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Forum - 9/11 & Free Energy - Page 5

Tags: No planer Abe, Abe is a kooks website spammer, Abe contradicts himself, Abe is terrible at science and logic, BEAM WEAPONS ARE BAD, Abe cant comprehend perspective errors, So wrong Pookie got kicked out of AE911Truth, Don't let Abe cut your brain, Jews with laser beams did 911, 9/11, Truth, Beam Boy [ Add Tags ]

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PookztAPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 18:55

Level: 0
CS Original

I also find it interesting that these things are not mentioned, let alone, all the other bits of information which have been left out of the article. Very weak, but nothing new. These things need to be taken into account:

I should let you know that I recently messaged Richard Gage and AE911Truth to ask him if he knew about Dr. Judy Wood, and as a result, I have been removed from the Petition Signers list on, despite the fact that I have donated over $100 dollars to Richard Gage and his organization over the past several months. As of the morning of March 4th, my name was removed from the AE911Truth petition, so it appears that I have been removed from the petition simply for asking about Dr. Judy Wood. This is very concerning, because I have not done anything wrong by asking Richard Gage to talk to Dr. Judy Wood and consider her research, yet has removed me from their petition simply for asking about her once in a private email. In addition, Richard Gage has never replied to any of my emails over the past several months, not even one of them, but Dr. Judy Wood has responded to several of my emails in just the last week. Oddly enough, Dr. Wood predicted that Richard Gage and Dr. Jones would ‘blacklist’ me for mentioning her, and she was right. Furthermore, after I began posting in blogs and forums about what AE911Truth had done to me, it was then that AE911Truth finally contacted me! They were not replying to my original email, rather, they were emailing me to offer me a refund because they noticed I was telling people what had happened to me. They offered me a refund in an attempt to convince me to stop talking. Why could they contact me to offer me a refund, but they could not reply to my simple email question which was intended to help AE911Truth? Why did they not simply respond to my email and say “thanks” or “no thanks”? Why did they only contact me after I began telling people about what had happened to me, to offer me a refund and encourage me to stop talking about the incident?

Also, Major Doug Rokke from the U.S. Army contacted me recently and is trying to convince me that only nano-thermite or other explosives were used on 9/11, but NOT energy weapons. He refuses to acknowledge the existence of highly-advanced Energy Weapon Technology, other than lasers, that are possessed by the military-industrial complex. He does not want to meet with me in public, but insists that I come meet him at his private dwelling just outside of Urbana-Champaign. He has contacted me because I have recently been spreading information about Dr. Wood, and he insists that we meet in “private” so he can “show me something” related to proving that nano-thermite or other explosives were used on the WTC buildings, but not energy weapons. I’m not going to meet with him, because I asked Dr. Wood about him and apparently he is trying to cover up her work. Major Doug Rokke attended one of Dr. Judy Wood’s “New Hiroshima” presentations, and he sat in the front rows and repeatedly attempted to disrupt her, interrupt her, and yell unprofessional statements throughout her lecture to try and discredit her research. This is one reason I am not meeting with him. Another reason I am not meeting with him is because I recently contacted one of my Deans that I trust, and she said that Major Doug Rokke was fired from the University of Illinois a long time ago for claiming he was a professor, when in fact he is not. Apparently he has a long history of lies and deceit, so my Dean strongly suggested that I do not meet with him, and she is already making some calls about him given this recent information.

