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Agent Matt | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 19:27 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | I am going to start a new thread about my strange life. I am not completely sure where to begin. I have recall of past lives from almost 14,000 years ago. I just assumed that everyone had these types of memories until I was about 13 yrs old and found out that they didn't. I also assumed that everyone had visits from the ant people like I did. I still remember the first time I was with a group of kids at age 11 and watching them ooh and ahh over a ufo that came to watch us at the creek. Afterwards I asked them why they were so freaked out and they told me that it was the first time they had ever seen anything like that. I remember being at a sleepover outside and making a ufo dance for us girls. All I did was think at it to flit about and it did. The girls went home and told their parents who called the sheriff to see if there was a plane crash or disabled out by our woods. After 13, I began to get my" brain washed "by the elders who said I needed to be cleansed of the make believe world of TV and the white people's beliefs. I needed to accept that I was a spirit talker and that I had to listen to what the Ant people were telling me as it was for the good of all. Let me clarify- a brain wash is when they make sure that I can repeat back our legends and stories,I can name all medicine plants and their reactions, summon spirits to help and heal. Channel good and evil beings to get information that is needed etc. I think it is the elder way of talking that means 'school you'. I have had off and on periods of dealing with the ants. They aren't like anyone or thing I have ever encountered. They are very happy,non-threatening beings who are very,very deceptive. I can usually tell when a human is lying and I just get the same feeling when I deal with them sometimes. I do not think they are evil per se Last nite I had a visit from an ant. He wasn't a very friendly one as he started our visit by scaring the daylites out of me. He kept showing me the mental picture of a portal/fold and people emerging and disappearing from it. I do not know what to make of this. I kept asking for clarification and he would not give it to me. At the end of the visit he warned that I had better do as I had been shown, or dire consequences were going to come. Talk about alot of help!! I am going to meditate and seek visitation from an ant that I know will help me. I am having flash backs as of late and they are getting on my nerves. I am remembering a lifetime where I was in a homeland that was destroyed by some type of cataclysmic event. I am in the middle of what I guess is some type of dinner party at my home, when I am suddenly running down this winding staircase in a blind panic with others screaming and running as well. I see the sky has become a grey tinged dull red and I hear a loud cracking that seems to come from the sky and ground at the same time. I can see animals that don't look right somehow, running into the treeline and across my yard/field I am watching a lake/pond twisting and raising and then the water just seems to whoosh down and is gone. I don't know what is going on, but I do know that I died in this lifetime from this. I see myself and other's just lying on the ground where we dropped. As I am leaving this scene, I realize that the whole plane of my country is dead. No, I do not feel this is Atlantis. It is somewhere sometime else. I am going to have to regress and study this. It is annoying and troublesome. I have seen several types of beings. I am not bragging, just clarifying. In my lifetime I have interacted with Ants(greys), Snake people(reptoids), Bigfoot(yet another type of reptoid?) Angels(which are from somewhere outside of our space) Demons(which are the same matter/beings as angels,only evil) Residual thoughtforms (ie:Black Hag) Vampires(self made) Spirits( can manifest energy),ghosts(patterns) and many, many, many earth spirits known as fairies,djinn,dryads and trolls. I have been blessed to be a channeler for these beings. I have seen them since I was very small and just assumed everyone else did too. As I have said before, I am a Choctaw/German halfbreed. My mother left Germany to escape from Hitlers insanity(she was actually given a get out free card as her family was well known for spell casting and scrying.) The ants are increasing their visions along with their comings and goings. They keep wanting me to go to a cave that I explored many years ago in aztec CO. I don't want to as the cave scared me badly. I was 2 hours in when I kept smelling this really snakey smell ( yes, I used to have Burmese pythons and it smelled like this only 100000X stronger). I really am not afraid of too much on this planet, but I literally had a war with myself and lost!! I re-hiked out and left a good helmet and torch down there. I couldn't get out fast