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Forum - Give us money: Stop UN Gun Grab

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scitopsPosted: Dec 06, 2010 - 21:45

Level: 4
CS Original

Patriotic American,

Barack Hussein Obama is determined to see the proposed UN Small Arms Treaty ratified. He knows if he doesn't get the job done by 2012, the task will likely fall on the next social progressive president. The left has been talking about global gun control since the 1960s.

They've been talking about it for so long, in fact, that when people hear it, most of them shrug because they believe the 2nd Amendment will prevent its implementation in the United States. That's wrong thinking because the moment you ignore any threat that threatens your security, the threat becomes reality.


Please CLICK HERE to STOP the U.N. Small Arms Trade Treaty. FAX all 100 U.S. Senators. We need your help! Now is when you need to make a special donation to CCRKBA.

When you see the politicians, the career bureaucrats and the leftwing talking heads who gauge the reactions of the people on issues they want to implement, like the need for a global treaty to prevent the "bad guys"---drug dealers and gang members---from getting their hands on assault weapons and handguns by controlling who is allowed to sell them and who will be allowed to buy them. When that happens, the "bad guys" they're talking about are you and me. The real "bad guys" don't buy from licensed, regulated gun dealers. They buy them from other "bad guys" who also don't obey the laws that honest people obey.

We are extremely close to a critical time when our private firearms ownership rights, or our right to purchase new firearms may be at stake. With the rhetoric will come the attempt. The UN Small Weapons Treaty is on Barack Obama's agenda because it's on Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's agenda. And since Hillary lacks the power to engage in her own agenda, she speaks with the Obama Administration's singular voice. When she says "UN Small Weapons Treaty" it's Obama's words she's speaking.

When Mr. Obama moves on this treaty, he will still control the U.S. Senate which is the only body that votes on ratification. If ratified, the UN Small Arms Treaty could do the following:

1.It could require U. S. citizens to deliver any banned firearms they own to the local government "collection and destruction center"---or face imprisonment.
2.It could prohibit any transfer of firearm ownership.
3.It could require the destruction of "excess" firearms.
4.It could prohibit firearm and ammunition manufacturers from selling to the public.
5.It could require micro-stamping on all guns.
Since this involves an international treaty, it requires the United States Senate to agree with Obama. That's why you must FAX every single United States Senator now while the "protect Americans from gun violence" rhetoric Mr. Obama's go-fer in the Senate, Harry Reid, is using remains rhetoric as he tries to slip this treaty ratification through, right under our noses. If you believe in freedom, we need your help. This is urgent. This is a shocking nightmare that could happen before our very eyes. We've got to do something urgent TODAY.

Please CLICK HERE to STOP the U.N. Small Arms Trade Treaty. FAX all 100 U.S. Senators. We need your help! Now is when you need to make a special donation to CCRKBA.

If you think, "Nah, that can't happen here. We're protected by the 2nd Amendment." Think again. The United Nations Small Arms Trade Treaty sounds "palatable" to the liberals because, technically---but only technically---this is not a "gun ownership ban" treaty. It would be a United Nations Treaty that would BAN the SALE of guns. Logically, if you BAN the sale of guns in the United States, you are essentially banning our basic Constitutionally-guaranteed freedom to bear arms because if you don't possess one and can't legally buy one, your right to own and bear arms has been abridged. Our Forefathers would turn over in their grave if they knew what the Obama Administration is trying to "back door" the American people by erasing the most basic American right in the Constitution via a United Nations' treaty that would abrogate the 2nd Amendment.

Barack Hussein Obama has set 2012 as a date when this U.N. treaty should be signed.

Here's the catch and the fear that every gun-owner needs to understand and respond to:

Obama is politically motivated to quickly ratify this U.N. Treaty.

That's why we must DO SOMETHING RIGHT NOW!


Please CLICK HERE to STOP the U.N. Small Arms Trade Treaty. FAX all 100 U.S. Senators. We need your help! Now is when you need to make a special donation to CCRKBA.

If we are not vigilant, if we are not shouting our disdain for this tactic from the rooftops, this could be the "Last Stand" for all of us. Like they did with Obamacare, the anti-gun proponents---many of whom have already lost their jobs and have nothing to lose---are plotting how to ram this treaty down our throats.

That's why we must react today!

As a genuine American patriot, will you help us to HALT this U.N. Treaty today?

Plain and simple: This is an outright assault upon our freedoms.

It takes two-thirds of the vote in the United States Senate to ratify an international treaty. In the election we just finished, the American people proved they speak with a voice of steel. That's why we must continue to be ABSOLUTELY PRO-ACTIVE now to insure that our freedoms, guaranteed by the 2nd Amendment of the U.S. Constitution remains intact. Liberty will remain intact only as long as the 2nd Amendment remains intact.

But this will only happen if you become involved today.

The Obama administration is "hell-bent" to take away your guns, so they can continue to expand their absolute control over the American people. If the treaty is ever ratified, the abuse from our own federal government will obsessively increase. Believe me; we do NOT want that---ever! Please respond today. This is very, very serious---and we must let our voices be heard today! And heard overwhelmingly!

There is nothing at stake in this issue except INDIVIDUAL FREEDOM. We must be victorious in the left's "last stand" because this is the battle to save our Constitutional freedom. Remember this: over the decades, social progressive politicians have surreptitiously abridged many of our liberties under the Bill of Rights. But, all of those rights still stand... some tattered a little around the edges, but they remain. Strip Americans of their right to purchase guns and you have abridged their right to own and bear arms. If the 2nd Amendment falls, the Bill of Rights will fall and Human Rights will become "rights" conditioned on the whim of the State.

That said; let me ask you a very personal and a very private question: what price will you put on freedom? Your freedom. What is it worth to you to keep and bear arms?

