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Quotes - Benjamin Disraeli says something secret is going on behind the scenes

This page contains a quote used by conspiracy theorists that has been further researched. For more information about our quotes database, please see the introduction.


"The world is governed by very different personages from what is imagined by those who are not behind the scenes."

- Benjamin Disraeli, English Statesman 1844

Quote Status: Falsely Attributed
Attributed to: Benjamin Disraeli
Actually written by: Henry Coningsby
Category: Secrets; Government
Submitted By: Edward L Winston

Actual Details

The quote is correct, but it originates originates from a book written by Disraeli in 1844 which is a fictional account of the life and career of Henry Coningsby and his politics.

Essentially the whole thing is Disraeli voicing his opinion to the Reform Bill of 1832, the British Whig Party, and Utilitarianism. This quote is frequently misrepresented by Anti-Semitic individuals who wish to prove that Jews control the world. In reality the context of the quote was discussion the concept behind governmental alliances. Thus it makes sense that things are run "behind the scenes" if governments make agreements with others to do or not to do something.

[ Source: Coningsby by Disraeli, Benjamin - ISBN 1404385134 ]


Part III of Zeitgeist, The Movie