enough! I know it wasn't full of rattlers I would have heard them, the other funny thing about it was that my lite would not penetrate the dark - it was like it swallowed it up. I have only ever found one other cave like that - it was in MT and the locals refused to go in with me, they kept telling me it was full of misery and ghosts. Needless to say I was only about 10 min. in when the snakey smell hit and I left. I figured it was full of rattlers as it was late winter/spring and they might wake up, so I left. Now the damn ants want me to go back and look for a door that will take me to the snake world and a meeting with one of them. I do not understand how meeting with them on THEIR turf will benefit me in any way!?! But, the ants are being persistent. The other nite my son told me that I was ignoring them so they had asked him to talk to me on their behalf. Talk about a bunch of @@**#!! I am so mad that they are bugging him. I think it is loooow and sneaky to involve a child (true he is 15) but I would never think to do this and it absolutely infuriates me that they did it. I must go to AZ to do some work but I just know they are going to pester me there. The last time they did it, I lost a great assistant because he was totally freaked out over the ufo's and stuff going on in our camp. Any ideas on how to avoid going to Aztec? I REAAALLLLY don't want to do it. | |||||
#1 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 19:35 |
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Level: 6 CS Original | Just take the lasagne. | |||||
#2 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:09 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | My father was a Reptilian-hybrid, left-brain dominant, predatory Scot. They have small birdlike facial features, lots of body hair. My mother was a cross-breed, Reptoid (Cherokee) with Reptilian (Scot) The Reptoid are less predatory, more self-regulating. They have broad foreheads, wide-apart eyes, large bone structures, sparse body hair. The reason Black Ops prefer blue-eyed blondes with Indigenous blood (Anglo mixed with Indian) is the increased ability to be telepathic and non-verbal (ADD/ADHD) which means, they can "zone-out" and Soul-fragment more easily than other types. Now you know. | |||||
#3 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:14 |
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President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | "...and that was the most I ever threw up" | |||||
#4 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:19 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | The way I came across this conclusion is a mystery in itself, but at this late stage of the game, unimportant. I have tried to explain the process in the past to those who suggested they had a interest in it. In short, there are two types of intelligence, one brain based, and the other, spiritual based. Sometimes when one has holes, lapse, the other will fill in. Intuition maybe? I have not seen the data from the DNA conclusions so any comment concerning it would be unfounded. But as with any Data base, the collection of information is as safe as the holder wishes it to be. King Harod was so worried about the birth of a baby that may challenge his thrown that he had all the first born killed. What is so different today? I would think the DNA would be virtually identical except maybe some differences in the gray matter. I suspect the Alien invader would have his gray matter tweaked a little more than the average human being. The difference may actually be how "they" are raised. In other words the lessons they are loaded with in childhood. Certain phrases or types of information may trigger the "Alien" condition. Software based activation rather than hardware. Drugging the population, I believe, is just another way of killing the first born. It actually interferes with the spiritual awakening. Weather it is fluoride effecting the Pineal gland or mercury destroying the brain, it keeps people under control, intellectually. Stupid slaves who do not even know they are slaves is the best possible scenario for the slave owner. If the trigger is actually "software", then the blood type is not a issue. Does this answer your question? It may be that the "blood type" is more susceptible to a suggestive mindset than others. | |||||
#5 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:23 |
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Level: 6 CS Original | Two, it's two bedrooms. | |||||
#6 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Ed | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:27 |
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Level: 10 CS Original | Its funny because I really can imagine David Icke taking all that totally seriously. | |||||
