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Forum - Chicago Olympics Conspiracy

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sorryPosted: Sep 07, 2010 - 18:09

Level: 12
CS Original

Glenn Beck knew about the corruption behind the done deal between Obama, Chicago, and the Olympics.

Here's what one of the highest rated comments in this video says:

The evidence still stands? Nothing has changed. Had Chicago got the Olympics, it would have been a big corruption case. I wish they had, so the expose' would have happened.

This is another case of conspiracy theorists wanting things to happen so they can prove their case.

Another quote:

Neither Beck nor Severin said it was a done deal. "The things that fired off in my head was 'This is a done deal. He could never be as stupid as to go and not have it as a done deal.' And if we stipulate that for a moment... " It was an initial thought. The only thing that he said is that Obama is stupid for going. And just because he didn't get the Olympics doesn't make this corruption. He TRIED, that is enough to make it wrong.

But go ahead, TYT, set that straw man up and knock it down.


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