Lastly, I recently tried to add Dr. Judy Wood's name to the list of 9/11 researchers on the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page, but I was censored for simply trying to add her name, and when I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me to stop appealing it or my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result, so that I could not contribute to any more Wikipedia pages or start any more discussions. Before my account got locked, I was also censored by the same small group of admins for trying to create a Wikipedia page in honor of Dr. Judy Wood's selfless 9/11 research and legal efforts, just like I have been censored by countless other 9/11 "Truth" organizations and forums all over the world simply for mentioning Dr. Judy Wood. These organizations are corrupt and are censoring information about Dr. Judy Wood, because they are not seeking the truth, and this small group of Wikipedia admins seem to be a part of this censorship. You can read all the details and see actual screen shots of my Wikipedia incident here:

I strongly support the 9/11 Truth Movement as a whole and I definitely think we all need to work together to share ideas and information, so I truly hope that you will consider collaborating with Dr. Judy Wood in addition to Dr. Steven Jones, so we can all work together to bring about real 9/11 truth and justice. Even if Dr. Wood’s conclusions do not resonate with you, we are all still pursuing truth and justice regarding 9/11, and therefore we need to work together. It is very concerning to me that Dr. Jones has chosen to outcast Dr. Wood simply because he does not agree with her conclusions, when he should be supporting her many legal cases. If Dr. Jones is indeed misleading the 9/11 Truth Movement, he needs to be exposed so that this movement can continue to make progress and move forward.

Update: Ex-Soviet military intelligence officer Dimitri Khalezov recently contacted me to try and convince me that only nuclear devices were used to bring down the WTC buildings, but NOT energy weapons. He told me he thinks Dr. Wood is 'wrong' in her conclusion, but he could not provide any proof of this, plus his nuclear demolition theory did not even come close to explaining as much of the evidence as Dr. Wood's conclusion. Odd. To learn more about my encounter with Dimitri Khalezov, please check out this link:

I find it very odd that two retired military officers are trying to convince me that only explosives were used on 9/11, and that Dr. Judy Wood's conclusion (the only conclusion which explains ALL the evidence) is wrong, yet they won't even provide proof to back up their claims...

...I wonder why these high-ranking retired military officials have randomly contacted me, an insignificant medical student, when they should be contacting members of Congress and other high-ranking members of our government...?

Thank you for reading,


#121 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 19:08

Level: 10
CS Original

Hey Abe,

How does it feel to be rejected from AE911 and your name removed from their petition because even Gage thinks you're a lunatic? That's got to be embarrassing considering he believes in silent explosives.

#122 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 19:20

Level: 3
CS Original

Stop posting the same pre-written posts over and over again god damn it.

#123 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 20:33

Level: 12
CS Original

How does it feel, Abe, to know that I no longer read your posts? You typed all of whatever you said for no measurable benefit. Sky's comment assures me I lost nothing by skipping your babble.

You may claim I'm not being fair by ignoring your posts. Well, now you know how we feel after we spent time responding to your claims and received nothing in return.

#124 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 21:03

Level: 5
CS Original

"Stop posting the same pre-written posts over and over again god damn it."

Holy crap that's annoying!

Like an evil truther robot from hell!

#125 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 21:39

Level: 9
CS Original

"Also, Major Doug Rokke from the U.S. Army contacted me recently and is trying to convince me that only nano-thermite or other explosives were used on 9/11, but NOT energy weapons."

oh ok

#126 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 21:44

Level: 12
CS Original

"and is trying to convince me"

So... Abe is still unconvinced that energy weapons weren't used on the towers? That doesn't jive with his notion that it's inaccurate to say he believes energy weapons were used.

#127 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
PookztAPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 23:21

Level: 0
CS Original


Those who erroneously refer to the work of Dr. Wood with terms like "space beams," "ray beams from space," "laser beams from space," are in essence admitting that they cannot find any fault with what Dr. Wood presents. That is why they resort to dishonesty. If they could find fault with what she presents, they would have shown that by now.

What is going on is no different than claiming to have debunked someone who says 1 + 2 = 3, saying that the "2" really looks like a "9" so that the answer should be 10. That is, they cannot debunk 1+2=3, so they pretend it is 1+9 so they can say the answer of "3" has been "debunked." The point here is the reason why so much energy would be spent on "appearing" to debunk Dr. Wood. If what Dr. Wood is saying were bogus, why would so much energy be spent on trying to cover it up???