#7 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:32 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | It can now be reported that alleged President Barack Obama has crossed the line from being just a Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate enabler to a 9/11 co-conspirator. Obama's speech last night called for an escalation of the war in Afghanistan, which, from the beginning, was nothing more than a military campaign designed to chase the 9/11 shadow patsy Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset and employee Tim Osman. As reported in our previous intelligence briefing, the patsy bin Laden was flown from a CIA Dubai hospital in the United Arab Emirates (UAE) in early December of 2001 to the mountains of Tora Bora on the Afghanistan-Pakistan border. Bin Laden aka Tim Osman was then allowed to escape from capture on the DIRECT orders of former illegal White House occupant George W. BushFRAUD and retreat into the People's Republic of China where he died several weeks later of kidney failure and is currently buried inside China. This has been confirmed by a recent Senate Intelligence Report that was recently leaked to the press that asked the question why BushFRAUD allowed Bin Laden to escape. The question remains unanswered. Note: Of course, if you follow our intelligence briefings, we have already answered those questions for you. "I don't know where he is and I really don't care. It's not that important. It's not our priority." George W. BushFRAUD March 13, 2003 Obama's speech last night clearly was written for him by his Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate 'handlers', former Iran-Contra business partners, current Obama Secretary of Defense Robert Gates and his dysfunctional, war-mongering Secretary of State, loser and lesbian in-the-closet Hillary Rodenhurst Clinton. Remember, folks, there NEVER was a war on terror 9/11, like the Nazi Hitler era Reichstag fire, was orchestrated and enabled at the highest level of the U.S. government so as to shred the U.S. Constitution and give the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate 'emergency control' (utilizing the UN-Constitutional TREASONOUS Patriot Act) over the U.S. Treasury, which they then, with the assistance of the conspiratorial Federal Reserve, eventually LOOTED. 9/11 was also used to try to legitimize the illegal occupation of the White House by nation wrecking, election stealing, Constitution shredding, cocaine snorting, U.S. Treasury embezzling, homosexual in-the-closet, AWOL, war criminal George W. BushFRAUD, after the blatant THEFT of the year 2000 presidential election from then Vice President, now duly elected, natural born President Albert Gore Jr. Reference: Obama's brazen, war-mongering speech, comes in the face of not only the new evidence, which points to BushFRAUD's complicity with Osama bin Laden in the 9/11 BLACK OP aka letting him escape from Tora Bora in December of 2001, but as well the new evidence aka text messages from both the New York City Police Department and NORAD showing direct complicity by forces inside the United States in enabling the 9/11 attacks. Remember, folks, on the day of 9/11 not only was the Elk Grove Village United Airlines routing system shut down but the entire NORAD defense shield was compromised by the Red-Blue 9/11 U.S.-Canadian Red/Blue war games, which were operating simultaneously at the time the 9/11 BLACK OP attacks took place. The war games on 9/11 were used as a disguise aka simulating of alleged hijacking of aircraft to move forward the 9/11 BLACK OP attacks in which unmanned aircraft were remotely controlled from a secret air base in the province of Ontario, Canada. The actual passenger aircraft that took off from Los Angeles, California and Boston, Massachusetts were flown to this secret air base in Ontario, Canada where most of the passengers have never been heard from again. NEW Department of Transportation records indicate that United Airlines Flight 77, which allegedly hit the Pentagon never had the cockpit opened during the course of the flight. This evidence directly contradicts reports that the wife of former BushFRAUD Solicitor General Ted Olson, Barbara Olson, made a cell phone call from United Airlines Flight 77 indicating that alleged hijackers had opened the cockpit door and taken both the pilots and passengers hostage. We can now divulge that Defense Intelligence asset Barbara Olson made her alleged phone call from the skies over Ontario, Canada. Despite all of this overwhelming evidence, folks, Obama continues the BIG LIE on behalf of the Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate and its enablers in the corporate-controlled, fascist, extortion-friendly U.S. media. Obama continues to spew this bullshit that we have to fight shadow terrorists for years to come, which means he wants to continue illegal NSA (National Security Agency) domestic spying on the American People well into the next decade and continue this phony war on terror for years to come. This, of course, is UNACCEPTABLE to the American People and those that cherish our Constitution and the inalienable rights granted to us