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sorryPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:02

Level: 12
CS Original

I'm against alcohol and pot, but I also don't buy the argument that pot remains illegal because of a lack of benefit. I've already mentioned the many uses of hemp; and what about the benefit of keeping a large group of morons at home eating cheetos than running around drunk and belligerent?

#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:09

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

The only reason alcohol has more economic and cultural significance is because marijuana is illegal.

Matt, I think you're wrong about this, and here's why.

Marijuana has only been illegal in most countries since the early 20th century. In order for your argument to be true, the economic and cultural significance of alcohol must have developed primarily since that time.

Plainly that's false. The ancient Egyptians brewed beer 5,000 years ago. The French wine industry has its roots in the early Middle Ages. Germany's beer culture has existed since at least that time. During all these centuries marijuana was legal in most if not all societies. It never developed the cultural cachet that alcohol did even when it was legal. Indeed until the 20th century most of its use was religious and ritual. Widespread use of marijuana for recreational purposes developed only in the 20th century.

Alcohol's cultural significance long predates the period that marijuana started to become illegal. The only other way your argument could be true is if marijuana had such a cultural cachet before criminalization and then alcohol managed to "catch up" since then. That's not true either, because cultural attitudes toward alcohol have remained largely unchanged for centuries.

#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:11

Level: 10
CS Original

"Huge, if you measure in economic terms--booze has been big business since human civilization began."

As would pot as all the money currently goes to black markets (aside from those allowed to grow medical marijuana in some states). These dealers and growers dont want it legal either, it would take away their thriving business.

It would also be healthier, since right now who knows what the conditions it was grown in. Btw its not like there's no country in the world that allows pot to be legal, certain European countries seem to do just fine...

I remember when they allowed 24hour pubs in the UK, everyone said it would lead to all kinds of trouble and it didn't. People said smoking not allowed inside food establishments anymore would destroy business' and it hasn't. Im sure some people think that making pot legal would destroy society, Im not sure why... people that smoke it would still smoke it and we would be able to tax it. We would also be able to control the conditions it was grown so safer to consume and you could educate people about it rather than blanketly saying you cant do any of it or stupidly suggesting that if you smoke a few joints you're probably getting schizophrenia.

No one has died from smoking weed as far as I know, no one goes out and beats up a stranger and Im sure someone has crashed their car while high but does anyone really think that number is MORE than car crashes while the person was drunk? Excess weed consumption is of course bad, but then so is excess alcohol consumption.

Alcohol, if you take a step back, is clearly far worse for society than cannabis.

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:21

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Once again, Ed, I'm not making any argument that pot should be illegal. Frankly I don't care if it is or not. Legalizing it would be absolutely fine with me. I'd probably even smoke it once in a while.

My main argument here is that the issue of legalization or criminalization is a pretty trivial one. It just doesn't matter very much. Matt made the point that I wouldn't take that attitude if we were talking about legalization or criminalization of alcohol. He's right. I wouldn't. I'm explaining why treating the two differently is not as senseless as many pot advocates claim. There are legitimate reasons for treating them differently, and focusing on the level of harm to society misses most of those reasons.

I need a drink. *orders martini*

#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:22

Level: 4
CS Original

There's a pretty big pot culture in California. I would say pot is potentially more perspective-shifting and creativity-inducing than alcohol. It's psychoactive, while alcohol is just a neuronal inhibitor.

The question is, why exactly was alcohol re-legalized after prohibition while pot was not? Both had a black market. Was the alcohol black market more viscous because there was more demand? Because alcohol is more addictive? Because it makes people more violent? Or something else?

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:33

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Who's culture is alcohol such an influence upon?

Because last I checked, I live in a melting pot culture. There is absolutely no reason for me to believe that the marijuana industry would not be on par with the alcohol industry in terms of economic influence if both were allowed to be manufactured on the same industrial scale. In regards to cultural importance, alcohol is about as important to my cultural views as religion is, which is to say it isn't.

History is important, I'll grant you that. But it is not a panacea for winning this discussion.

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:48

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

There is absolutely no reason for me to believe that the marijuana industry would not be on par with the alcohol industry in terms of economic influence if both were allowed to be manufactured on the same industrial scale.