Again, most importantly:

A person who uses the term "space beams" (or "laser beams from space," etc.) to describe Dr. Wood's work is indirectly admitting that she is right and they are wrong. It is an indirect confession. They cannot debunk what she presents and it is their mission to APPEAR to debunk her. So they make up a false story to debunk, then post it on a website where no replies or rebuttals can be made to it.

Sorry to hear that you had to resort to such dishonest tactics...

Oh well, I am used to it by now. :)



Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology<br />

#128 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
CyborgJesusPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 23:37

Level: 6
CS Original

"A person who uses the term "space beams" (or "laser beams from space," etc.) to describe Dr. Wood's work is indirectly admitting that she is right and they are wrong."


If I say Unicorns destroyed the WTC and somebody phrases my argument slightly wrong (horses with horns destroyed the WTC) it doesn't say anything about who is right.

And "the point that people spend time on it proves it is right" is the most paranoid nonsense I've ever heard. A lot of people in Germany have spend hundreds of hours explaining why Hitler does not live on the moon. Must be right then, doesn't it?

If it isn't, prove that Hitler does not live on the moon!

#129 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 23:40

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

I'm still waiting for proof that the "energy weapons" that could be used in 9/11 even exist at all.

#130 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Sep 01, 2010 - 23:57

Level: 12
CS Original

"and is trying to convince me"

So... Abe is still unconvinced that energy weapons weren't used on the towers? That doesn't jive with his notion that it's inaccurate to say he believes energy weapons were used.

#131 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Sep 02, 2010 - 01:12

Level: 3
CS Original

Why does someone who calls their theory "Star Wars Beam Weapons" complain when people refer to it as "space beams"? What does she expect the name Star Wars to invoke? She even subtitles it "brought to you by the Star Wars Program", well "the Star Wars Program" is a common nickname for the Strategic Defense Initiative, a space based weapon system. I also like how Judy Wood tries to make a disclaimer that she isn't talking about space based weapons, but then she wont say where the beams could originate from or anything about them:

Our critics have accused us of insisting that beam weapons did their damage from outer space, yet we make no claim about whether the directed energy weapon operated from a space-, air-, or ground-based platform. Nor do we make any claim about what wavelength(s) was used, what the source(s) of energy was, whether it involved interference of multiple beams, whether it involved sound waves, whether it involved sonoluminescence, whether it involved antimatter weapons, whether it involved scalar weapons, whether it was HAARP (more here and here), whether it involved a nuclear process (e.g. NDEW, more info), whether it involved conventional directed energy weapons (cDEW), whether it involved improvised directed energy weapons (iDEW), nor what kind of accelerator was used, nor do we claim to know what the serial numbers of the parts that were in the weapon(s).</p>

#132 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Sep 02, 2010 - 01:24

Level: 3
CS Original

Why did Donald Rumsfeld, in January 2001, have a premonition predicting 9/11?

In January 2001, a commission led by Donald Rumsfeld warned of growing threats to U.S. space assets from so-called "rogue states." The commission cited the dangers of a Pearl Harbor-style attack in space. It recommended that the President be given the option of putting weapons in space to protect U.S. assets. The article noted that Rumsfeld, upon taking over as defense secretary, "put in place many of his commission's recommendations."

We're not talking about space beams here guys. I mean we are talking about space and we're talking about beams, but we're not talking space beams. Move along people, nothing to see here.

#133 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Sep 02, 2010 - 02:02

Level: 9
CS Original

"If what Dr. Wood is saying were bogus, why would so much energy be spent on trying to cover it up???"

You are delusional, Dr. Judy Wood is the pariah of the already pariahsized (new word, sup) 9/11 truth movement. The 'so much energy' you refer to is just Richard Gage and company trying to not lose their own followers to Dr. Judy Wood... but to people who don't believe in all the 9/11 truth bullshit, it doesn't matter because we think you're all crazy.

