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Forum - Joe Rogan is a friend of Alex Jones - provides laughs

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AnoukPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 08:47

Level: 1
CS Original</p>

Question by reddit member:
"Since you're a friend of Alex Jones, what do you think about his constant fear mongering radio show?"

Joe Rogan answers:
"When I'm high it makes me paranoid and it makes me laugh hysterically. Since I know Alex very well I think I've got a healthier perspective on what he's talking about than some folks that are die-hard fans and toxic conspiracy nuts. The real problem with Alex Jones is that he's right. A LOT. Not all the time, but enough to let you know that the way we've been told that this world runs is utter complete horseshit.

Some conspiracies are real, and the biggest trap of all is to not consider any of them out of a fear of being labeled foolish.

Just look at what came out today about the US infecting innocent civilians in Guatemala with sexually transmitted diseases just so that they could test penicillin on them. Look up "operation midnight climax" where the CIA ran brothels in the 50's in NYC and San Francisco where they tested out LSD on unsuspecting victims. Look up Operation Northwoods and the real story behind the Gulf of Tonkin.

Don't think for a moment that those conspiracies are the only ones the US has ever been involved in, and that we're not currently involved in a bunch of fucked up secret illegal shit all over the world right now as I'm writing this.

Alex is wrong a lot. He's also right a lot, and that's scary as fuck."

There's a lot wrong in saying someone like Alex Jones is "right a lot", when he believe in unproven things like a Satanic elite that does rituals to Satan, doesn't understand SHIT of symbolism, has absolutely no understanding of psychology - not to mention common sense and is doing a lot of harm to minority religious groups with his paranoid theories. But hey, what can you expect from a Christian? Only a Christian (or a dumbass) believes that the world is in the hands of a Satanic Elite.

And its like saying that David Icke makes a lot of sense, even though he believes in invisible lasers and reptilians. This is completely illogical and makes no sense. Even if someone like Alex Jones, or David Icke, says something that one can agree with once in a while - it DOESN'T make them worthy of listening to.

Fuck, what happened to logic and common sense?

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 09:01

Level: 6
CS Original

So Jones talks about every conspiracy theory on the planet. Some might turn out to be the X-Factor version of a true story, what a surprise.

What use is this if the Jones isn't able to even slightly investigate the subject in a professional manner?

If I fly a helicopter, I might get a landing right once in a while, but that doesn't mean you should let me teach you how to fly a damnn helicopter.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 02, 2010 - 10:37

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

"Northwoods. Gulf of Tonkin. ZOMG!" Yawn. Can't conspiracy theorists get anything right?

Typical tinfoil hat nutbar. Nothing to see here, move along.

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