This is our fight---yours and mine. What can you give, today, to CCRKBA so we can continue to push this fight through to a victory in the U.S. Senate; and make it too costly for the left to pursue Obama's socialistic, anti-gun agenda? Remember, we need to have the tools, in hand, when Obama springs this Treaty on us. Fund-raising to stop something that will be rammed through the Senate like a speeding locomotive when it suddenly appears on the Senate calendar will be an effort that could be too little, too late.

Please CLICK HERE to STOP the U.N. Small Arms Trade Treaty NOW! FAX all 100 U.S. Senators; and give a special DONATION to CCRKBA to make our "last stand" against this atrocity!

Your voice---must be heard TODAY!

Keep calling your Senators today, toll-free numbers include 1-877-851-6437 and 1-866-220-0044, or call 1-202-225-3121 AND REGISTER YOUR OUTRAGE at ongoing efforts to take guns away!

CALL PRESIDENT OBAMA, 202-456-1111 and 202-456-1414 and express your disdain and ABSOLUTE REJECTION of all GUN BANS whether restrictions on buying weapons or owning them.

That's why tens of thousands of faxes must flood the offices of every U. S. Senator.

CCRKBA needs your help as we spearhead this fight against the social progressives who want the gun ownership to cease under the disguise of "world peace." Your help will spearhead our efforts to bring this fight to the floor of the US Senate. Whatever amount you can send will help. If it is $1,000 that would be fantastic. If it's $20, that's great too. You see, we're in this battle together. It's OUR fight. We want our freedoms to be saved and secure, as our Forefathers designed. That's why your vote, your voice, your donation and your fax is so very, very critical today.

Thank you for understanding the seriousness of this email.

And, thank you for your faxes... and that donation.

Please give the largest gift that you possibly can to CCRKBA as we EXPOSE this complete violation of our United States Constitution.


Alan M. Gottlieb
Citizens Committee for the Right to Keep and Bear Arms

P. S. The time is now to take a final stand against this assault against one of our most cherished freedoms. Please fax every U. S. Senator and let them know how you really feel; and donate to this organization that has stood for your right to bear arms---to make sure NO treaty ratification happens under the "Obama watch."

Please SELECT HERE to STOP the U.N. Small Arms Trade Treaty NOW! FAX all 100 U.S. Senators; and give a special DONATION to CCRKBA to make our "last stand" against this atrocity!

If you prefer to donate by check, please mail to:

Citizens Committee for the Right
to Keep and Bear Arms
12500 NE 10th Place
Dept Code 5015
Bellevue, WA 98005

Tell the U. S. Senators to REJECT the U.N. Small Arms Trade Treaty. SEND FAXES DIRECTLY TO ALL 100 SENATORS TO VOTE NO TO THE U.N. GUN GRAB!

YES, I want to help WIN THE WAR against those who want to take our Second Amendment freedom away! I want my voice to be heard loud and clear that we are against this disastrous U.N. treaty!

Click Here to Review Your Fax

We need to mobilize people to take a stand against any legislation, any ratification, and any U.N. treaty that tries to govern our right to keep and bear arms.

Thank you, Alan, for keeping us abreast in this all-out war against those of us who adhere to the U. S. Constitution and our freedoms and rights.

For less than what it would cost you in time and telephone charges, you can send Blast Faxes to:

ALL 59 Democrat/Independent U.S. Senators for just $29
ALL 41 GOP U.S. Senators for just $29
ALL 100 U.S. Senators for just $39!
BIGGEST IMPACT ALL 100 U.S. Senators AND a Donation for just $64!

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Liberty Park
12500 N.E. Tenth Place
Bellevue, WA 98005

Voice: 425-454-4911
Fax: 425-451-3959
Toll Free: 800-486-6963

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AKBastardPosted: Dec 06, 2010 - 21:54

Level: 5
CS Original

I honestly don't think they have the balls to go after anyone's guns in this country. Mine are unregistered so I doubt I have anything to worry about.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Dec 06, 2010 - 22:03

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Let's look at this rationally:

If "the government" wanted to take your guns do you really think anything you can buy retail would stop them?

Personally, I think this whole thing is total garbage because gun control is absolutely not on Obama's plate nor has it ever been since being elected President. He has real things to worry about, not paranoid right winger's wet dreams about finally getting to use those guns they've been saving up.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Dec 06, 2010 - 22:04

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Hillary Clinton And The UN Arms Trade Treaty Rumor

Friday, May 28, 2010

We continue to receive numerous inquiries regarding UN international treaties, and their impact on our Second Amendment rights. The latest rumor making its way around the Internet claims that Secretary of State Hillary Clinton actually signed a UN small arms treaty.

Contrary to this widely circulated e-mail, Hillary Clinton has not signed any small arms treaty. She could not have done so, in fact, because no such treaty has yet been negotiated.

As we noted in an update from last November, the UN Arms Trade Treaty will be drafted between now and 2012, and even if signed, would not take effect in the U.S. until it was ratified by the Senate.

Please rest assured that, as we said in November, NRA will be actively involved in this process and will oppose any treaty that would attempt to impose limits on our Second Amendment rights. In the meantime, we urge gun owners to follow this issue in NRA's magazines and NRA-ILA's Grassroots Alerts. We also urge gun owners not to circulate misinformation on this issue.

And I was right. Its bullshit. The NRA says so and also requests that people stop spreading the stupid thing.

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Real RoxettePosted: Dec 07, 2010 - 08:31

There ARE more sluts in public schools. Shut up and let me explain.

Level: 8
CS Original

"UN, Guns, Second Amendment, Hussein, Government, Cliton, Progressives" a list of buzzwords which will make your newsletter successful!

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]