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Tags: Project Vigilant, MMA tools of world unite, CT HERO, CT CHAMPION, CS KILLER, Neitzcsches stupid younger brother, enginekid needs more lithium in his water, CT Secret Weapon, Enginekid Banned [ Add Tags ]

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anticultistPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 20:30

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

WOW when he says it all like that it makes so much more sense [nonsense that is]. haha that is really funny, if he happens to dare and come here he's going to be in for whole new level of public humiliation and ass whooping.

That guy is obviously too far gone with no way back.

#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 20:32

Level: 5
CS Original

I think he is immune to humiliation lol.

#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 20:41

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

yeah last night i truly ridiculed him and it was like he was impervious to his own inadequacies being shown to the world.

He reminds me of this guy:

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 20:41

Level: 9
CS Original

Dark Star = Nibiru?

Oh boy, that guy sure is crazy.

#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 05, 2010 - 20:57

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Might as well add another example of enginekids lunacy in here:</p>

This is insanity. We now have Oxford graduate PHD's saying we should add mind altering drugs to humanities drinking water. They are also creating vaccines that will contain mind-altering cocktails to sedate and calm the masses by vaccinating us against our normal emotional responses and reasoning. The government is on the attack against people they label as "Conspiracy Theorists"; it's all over the news. Now they are trying to make normal people, who have a brain and enough gumption to speak out against tyranny, appear as though they are mentally ill. If they can convince the public anyone who is voicing dissent against the government is mentally unstable they will be able to use the law to force them to take these brain-changing vaccines, turning them into compliant zombies. They think a cocktail of drugs can be used to calm everyones mood and keep everyone peaceful and productive?! This is shit Aldous Huxley wrote about in Brave New World! They already have forced Fluoride in our water, and it's in all the corporate drinking water they sell (check the label it will say "F" 0%, but that means it's there or they wouldn't list it at all, but is something like 0.04%), now they want to add Lithium and other psychoactive mood enhancers, just like Huxley wrote about the state doing to control the masses.

Here is Mancow talking with AJ about it:

A "Rhodes Scholar" writing for Wired magazine did a hit piece against AJ's news article on this. He called Alex a liar, saying these drugs they want to add to our water supply are not harmful, and are not intended for bad purposes. Cecil Rhodes Scholarship program is a feeder organization that seeds the round table groups that all push for a NWO / One World Governance. It's these exact people who are 100% on the side of the elite who wish to control the billions of ordinary people.

Here is the article on that:

Brain Eating Vaccines: The Reality Behind The “Conspiracy Theory”

Paul Joseph Watson
Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Wired Magazine writer Jonah Lehrer has labeled concerns that vaccines which alter brain chemistry and induce states of “focused calm” could be abused by governments to create lobotomized, servile populations as delusional, paranoid, and idiotic conspiracy theories, despite the fact that major mental health professionals are already pushing for lithium to be introduced into water supplies as a means of mass medicating against “mood disorders”.

Lehrer, an Oxford University graduate and a Rhodes Scholar, brazenly calls Alex Jones a liar in his article today after Jones put out a You Tube video in which he warned that new vaccines designed to reduce stress and neutralize people’s anger could lead to a nightmare THX 1138 scenario, in which the population is controlled and subjugated through the use of special drugs to suppress emotion.

Jones also encouraged listeners to Google search the words “brain eating vaccines,” causing the term to rise to the number 1 position on Google Trends for August 3rd.

In the video, Jones makes the point that vaccines being proposed by people like Robert Sapolsky to impose a state of “focused calm” by altering brain chemistry, as well as shots aimed at curbing drug and cigarette addictions, fit the very definition of being “brain eating” because they fundamentally rewire the brain and shut down innate processes that naturally produce stress, anxiety and aggression – which are all necessary human traits vital to survival and healthy mental functioning.

