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Forum - Right wing militia group claims government coming after tea baggers

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scitopsPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 22:33

Level: 4
CS Original

As some of you may have heard our Governor, Steve Beshear had discussions earlier tonight with Law Enforcement, Judges, Attorneys and other politicos about "What to do with the TEA Party?" in a secret meeting that has been leaked to TBK.

Kentucky with the election of Rand Paul is at the forefront of the Liberty Movement and it is now obvious that the people of this Commonwealth and this Union of States is becoming a threat to the Establishment, particularly the Progressives. The eariler incedent at KET before the Paul/Conway debate with MoveOn may have been the first attempt in a series on the TEA Party to demonize and bust us up, by forcing our hands into acting to protect ourselves and our candidates.

So be on the look out for agitators, do not get pulled into their game. Another avenue they may take, is to infiltrate our ranks. While we encourage more to join us, we also have to be careful, considering this new threat. Don't go looking for a confrontation though, these people will show their hands. We must stay united no matter what, we can achieve Liberty, Freedom and Restoration of our Constitution if we remain focused.

It is obvious after this past election that we are having an affect. Not all our candidates won, but we have the establishment scared and if we thought they were resorting to dirty tactics before we have seen nothing yet. We The People are once again becoming a force to be reckoned with and Governor Beshear is desperate to save his job and more importantly his political status and legacy. The Governor is now resorting to under handed tactics to keep all the he has worked for intact; however, the fact that this information has been leaked to us is a good sign that not everyone is on board. The quicker this gets out the more scared he is going to be. This can work against us, as well as in our favor, depending upon how we react.

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