by the Bill of Rights itself. P. S. And, as if things can't get worse, CIA stooge Obama has used an offshore hedge fund of the noted criminal U.S. brokerage firm Goldman Sachs to push an 'emergency' cash infusion into the Bank of England and the Royal Bank of Scotland so they can then turn around and 'bail out' the noted financial Ponzi Scheme in the United Arab Emirates known as Dubai World. We can also reveal that Dubai World was only Tier 3 in a massive financial money laundry tied to the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme with Tier 2 and Tier 1 located in Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate secret accounts based in Pakistan and India. Note: This information has been confirmed by financial security investigators in the United Kingdom, which seized records tied to the London offices of the noted Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme. Do NOT be fooled, folks. There is up to $500 TRILLION dollars of commercial real estate toxic asset derivatives linked to the Federal Reserve Bank of New York, New York Citibank with a tie in to Dubai World and the Bernard Madoff Ponzi Scheme. The criminal filth that currently control and occupy America still have no clue how to deal with these $500 TRILLION dollars of toxic assets, which will collapse the world economy in early 2010. We can now also report that one of the major investors in Dubai World was the late Osama bin Laden aka CIA asset/employee Tim Osman and CIA paymaster Saudi Royal Princess Nahaboo. Item: Princess Nahaboo also operated as a bag lady for former Clinton Administration Secretary of Treasury and Citibank CEO Robert Rubin in setting up secret trust accounts in Dubai for both Bill and Hillary Clinton. The funds were actually laundered back and forth through the noted Delmarva Timber Trust with the paymaster being neo NAZI and Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate operative Colonel Dana Wilcox. Making these accounts public and placing these account numbers on the internet was an attempt by British Intelligence to give a financial heads up to begin to move their money out of these accounts to avoid U.S. Treasury and European INTERPOL investigation aka a net worth audit. We will have more to divulge on this in our next intelligence briefing as we are waiting for more overseas evidence to be compiled concerning this latest failed financial black op swindle attempt. We can reveal that the criminal referral has named various reporters at the noted British Intelligence rag, the Washington Post, as the lynch pin in the leaking of the account numbers. Final note: Stay tuned for our next intelligence briefing, which will not only include an update on the Wanta-Reagan-Mitterrand Protocol status, but also information which details how NASA has used laser technology to shoot at the moon and, accordingly, has caused the South Pole to tilt to create a short term period of global cooling as to preempt global warming. You see, folks, this New World Order filth now wants to play God -- soon they will face the wrath of God, including an enraged American populace who are not going to live out the rest of their lives as robotized drones with no Constitutional rights or basic freedoms that were given to them over 200 years ago by our Revolutionary Forefathers. | |||||
#8 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Edward L Winston | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:40 |
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President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion! Level: 150 CS Original | Where's this stuff coming from? | |||||
#9 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Oct 19, 2010 - 20:51 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | "A final point concerning the METAL DEFICIENCIES is rather disturbing. Even though terrestrial planets might form around either star in the Zeta Reticuli system, there is a specific DEFICIENCY IN CARBON to well within the error range. This is disturbing because CARBON IS THE BUILDING BLOCK OF ORGANIC MOLECULE CHAINS. There is no way of knowing whether life on earth would have emerged...if carbon were not as common here." Although Zeta Reticuli may nevertheless be a major "convergence" of reptilian activity, it appears as if the "convergences" of human activity are elsewhere. We might suppose that early astronauts from earth decided to travel first to the nearest SOL-type system to earth, rather than a non-Sol-type system. Believe it or not, the NEAREST and most likely candidate for conditions found in our solar system is TAU CETI. This, as well as the nearby system of Epsilon Eridani may have as a result become a major center or "jumping off" point of human interplanetary exploration. Tau Ceti is only 11.8 light years away. Incidentally, according to ASTRONOMY Magazine, 15 of the 46--or 33 percent--of the SOL-type stars within 55 light- years-radius of earth, are in the Cetus and Eridanus constellations. This