Many vaccines contain the preservative thimerosol, a compound derived from mercury. As the video below from the University of Calgary demonstrates, mercury is a potent neurotoxin and causes neurodegeneration, altering the very structure of the brain. The U.S. government has been forced to admit that childhood vaccines preserved with thimerosol have contributed to the explosion in autism cases in the United States.

Read the rest of the article HERE

Oh noooooooesss brain eating nano technology !!!!

Its people like enginekid who would make me agree with them putting lithium in his water supply, it would fucking help him a lot.

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Aug 06, 2010 - 13:32

Level: 5
CS Original

"they sent in their secret weapon. This secret weapon was none other than a 26,000 post loud mouth Conspiracy nutcase whose only job on the forum appears to be to post pictures ,call names, act tough, and demand respect from those who disagree with his worldview. "

This makes me laugh so hard out loud every time I read it.

Well written overview of Sherdog on your blog.

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 06, 2010 - 15:54

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

danke, we had fun while it lasted hehe

#37 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 10:21

Level: 5
CS Original

Apparently Enginekid was banned from Sherdog forums:

#38 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 11:21

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

haha classic !

At least the mods are not showing complete bias in their decisions.
Thats one plus going for that board, all that remains now is them to stop the utter nonsense from the other dozen CT nutjobs and that place will perhaps get some level of credibility back.

#39 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 14:01

Level: 9
CS Original


Maybe he will be given some of the hidden manna and be ressurrected with a white stone, a name nobody knows?

He'll have to go it without the "middle man" to pull it off though. "

That N13 guy, seriously... wtf.

#40 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
KeppPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 14:53

Level: 5
CS Original
#41 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 15:00

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

hahaha seriously the levels of delusion and back slapping among the inmates there is pretty serious. To the point of being a harm to themselves.

his reply to that post

I needed to let a little air out of my balloon last night. Its way too easy to get angry when "THEY" are constantly trying to kill me in various ways. Not that I'm worried about them succeeding, but that they continue to try so hard to do it.

So I turned it into some passive-aggressive laughter and it was good medecine. I'm glad you enjoyed. There has been plenty of that lately, but not much that I can share publically.

One day, face to face, I'll have to tell you the story of me alone with all the abominog vampires in the dark woods when I said, "KNOCK, KNOCK!!!" to them. It's pretty funny. I also spoke to them in a few tongues, and that was classic too, especially when I or better, my cherub through me (or something like that, lol) spoke devil and demon to them.

I don't use any violence, just words and waters, and they do the rest. The comedy is the artistic touch that makes it so much fun.

I just wish they would give it up, repent, choose the good and fair deal that's always been on their table, and accept the natural order of freedom.

wowsers I mean really wowsers

#42 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 18:46

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Well, they finally swung the banhammer on me (I was "Dolphinator"). I'm surprised I lasted that long, I evidently slipped through the cracks on the first round of banning.

At least we took down Enginekid with us. That alone was worth the trouble.

Amusing incident! I very rarely troll CT forums (and, for the Zeitgeisters reading, I have never trolled the ZM forums), but this Sherdog one was irresistible.

#43 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 19:18

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

haha Muertos ! sneaky

I wondered why I was getting grief about 911 from you ! haha too funny

#44 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 19:24

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

Of all the CTs, 9/11 is the easiest to debunk (in my opinion) because the facts are so well documented. You can prove affirmatively what happened, where with NWO, Illuminati, banking etc. you're basically limited to arguing absence of evidence and shouting "Prove it!" in response to any of their wild claims.

You were a pussy for chickening out! ;)

#45 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
anticultistPosted: Aug 07, 2010 - 21:07

Brainwashing you for money

Level: 15
CS Original

Nah I just dont my stuff from recall, and dont know where to find all the links. So by the time it came to handing over anytihg theyd either declared victory before I had chance to find it, or I was banned before I could reply, was pretty dismall really. But they got a good spanking about a few things we had chance to get done.

Mind you I noticed you were shirking your duties and responsibilities after we were banned, they were having a free for all about 911 and you left them to it...tut tut

#46 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]