#134 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Sep 02, 2010 - 06:25

Level: 10
CS Original

Space beam weapons are totally different to directed energy space weapons... DUH!

#135 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Sep 03, 2010 - 16:15

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

My God. I get back after being away for 3 days and see that we're STILL arguing with Abe about space beam weapons?

These space beamers have got to be the craziest Truthers of the bunch. Jeezus, people. SPACE beams! It still boggles my mind that intelligent people can actually believe in such nonsense. The Tooth Fairy and the Easter Bunny are far more plausible legends than Dr. Wood's nonexistent "directed energy weapon."

#136 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Sep 03, 2010 - 17:13

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original


#137 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Sep 03, 2010 - 17:17

Level: 12
CS Original

Abe hasn't proved that he himself didn't cut all of these circles before the attacks, therefore he did. It also suggests that knew about the attacks ahead of time. Until he proves he didn't, perhaps the government should subpoena him.

#138 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Sep 03, 2010 - 17:23

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Abe is a fucking crank, and I am being polite here.

#139 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
PookztAPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 16:04

Level: 0
CS Original

Dear Conspiracy "Science" Forum,

Since this forum claims to be about "science", I imagine that most of you would be interested in discussing EVIDENCE, rather than calling names and being disrespectful.

Thus, here is a small fraction of the evidence which deserves our attention:

Could heat and falling debris cause the damage to these vehicles, while not even popping the tires or igniting the gas tank? Furthermore, could heat and falling debris cause the damage to these vehicles, without burning ANY pedestrians? Look:

1.<br /> 2.<br /> 3.</p>

Did heat and falling debris cause these steel beams to bend and shrivel as well? If high heat did this, then why are there no signs of heat damage or buckling on these warped steel beams?

1.<br /> 2.<br /> 3.</p>

If heat caused the destruction, you must think this is steam instead of fumes. If this is steam, why are workers' faces exposed to it, and why are the pressure hydraulics of the equipment exposed to it? Hot steam would have burned these workers' faces and caused malfunction of the hydraulic equipment:

1.<br /> 2.</p>

If 'falling debris' caused this damage, then why was the ‘Bathtub’ beneath the WTC towers virtually unharmed? After they cleared off the small pieces of debris, we can see that there were no major chunks or gouges in the bathtub beneath the WTC buildings, damage which would have most certainly resulted from thousands of tons of falling steel and concrete, had it not been turned to dust. Furthermore, if falling debris caused all the damage, as you claim, why were there extremely large holes in the rubble piles of the towers, in addition to the unharmed 'bathtub'? Look:

1.<br /> 2.</p>

Why was the rubble pile much smaller than expected, based on knowledge of previous controlled (explosive) demolitions? If the WTC towers were brought down via controlled demolition, shouldn't the rubble pile be of similar relative size in comparison to past controlled demolitions of buildings? Why was the WTC rubble pile extremely small in comparison to what one would expect of a controlled demolition? Look:

What turned the Twin Towers to DUST on 9/11?

As a scientist and medical student, I cannot accept the claim that fire or heat caused all this damage, because the evidence does not suggest this. I am a scientist, and I must rely on the evidence to formulate my scientific opinion. Explosives most certainly do not explain all the evidence, not even close.

Here's another small piece of evidence to consider. Why did only one metal file cabinet survive the attacks? Only one metal file cabinet survived the 'collapse' of two of the largest office buildings in the world? Why did the metal of this single surviving file cabinet show severe distortion which is characteristic of the distortions seen in The Hutchison Effect experiments? Why were there pieces of unburnt paper fused to the metal within this remaining file cabinet? Furthermore, why were numerous plastic ID cards and paper money bills found in the rubble, yet only one metal file cabinet was found? How do several plastic IDs and paper bills survive this "high heat" you speak of, yet thousands of metal file cabinets, door knobs, and computers did not? You can see a very tiny portion of some of this evidence here:

Relics from the Dust | Directed Energy Weapons (DEW) & 9/11

Below, I have listed some other important pieces of evidence which must be explained. This list is just a small fraction of the thousands of photos, graphs, videos, and documents which Dr. Judy Wood has gathered, which most certainly are not explained by high heat or explosives of any kind. Check it out please:

• How come most of the Twin Towers’ steel and concrete was transformed into a fine dust, while large quantities of aluminum exhibited strange electrical burns, yet paper was unharmed? Extreme heat from jet fuel (or explosives) does not selectively damage certain materials, so how come some materials turned to dust, while other materials were bent or burnt, and yet other materials were completely unharmed?