That presumes that there's enough demand for marijuana to absorb production of it on an industrial scale. I don't think there is. It also presumes that the only reason demand for marijuana is less than that for alcohol is because marijuana is illegal. I don't think that's right either.

How many people want alcohol, and how badly? A lot of people. Some want it really really badly, others like to have it around, while others don't like it at all for various reasons. We saw during Prohibition that enough people wanted alcohol badly enough to defy the law in huge numbers. That's strong demand.

How many people want marijuana, and how badly? A substantially fewer number, I think. A very small number want it really badly, and that small number want it badly enough to defy the laws against it. Probably in the middle are people, like me, who wouldn't mind it if it was around, but don't want it badly enough to break the law to get it.

Equating demand for alcohol with demand for marijuana means that you think that category of people in the middle, who wouldn't mind it but would use it if it was legal, is so large that it equals or offsets, at the very least, the amount of people who want alcohol badly enough to break the law to get it. Marijuana just isn't that popular. I think the reasons for that are cultural, not legal.

#37 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:51

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Those are all speculations and opinions driven by your taste for alcohol. Due to the illegality of marijuana it would be impossible to have the data supporting your position as people would not answer such questions honestly.

Laws change the culture. The Civil Rights Movement showed us that.

#38 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:58

Level: 12
CS Original

So far, the only uses I've seen for alcohol are for taste, euphoria, and as an agent.

Marijuana's uses are for euphoria and as an industrial resource (for clothing, paper, etc)

I'm struggling to see why Marijuana is so far behind alcohol in utility that it's not worth making legal.

#39 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 13:59

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Well Matt, as I'm sipping my martini, we do agree at least that people who go around marching for pot and claiming it's this huge life-and-death civil liberty issue are idiots?

#40 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 14:02

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


#41 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 14:04

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

You need a drink!

#42 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 14:06

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Muertos is wrong and I win!

#43 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 14:09

Level: 4
CS Original

No, pot should be legal. it's a matter of principle, and free money, and i still haven't heard a good reason why it shouldn't be legal.

#44 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 14:10

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

I'm only right until happy hour starts. After that I don't care. *looks at watch*

#45 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 14:14

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original" />

#46 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 15:39

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Yeah, I didn't read anything again:

But I did see a thing about alcohol in history, and I must say, alcohol was big in Europe (wine and beer) because drinking the water often meant shitting yourself to death shortly after, as still happens in Africa. Even after Europeans came to the New World they still brewed beer and so forth, despite the fact the water was mostly OK to drink. Alcohol is ingrained in culture primarily for this reason. They just didn't figure out, when it came to beer, it was boiling that killed the bacteria, if they had, I imagine there'd be less of an alcohol culture for western society.

But I don't do drink or smoke marijuana, or anything else, and I never have, and have no plans at all to. I'm a fucking boyscout (not literally).

Frankly, I don't give a shit like Muertos.

#47 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 16:43

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Meh. You win some, you lose some. I still think I'm right, but I don't really care what you potheads think.

#48 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 16:51

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

I don't think you can OD on Marijuana but you sure can on alcohol.

#49 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 18:15

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

You can OD on water too, that's a stupid reason to ban or not ban anything.

#50 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Omni-SciencePosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 18:20

Ordo Ab Chao.

Level: 8
CS Original

This is just hearsay perpetuated by high school students, but it says you'd pass out before being able to OD on Marijuana.

Is there any validity to this claim?

#51 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 18:46

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

You can't OD on pot but prolonged use will cause changes in your brain chemistry.

#52 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
domokatoPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 19:05

Level: 4
CS Original

I think one study said pot use increases the chance of developing schizophrenia in at-risk persons, if that's what you mean Matt

And no, no one to my knowledge has ever ODed on pot. I read once that if you tried to OD on pot by eating it, you'd die from overeating first.

#53 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 19:19

Level: 5
CS Original

While I supported prop19 it wasn't that big a deal that it didn't pass. I'm still going to be enjoying my once every two week 20 sack.

#54 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 21:22

Level: 12
CS Original

I wish pot was lethal.

#55 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 21:41

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original


#56 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Nov 04, 2010 - 21:43

Level: 12
CS Original

I wouldn't complain.

btw pot was the greatest experience of my life.

#57 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]