would be the most likely point of initial exploration by an ancient civilization such as the "Hav-musuv's," etc., who developed the art of interplanetary and interstellar travel hundreds or thousands of years before the "Internationals" on the surface of the planet were able to. Oscar, the "source" of the account given by Forest Crawford earlier, claimed that the "star map" found on board the recovered Tau Ceti craft showed the Tau Ceti - Epsilon Eridani systems as they would be seen from Earth. Apparently, over the ages the Tau Cetians had developed several interstellar trade or exploration routes. At the same time, the non-human alien-sauroid "empire" no doubt continued to expand as well. The map which was drawn by abductee Betty Hill from memory indicated, once it was lined up with contemporary star maps, that it connected with the Tau Ceti system as well as other systems. Or rather, the "lines" connecting other stars on the gray's map connected Tau Ceti, etc., as well. This suggests that the Grays utilized interstellar routes to prey upon human civilizations, as was confirmed by Oscar's contacts. As we've said, if an ancient hi- tech civilization such as the Hav-musuv's decided to explore nearby star systems, then Tau Ceti would be THE MOST logical candidate (Remember the accounts we've related telling of an alleged connection and cooperation between the Pleiadeans, Tau Cetians, Ummites and Vegans, as well as the statement that they "seem" to utilize a subterranean "space port" beneath Death Valley - Branton). Just as the Tau Cetians very likely had their genesis on earth thousands of years ago, we can see from the evidence that the grays-reptoids (as confirmed by Thomas C. and others) also originated on this sphere, having left this planet from the subterranean regions they occupied hundreds or thousand of years ago, and colonized Zeta Reticuli as well as other systems. Recently we received word from researcher Jason Bishop (who is in contact with SEVERAL individuals who have been victims of gray and reptoid abductions and implantation, as well as different people associated or formerly associated with the Dulce base) that certain sources have informed him that: "The 'Draco' takeover of the Earth surface cultures is becoming OVERT (no longer as 'covert'), 1992-1999. 1993 - money will be worthless (at present rate of change, and implants will be triggered). 1995 - Lots (25 percent) of people on earth (are scheduled to) die or disappear - food of the 'gods'" (The latter "disappearance" is not to be confused with the "rapture", which will be a Divine "rescue" of the followers of "The Lamb". According to Jason Bishop, "the plan" which the Sauroid infiltrators-invaders have established is in the process of becoming a reality, unless of course some miraculous event takes place which hinders "the plan" from being carried out as scheduled - Branton). A recent update from the Dulce Base "defector" Thomas C. reveals that the early American leaders, possibly after discovering various subterranean facilities like those beneath Washington D.C., learned shortly after the founding of the nation of the existence of the subterranean city of "Telos": "Beginning with Grover Cleveland," Thomas C. alleged, "every president in the U.S. history have visited Telos City, except for Taft." Taft, incidentally was an excessively large man, which might explain the reason why he didn't make the trip. In Jim Brandon's book, WEIRD AMERICA (E. P. Dutton & Co., N. Y., 1978., p. 58), we read that a "Dr. John Thornton" investigated ancient glazed tunnels under Washington D.C., which the founding fathers were allegedly aware of, and over which several important government buildings in the Capitol City were constructed. These tunnels allegedly led to deeper underground systems beyond. Could these have been instrumental in bringing the American and Telosian governments together, or did these presidents utilize another "entrance"? We could probably say that a "lodge" or hidden "government" exists consisting of both American and Telosian delegates. Whether such a delegation is strongly or loosely tied, it would nevertheless be necessary to orchestrate such visits to the Telosian capitol. Apparently it may have been THIS American-Telosian delegation which made the original encounters- treaties with some of the "grays" whom they at the time assumed were benevolent (Note: Could this delegation also include MJ-12 and the "Benevolent" groups who are jointly working together against the Grays within the Nevada military complex, according to "Yellow Fruit"?). As we've seen earlier this same group after having been "burned" by these creatures, had apparently become aware of their untrustworthy, deceitful and infernal nature - as well as the fact that the reptilians from all indications intend to take over human society. The following areas are sites where conflicts between the human and serpent races have reportedly taken place, as a continuation of the ancient Da'ath