• Why was Hurricane Erin was travelling straight for NYC from September 3rd – 11th 2001, yet it was not reported on by any major media broadcast in that area? Hurricane Erin was slightly larger than Hurricane Katrina, and hurricanes rarely head straight for NYC, so why wasn’t it reported on by any major corporate media station? Furthermore, why was Hurricane Erin still not reported on when it reached its closest point to NYC on the morning of September 11th, just before it diverted from its straight-line trajectory by suddenly turning and heading out to sea?

• How come there were statistically significant magnetosphere readings in Alaska at the very same time of the 9/11 attacks? Why were the 6 Alaskan magnetomer stations detecting normal readings until the 9/11 attacks commenced, when there was suddenly a huge surge in electromagnetic activity?

• Why do official seismograph readings around ground zero show smaller ground vibrations in comparison to the controlled demolition of the King Dome, which is a smaller building? Shouldn’t the smaller building have generated a smaller seismographic reading than the WTC buildings? Or perhaps the smaller reading of the WTC buildings came about because they were turned to fine particles of dust, as the evidence shows?

• How come there are many reports of power outages and electrical failures in the areas surrounding ground zero just as the attacks commenced?

• Why were numerous first responders’ Scott packs (oxygen tanks) spontaneously exploding around ground zero?

• How were the Twin Towers turned to dust so fine, that the dust floated high up into our atmosphere. The satellite photos show a clear distinction between the black smoke and the whitish-grey dust, so what turned such a large portion of these buildings to dust so fine that it floated high into our atmosphere?

• How come 1,400+ vehicles located several blocks away (some up to ¼ a mile away) from ground zero experienced metal warping and electricity-like burns and holes during the attacks? If you think the building debris caused these things, then how come that same debris did not burn the clothing or skin of the nearby pedestrians it covered?

• How come countless vehicles located several blocks away from ground zero were flipped upside down or on their side, next to trees which still had all of their leaves on them?

• How come several steel beams were observed to be bent and/or shriveled up in very unusual ways, ways which have only been observed during The Hutchison Effect experiments?

• Why were no toilets recovered from the small WTC rubble pile? Thousands of toilets, yet not a single one was found in the rubble?

• Why was only one file cabinet found in the small WTC rubble pile? Thousands of metal file cabinets, yet only one was found? The metal from the cabinet showed severe warping and distortion, similar to that seen in The Hutchison Effect, so how did this happen? Furthermore, how were their non-burnt pieces of paper found fused to the metal remnants of the single file cabinet?

• How did countless pieces of paper money survive the WTC attacks? Toilets and metal file cabinets do not survive, but countless intact paper bills survived?

• How did countless plastic photo IDs survive the WTC attacks? Toilets and metal file cabinets do not survive, but countless plastic ID cards survived?

• How come spontaneous rusting of materials occurred all around ground zero? In some instances, entire front-halves of cars were rusted, while the back-halves appeared to be virtually untouched?

• How come various debris at ground zero was still observed to be fuming and being hosed down well into 2008, as video evidence clearly shows? Do fires last for 7+ years? Do debris from fires need to be hosed down 7 years later?

• How come circular holes were observed in the windows of virtually all the buildings near ground zero, when holes like these are known only to be caused by longitudinal waves of energy? If building debris smashed the windows, they would have shattered in a predictable way, so how come these countless windows did not shatter, but instead, developed circular holes characteristic of the effect of longitudinal waves of energy on glass?

