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Predictions - Zeitgeist 3 will be PJM's final film

Submitted By: Omni-Science
Author: Omni-Science
Status: Unknown / Hasn't happened
Source: Link
Predicted: January 7th, 2011
Happens: After 3 years


Peter Merola will not make any more "Zeitgeist" movies after Zeitgeist 3. He will announce any other reasons besides the general lack of popularity. It will be safe assume he will not make a Zeitgeist 4 after 3 years, since that was the maximum time that passed between film releases from the previous Zeitgeist films.


Zeitgeist 3 is being hailed as the great rallying point for The Zeitgeist Movement, poised to attract new members to its misguided cause. The potential for the prediction to be true is justified by the great amount of weight being placed on Z3 being able to attract new members. If it fails, then Peter Merola will not make a Zeitgeist 4 due to the general lack of interest in Zeitgeist by that point, which would be after 3 years.