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Forum - Flouridisation...what are your thoughts? - Page 2

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Edward L WinstonPosted: Nov 15, 2010 - 17:01

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original


#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Nov 15, 2010 - 17:03

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

I was googling cities that don't fluoridate their water supply, I found this article:</p>

Not only does the "activist" in Wichita think the water is already secretly fluoridated, he repeats stupid shit like:

Adolf Hitler and Joseph Stalin were among the first leaders to use low-dosage water fluoridation as a means to subdue the general public, make concentration camp inmates more docile & to reduce fertility. In the modern age, water fluoridation is merely one method that is being used to take the ‘teeth’ out of the freedom movement in this nation.

#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Nov 15, 2010 - 17:12

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

I remember a guy called paradigm in TZM preaching to me about how fluoride is used by the government to dumb everybody down. Then I threw in a fact and the fact is the human body actually needs fluoride to strengthen to bones but to much of it is bad just like anything else. Of course Paradigm said that was not true and of course "he knows the truth". I guess people would rather have shit ass water with worms in it, viruses and things of that nature...

Keep in mind Paradigm is a AIDS denier. Yes he believes AIDS does not exists... He went so far as to say to me that he would gladly transfuse blood with someone with AIDS if they were clear of other diseases...

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Nov 15, 2010 - 21:28

Level: 12
CS Original

The best was when my ex-friend claimed that the pineal gland, which is apparently your third eye for enlightenment, is deactivated when calcified due to fluoridation.

See if you can guess why this page is absolutely priceless:

#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Jimmy BiscuitPosted: Nov 16, 2010 - 02:50

Level: 0
CS Original

I can'T promise there isn't a sprinkle of unfounded paranoia in my fluoride concerns...but you folks are helping me through it!

@ CS is it the acronym FANHE

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 16, 2010 - 07:45

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

"The best was when my ex-friend claimed that the pineal gland, which is apparently your third eye for enlightenment, is deactivated when calcified due to fluoridation."

Someone should tell your ex-friend that neuroscience has come a long way since Descartes.

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Nov 16, 2010 - 09:47

Level: 12
CS Original

Jimmy, what's absolutely priceless is if you google pineal gland and fluoride, all the claims are based on one (arguably two) found on that page.

Extraordinary claims and such.

#37 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Nov 16, 2010 - 18:38

Level: 10
CS Original


"We should have a choice what we medicate ourselves with, particularly when my water rates are so damb high! "

In a way I agree, but would you be alarmed to know that iodine is also added to foods like bread and salt?

As I said I'm in the UK so my water is fluoridated. But I was also given fluoride pills. My mother says she was eventually told she was giving me an excess and should stop. The point being is that long before you will notice any kind of mental problems you'll have dental flourosis and my teeth are perfectly fine, no fillings at all and touch wood I havent gone crazy yet and last time I checked Im not a mindless drone.

And again, fluoridation isnt about only about putting fluoride into water. Its about regulating it. You could easily live in a place that did not regulate fluoride and consume far more fluoride naturally in the water. Additionally various places that do not add fluoride to water add it to salt, but for some reason the anti-fluoride guys are obsessed the water and dont care seem to care about that or iodine in bread. Iodine will also kill you if you take too much of it, but it is also essential for human health.

From here:</p>

Iodine is a naturally occuring chemical. Small amounts are needed for good health. However, large doses can cause harm. Children are especially sensitive to the effects of iodine.

NOTE: Iodine is found in certain foods. However, there is normally not enough iodine in foods to harm the body. This article focusses on poisoning from exposure to non-food items that contain iodine.

This is for information only and not for use in the treatment or management of an actual poison exposure. If you have an exposure, you should call your local emergency number (such as 911) or the National Poison Control

#38 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]