or Da-yath wars ("Da'ath" is the Hebrew name for the ancient tree near which, according to tradition, the human and serpent races first came into conflict): DULCE, NEW MEXICO - Site of the "Dulce Wars" which broke out within the subterranean mega-complex itself after the insidious nature of the aliens became apparent. Human government scientists, possibly working with "other" societies (Blonds, etc.) allegedly discovered the remains of thousands of human mutilation victims in cold storage in extremely deep and remote levels of the complex. Draco's, Reptoids, Chameleons, Iguanas, and Grays are some of the reptilian-saurian mutations encountered in this underground facility. NELLIS RANGE, NEVADA - (Covering S-4, Dreamland, Mercury, Blue Diamond, Nevada Test Site, etc.). MJ-12 and the "Benevolents" allegedly work here together against the saurian- grays which are concentrated largely near Deep Springs and in deep cavern levels miles beneath southern Nevada. The subterranean mega-complexes are varied and highly compartmentalized. Upper levels of this mega-complex are in human control while, as at the Dulce subsystem, lower levels (some of which allegedly descend OVER 30 LEVELS underground and intersect with extensive cavern systems below) are controlled by the Reptilians - Reptoids, Chameleons, Iguanas, Grays and OTHER 'grotesque' reptilian beings. "Controlled" humans also work in the lower levels. According to sources everything here is "way out of control" and the situation is such that when a "Test Site" worker learns "too much" about the alien activity and the infiltration of the lower levels by saurian beings from below, they often end up dead or missing. The "security clearances" and extreme secrecy involved in the reptilian-human interaction as well as the compartmentalization works in the favor of the Reptilians, making it easier for them to neutralize any human who discovers their TRUE motives for establishing joint interaction with government officials - namely, the ultimate subjection of the human race. MOUNT SHASTA, CALIFORNIA - Originally an antediluvian outpost and later re-established by early post-deluvian explorers. The inhabitants are usually 6-7 ft. tall blond humans, possibly a combination of ancient Grecian, neo-Mayan and/or Eastindian and other heritages. Their society apparently came in contact with the ever-expanding reptilian empire and like many other societies - our own American society for instance - they at first were led to believe the "benevolence" facade utilized by the reptilians. A similar parallel or reverse scenario can be found in the Reptilian-controlled "Dulce" - Archuleta underground complexes which "allowed" human ambassadors-workers limited access after the base was "discovered" by government agencies. Most of these workers were later implanted and came under the control of the Saurians. These humans mistakenly assumed that instead of declaring war against the aliens within this and other bases they could instead formulate a mutually beneficial "treaty", in essence throwing "their pearls before swine" and through blind faith entrusting the reptilians with certain accesses to human society. They "entrusted" these creatures with the supposed benevolent "abduction and study" of human beings when in fact, as the government later discovered, the saurians continued to permanently steal thousands and perhaps tens of thousands of human beings, as well as engage in other hidden atrocities. In time it became apparent that the humans - Telosians, El-Anakim, Sasquatch, diminutives, etc. (converging at Shasta, etc.) and reptilians (converging at Archuleta, etc.) could never co-exist without the humans losing all self-will of their own, due to the reptilian desire and in fact instinctive "drive" to completely conquer and subdue the human race. Thus the "Dulce Wars" and the resulting "stand-offs". According to Thomas C. the "original" owners of the planet which the Sauroids-Greys claim to be (and so they would have us believe), and their Infernal paraphysical allies who operate in the physical realm via bio-genetically engineered physical "forms", are going "to wage war" on Terra, with "The El Race and the Owners." The "owners" would be us, one would assume. The "El's" or human giants are just like us physically, but anywhere from 9 to 11 and in some cases even 12 ft. tall. They have allegedly been encountered within large cavern systems deep below Alaska, Oregon, California, Texas, Mexico, etc., and are allegedly capable of interstellar travel. There are indications that the "Agharti" civilization and the "Moon Eyes", both referred to earlier in this file, are involved with the activities at Mt. Shasta as well. SALT LAKE CITY, UTAH - According to various accounts, an ancient system of tunnels and caverns exist below this area. As in the case of much of Nevada, a large percentage of the water in this "Great Basin" area cannot escape to the Pacific Ocean, but instead seeps down underground into huge