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Predictions - Mass suicides on or around December 21st, 2012

Submitted By: Wolf Bird
Author: Georges Fenech
Status: Unknown / Hasn't happened
Source: Link
Predicted: June 17, 2011
Happens: Around December 21st, 2012


Believers in the 2012 Apocalypse are already gathering at the only place they think will be safe, which is the mountain town of Bugarach in France. Georges Fenech, president of the French Goverment agency Miviludes, fears believers may commit mass suicide on or around December 21st, 2012. From the linked article:

"The head of this presumed sect, Judy Zebra Knight, claims be in contact with Ramtha, a Lemurean warrior who fought the residents of the mythical Atlantis 35,000 years ago....The coordinator for the Ramtha School of Enlightenment in France, Valerie Sautereau, says that group has no apocalyptic beliefs and no link with the village of Bugarach."

"Suicide resulting from apocalyptic beliefs has already occurred in France in recent years. In 2002 a suicide and several suicide attempts occurred in the town of Nantes within a small circle of people who believed the end of the world was imminent."


Given the current track record of 'end of the world' predictions, chances are, nothing will happen on December 21st, 2012. Will believers in the 'Mayan prophecy' commit suicide when the world doesn't end? That's yet to be seen. Or maybe they'll just say there was a 'spiritual transformation' when nothing happens.

Personally I'd prefer the end of the world over everyone suddenly becoming a New Age douche bag.