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Forum - Have a special fast access login?

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The Burger KingPosted: Oct 31, 2010 - 04:59

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

I was thinking about Matt's post on allowing the CS site to be accessed by the public again. I was thinking maybe if CS had a fast way for a individual to signup but have restrictive access to the site unless they e-mail special ed or eric to give them full access. What type of restriction for a person who joins the CS website would be unknown but I think it could be solved through a organic consensus decision or whatever. I suppose a example restriction for a person who wants a fast access account would be that the person can only post 1 post per hour and I suppose make it known that CS reserve the right to restrict fast access accounts when needed. I suppose people can make multiple account and post on those as well so I guess another one would be that the IPrange must stay consistent within each post as well and if drastically changed on a fast access account it we'll assume it's under a proxy. That would only be needed if their are spammers posting material and changing their IP's, then creating more accounts. (should be taken lightly).

I suppose fast access account lock downs would be needed as well when it becomes necessary. I'm sure their are more idea out there as well.

<<New>> Just thought of a new one maybe if the volume because great CS can revert back to have the Forum topic section as main and have the fast access accounts limited to posting within those topics.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 31, 2010 - 05:05

Level: 6
CS Original

Some guest forum before being promoted to full-access poop thrower might be a good idea, keeps existing topics clean, and if anybody wants to discuss something, it will probably fit in one thread anyway.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 31, 2010 - 05:13

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

Good idea cyborgjesus maybe the guest could post in their own forum section that won't hit the front page but they will still be able to respond to CS members. I suppose we could upgrade a person to poop thrower status when we see that their good on the guest forum section or upon request.

I'd also note if this were implemented CS may want to inform people who join the site that they can only post on the guest forum topic until someone gives them poop thrower status.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Oct 31, 2010 - 09:53

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original" />

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Oct 31, 2010 - 17:36

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

Hey, you guys know we don't ever question the status quo.

Billll, stop double posting, hit Send Post once and leave it alone, or cut back on the amphetamines.

#5 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Oct 31, 2010 - 17:40

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

@Special Ed my mouse is broken and it double clicks on one click for some reason, I swapped it out now for a new one.

#6 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Omni-SciencePosted: Nov 01, 2010 - 21:28

Ordo Ab Chao.

Level: 8
CS Original

Wait a minute, how is the CS not completely open to the public?

The computer programming gene present in my sisters is absent in me.

#7 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Nov 01, 2010 - 22:24

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Because Plautus was so terrible Ed had to make new users require authorizations for accounts.

Or we are all huge pussies and are too scared to debate with Zeitards.

Depends who you ask.

#8 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
The Burger KingPosted: Nov 01, 2010 - 22:53

I can't stop posting pictures of poop, what the fuck is wrong with me?

Level: 5
CS Original

Well if the idea was implemented if CS creates a sort of a sub pen for new accounts made it would allow main CS monkey poop throwers to appoint others as poop throwers as well.

#9 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]