• How was the ‘bathtub’, the area directly beneath the Twin Towers, left virtually unharmed? How could thousands of tons of falling building debris not damage the ‘bathtub’ beneath the WTC buildings?

• How was the ‘Looney Toons’ gift shop in the basement of the WTC buildings left virtually unharmed, so dramatically that the ‘Bugs Bunny’ statue and other statues were not even scratched or dented? How could these figurines survive thousands of tons of falling building debris?

• How was the unharmed PATH Train beneath the WTC buildings left virtually unharmed? Shouldn’t falling building debris have crushed that train, or at the very least, knocked it off the tracks?

• How could thousands of tons of rapidly falling steel and concrete building debris leave the ‘Bath Tub’, the basement gift shops, and the PATH train, virtually unharmed? Shouldn’t thousands of tons of falling steel and concrete cause significant damage to at least one of these?

• How come Dr. Wood has already filed evidence-based legal cases against suspected 9/11-involved defense and weapons companies based on their conflict-of-interest relationship with N.I.S.T., yet other 9/11 “truth” researchers have not? How come Dr. Steven Jones has not officially filed his scientific ‘peer-reviewed’ nano-thermite evidence with Congress or the U.S. Courts?

• Why are groups like AE911Truth and PilotsFor911Truth just now claiming to be “pursuing a new 9/11 investigation” when Dr. Judy Wood has already filed many legal cases to pursue such an investigation, one which was successfully appealed to the level of the U.S. Supreme Court in October 2009?

• Why did Dr. Jones ban Dr. Wood from his ‘Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ group long ago, just because they had different conclusions about what destroyed the towers? Shouldn’t Dr. Jones and his ‘Scholars for 9/11 Truth’ group be supporting the 9/11 investigation that Dr. Judy Wood has already demanded with her legal cases, even if he does not agree with her conclusions?

• Why was I silently removed from the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) petition simply for asking Richard Gage if he would examine the research of Dr. Judy Wood? Why didn’t AE911Truth just reply to my well-intended email question, but instead, silently removed me from their petition? I have donated over $100 to AE911Truth, so why was I silently removed from the petition simply for asking Richard Gage a question? Why was I later contacted by Mark Graham of AE911Truth once they discovered I was telling people about what had happened? They could contact me and offer me a refund to try and stop me from telling people about how I was silently removed from their petition, but they couldn’t respond to my email which simply asked Richard Gage if he had looked into Dr. Judy Wood’s research?

• Why was I severely censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? How come David Ray Griffin and other less-qualified researchers are mentioned multiple times on the page, yet I was not even allowed to add one sentence about Dr. Judy Wood? When I tried to appeal the decision, a small group of moderators controlled the discussion and told me that if I appealed it again my account would be locked. According to Wikipedia policy, deletion-appeal discussions are to remain open for public comment and review for 5-7 days before a final decision is made, but my appeal was given a final decision by a small group of rude admins within 12 hours of the onset of my appeal, and the discussion was prematurely closed. After some research, I realized this was a violation of Wikipedia's policy, so I appealed it again, and my account was locked as a result.

• Why did United States Army Major Doug Rokke (retired) spontaneously contact me to try and convince me that explosives were the only things used on 9/11, and to convince me to stop talking about Dr. Judy Wood, yet he never provided any proof to back up his negative accusations against her?

• Why did Soviet Nuclear Intelligent Officer Dimitri Khalezov (retired) spontaneously contact me to try and convince me that underground nuclear explosives were what turned the buildings to fine particles of dust on 9/11, and to convince me to stop talking about Dr. Judy Wood, yet he never provided any significant proof to back up his negative accusations against her?

• Why did these high-ranking retired military officials randomly contact me, an insignificant medical student, when they should be contacting members of the U.S. Congress, and other high-ranking members of our government, with their concerns and the “evidence” they claim to have?