subterranean systems. According to various sources, these underground systems may have at one time been largely under human occupation. These caverns were apparently and eventually infiltrated to a large degree though not entirely by reptilian influences. Certain "controlled" Dero-MIB type human groups who are being manipulated by the Saurians seem to exist there as well. Also, certain "human resistance" groups that are opposed to the reptilians seem to occupy some of the underground systems also. DIXONVILLE, PENNSYLVANIA - Sometime during the 1940's, 15 miners turned up dead or missing underground after breaking into an ancient tunnel of unknown origin. Claw-like marks were seen on some of the dead miners, while others were never found. One eye-witness (according to an article by Stoney Brakefield which appeared in the July 14, 1974 issue of the Pennsylvania newspaper NEWS EXTRA) reported seeing a grotesque hominoid creature which was totally "alien" and "not of this world". To put it simply, the battle between the human and serpent races, as prophesied in Genesis chapter 3 (vs. 14-15) and in Revelation chapter 12, is becoming more intense as time goes on. As the close of the century comes upon us what lies ahead of us in the future? Is it possible that if enough people are warned that "they" may be forced to set back or postpone their "move" until a later date? Whatever the case, we should not just sit by and wait to be conquered. As one man once said, "The best offense is a good defense!" Our Creator originally ordained humanity to be overseers of His Creation, but man has allowed to a large extent the Serpent or "the Beast" to steal this divinely decreed authority from under him through deception and occult and technological manipulation and in some cases, even overt invasion. The Reptilians have proven that they seek only to control and to devour. They are like the AIDS virus and have infiltrated our society in "trojan horse" like facades which may to some appear outwardly benevolent. They have no morals, conscience or discretion whatsoever. They have preyed upon men, women AND EVEN CHILDREN in the populated segment of this galaxy for hundreds of years if not millennia. They seem to conquer for powers sake alone and they will corrupt and "rape" this entire universe if given the chance. They are as unnatural as cancer and they must be stopped. For ages, the evil one and the conspiracy he controls has been identified by the symbol of a reptilian Serpent or Dragon. On the other hand, those who have resisted "the Beast" (often being oblivious as to it's actual nature) have been identified with that great and powerful personage who is symbolized by The Lamb, or the Crimson Ram, the True Messiah or Christ, the Man-God who above all else possesses the power to defeat the ancient Dragon. Of Him it was written almost 2000 years ago, in the fifth chapter of the book of Revelation: "And I saw a strong angel proclaiming with a loud voice, who is worthy to open the book, and to loose the seals thereof? "And no man in heaven, nor in earth, neither under the earth, was able to open the book, neither to look thereon. "And I wept much, because no man was found worthy to open and to read the book, neither to look thereon. "And one of the elders saith unto me, Weep not: behold, the Lion of the tribe of Judah, the Root of David, hath prevailed..." | |||||
#10 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Dr_Benedict_Zaroff | Posted: Oct 20, 2010 - 00:33 |
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Level: 1 CS Original | "It can now be reported that alleged President Barack Obama has crossed the line from being just a Bush-Clinton Crime Family Syndicate enabler to a 9/11 co-conspirator." etc. from Alex Jones' Myspace blog. "Although Zeta Reticuli may nevertheless be a major "convergence" of reptilian activity, it appears as if the "convergences" of human activity are elsewhere. We might suppose ..." from And There Was War in Heaven, part 2 http://www.theforbiddenknowledge.com/hardtruth/cosmicconflict3b.htm</p> "My father was a Reptilian-hybrid, left-brain dominant, predatory Scot. They have small birdlike facial features, lots of body hair." from | |||||
#11 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
CyborgJesus | Posted: Oct 20, 2010 - 00:43 |
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Level: 6 CS Original | How often do these people get laid. Once a decade? | |||||
#12 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Dr_Benedict_Zaroff | Posted: Oct 20, 2010 - 11:50 |
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Level: 1 CS Original | I don't know Cyborg. Do Reptilians even need sex? | |||||
#13 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |
Agent Matt | Posted: Oct 20, 2010 - 11:56 |
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Genuine American Monster Level: 70 CS Original | Benedict Zaroff lies. These are all first hand accounts! | |||||
#14 | [ Top | Reply to Topic ] |