I am summoning demons
<infocyde> Ask God in Jesus's name to show you what you should do about it, don't listen to me I guess, listen to Him.
<Archaic> well...I mean could it be possible I could be well open to thoughts and feelings especially strong ones, or that I can just feel my way through life
<infocyde> You have it in your blood, so to speak, best to be 100% sure it is from God. I hope you do.
<Archaic> here what some answers
<BobDobbs> could it be possible that you are suffering from a mental illness?
<BobDobbs> is that a possibility?
<infocyde> And if God convicts you that it is fine, you are ok then.
<Archaic> adam was pierced in the side right to make woman?
<Archaic> right?
<infocyde> the rib removed, yes.
<Archaic> what came from the side of christ when he was pierced in the side
<Archaic> blood and water what the womb issues forth
<infocyde> blood and water. Water is a sign taht you are dead.
<Archaic> or before you are born
<Archaic> we were born from his bosom and woman was given his life given properties
<infocyde> true. But in this context I think it is a proof that showed Jesus was really dead. Medically water seperating from blood or something, not sure.
<Archaic> giving us life in the ninth month as he died in the ninth hour the burden of life and her cleansing blood
<infocyde> Pilate was suprised Jesus was dead already when it was reported back to him.
<BobDobbs> what exactly constitutes proof in this context?
<Archaic> that is why he is the second adam
<infocyde> interesting, I concur Jesus was the second adam, but not sure about this.
<BobDobbs> what is the benchmark for proof in this context?
<BobDobbs> that its in the bible?
<infocyde> wouldn't have been water coming out with the blood unless dead
<Archaic> well it is in the bible that he was the second adam
<infocyde> paul talks about it, yep.
<Archaic> well it says the world is round in the bible
<BobDobbs> does it
<Archaic> it says the earth shall reel to and fro like a drunkard and thats what the axis of the world looks like
<infocyde> What are you arguing about Bob, that Jesus died before the spear thrust, or something else, no machine gunning or glittering generalizations straw man thrower :)
<BobDobbs> i think thats more pariedolia
<Archaic> the spear is kind of a phallic symbol
<BobDobbs> i asked what the benchmark for proof was, pretty straight forward
<infocyde> context...two or three witnesses, millions of lives changed over the centuries, more copies of NT books laying around than most copies of ancient histories readily accepted by "scientific" types? What exactly are you asking?
<infocyde> What is the Bible? One book? 66 books?
<BobDobbs> its not a loaded question
<Archaic> we are like idols of clay made in the likeness of God in which he gave us offerings of bread and wine as is customary and died for us like one would for deity with a prayer only we could fullfill to love each other as he loved us
<BobDobbs> its just a simple one
<infocyde> I gave you an answer,
<BobDobbs> you answered my question with a question
<infocyde> well, I guess you are too smart for me Bob, I can't keep up.
<BobDobbs> so you either dont want to answer, or you cant
<infocyde> I guess I can't, sorry.
<BobDobbs> you know, im getting sick of the bullshit
<BobDobbs> your little passive aggressive crap is getting tiresome
<infocyde> me too, what you looking in a mirror?
<infocyde> we are talking and you are yapping at us from the side lines with nothing really adding to the conversation and playing games about logical definitions that show mental weakness rather than strength.
<infocyde> Play your games, stay safe.
<BobDobbs> youre in this channel because of my good graces
<BobDobbs> you can leave at any time
<infocyde> but if you want to really be open to inquery, we can talk.
<BobDobbs> i asked an honest question and i got passive aggressive bullshit as a response
<BobDobbs> so either knock it off, or get the fuck out
<BobDobbs> am i clear?
<infocyde> Yes little himler, you are clear.
<BobDobbs> good
<BobDobbs> dont push it man
<infocyde> true, seeing all the traffic here, zee must enforze zee rules and zee purity of zee channel at alz timez.
* BobDobbs has kicked infocyde (bye fuckface)