These are just a few pieces of evidence which explosives do not account for, but Directed Energy does. Thousands more photos, graphs, videos, and documents can be viewed at Dr. Judy Wood's website, or a brief summary of the evidence can be seen at this 'cliff-notes' style page which presents some of the evidence Dr. Judy Wood has gathered:</p>

Thanks for your time,


Abraham Hafiz Rodriguez
M2 Medical Student
B.S. Biology / Neurobiology

P.S. - Here is some more information which may interest you:

Why are Wikipedia & AE911Truth censoring Information about Dr. Judy Wood?

Truth and the Twin Towers - Both Bite the Dust

No Thermite on 9/11?! | Explosives Do NOT Explain The Evidence!

9/11 & 'Cold' Fusion (The BIG Picture)

Did Large Airliners Really Hit the Twin Towers on 9/11?

Dr. Judy Wood Has NEVER Discussed "Space Beams" or "Lasers From Space"

Directed Energy Weapons used in Iraq (Part 1 of 3)

#140 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 16:29

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original


Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.
Quit cut & pasting your long-ago debunked crazy conspiracy theorist bullshit.

See, I can use CTRL + V too!

#141 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
SkyPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 16:36

Level: 3
CS Original

Dr. Judy Wood Has NEVER Discussed "Space Beams" or "Lasers From Space"

Except she did and I quoted from her website for you. I guess if you keep pasting the same thing over and over it makes it true right? Also why are your essays being posted by Judy Wood's facebook account? It looks like you made a fake Judy Wood account and use it to talk to yourself, it's kind of creepy.

#142 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 16:43

Level: 12
CS Original

Abe, fascinating information. Where do you think the circular holes in the glass came from?

#143 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 18:48

Level: 10
CS Original

Abe, I'll take you more seriously if you can show a weapon capable of doing what it is you claim was done on 911. And no, what you referred to in your copy paste essay above does not count.

#144 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 18:53

Level: 10
CS Original

How come Dr. Wood has already filed evidence-based legal cases against suspected 9/11-involved defense and weapons companies based on their conflict-of-interest relationship with N.I.S.T., yet other 9/11 “truth” researchers have not?

William Rodriguez did, if you recall. This merely shows that only a few actually have the balls to do anything. Only they are still rather small balls.

How come Dr. Steven Jones has not officially filed his scientific ‘peer-reviewed’ nano-thermite evidence with Congress or the U.S. Courts?

Because he is a dishonest incompetent along with the rest of them. Why hasn't Judy Wood submitted any papers to legitimate journals? Oh yes, the big bad conspiracy won't allow her to I know, I know. What's she been up to for the past 4 years btw?

hy was I severely censored when I tried to add Dr. Judy Wood’s name and website to the ‘9/11 Truth Movement’ Wikipedia page? ... Why was I silently removed from the Architects & Engineers for 9/11 Truth (AE911Truth) petition simply for asking Richard Gage if he would examine the research of Dr. Judy Wood?

Because even Richard (quiet explosives) Gage and other truthers are too EMBARRASSED to be associated with you and Judy Wood along with other no planer's.

#145 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 19:01

Level: 5
CS Original

Hey space beam Abe is back !

#146 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 19:07

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
CS Original

I submit to you that all footage of the JFK assassination and the murder of Lee Harvey Oswald were faked, and it was in fact high energy beam weapons that killed them. Why won't Jim Marrs believe me!?

#147 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 19:10

Level: 12
CS Original

JFK is actually an airport.

#148 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 19:45

Level: 5
CS Original

"Why won't Jim Marrs believe me!? "

Have you tried Jordan Maxwell?

#149 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Oct 10, 2010 - 19:46

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Hahaha, Abe must have had some time on his hands this afternoon, because he's spamming his delusional shit on the 9/11 Conspiracy Theories are BS page as well:

And yes, that "Dr. Judy Wood" Facebook page is just Abe talking to himself.

#150 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]