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Forum - Fluoridation, harmful? - Page 2

Tags: Fluoridation, health risks, ALCOA, immune, US NRC, meta-analysis, woo, vaccines, pineal gland [ Add Tags ]

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Agent MattPosted: Jul 04, 2010 - 19:13

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
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You seriously don't know that you can die from overdosing on water?

Pretty common knowledge, Google it yourself.

#31 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: Jul 04, 2010 - 19:16

Level: 0
CS Original</p>

Is fluoride added?

We do not fluoridate the water we supply in the south east of England. However, around 40% of the water we supply in the north east of England is fluoridated. The fluoridated areas include much of Northumberland and Tyne and Wear and north west Durham. Fluoridation began in these areas in the early 1970s at the request of the local health authorities and has continued ever since. It is paid for by the health authorities.


#32 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Jul 04, 2010 - 19:18

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
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Okay then, do us all a favor and try it with your un-fluoridated water.

I eagerly await the results.

#33 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: Jul 04, 2010 - 19:38

Level: 0
CS Original

Okay then, do us all a favor and try it with your un-fluoridated water.

I eagerly await the results.


#34 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
caseyPosted: Jul 04, 2010 - 20:13

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CS Original

Q: I have read fluoride is toxic and should not be used at all. My 3-year-old daughter does not eat sweets, drink sodas, etc., yet she has two cavities. I have not given her toothpaste with fluoride due to what I have read, and our water does not contain fluoride. The Food and Drug Administration indicates fluoride is not harmful, but the package says to call a poison control center if toothpaste is swallowed. Why do most naturopaths say fluoride is harmful to the body?

A: This is a controversial topic. We do know that children less than 6 years of age who frequently swallow fluoride toothpaste, have high levels of fluoride in their drinking water (greater than two parts per million and ideally should be no more than 1.2 parts per million), or who are given excessive doses of fluoride supplements can develop dental fluorosis, which is mottled, chalky white or brown appearance on the teeth. There is even concern high doses over many years can lead to the development of brittle bones.

#35 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
EdPosted: Jul 05, 2010 - 08:15

Level: 10
CS Original

They also add phosphorus according to that list Casey, you must be against that too right?

Phosphorus is also also a poison!! OMG!

And Chlorine TOO!!

#36 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 10:04

Level: 12
CS Original

A friend on facebook posted a link to the following "news report" about how fluoride is a poison:

Here was my first response:

"Today Tonight is notorious for its sensationalist reporting, and is an example of tabloid television where stories rotate around sensationalised community issues"</p>

Also read:

Europe doesn't put fluoride in the water because they've put it into their salt.

Here was my friend's response:


as always, thanks for the input
first off...
i am skeptical of's article/intentions
spidey sense was tinglin' to say the least...anyways fluoride in the Pineal Gland...
youtube a movie called Vaccine Nation...(among many others)

i've come to find, via casual investigation, and i do believe this; that fluoride causes the pineal gland to calcify. if you know about the functions of the pineal know that a healthy pineal gland is crucial for us as evolving & awakening multi-dimensional beings...but the government puts it in all our water...i'll stop there

vaccines in children have been linked with complications such as autism (and death) for the simple fact that an infant cannot process that much heavy metals so early in life when the body is so small/vulnerable, mercury and other substances stunt their development...and they usually receive numerous injections in a short period of time, overloading the system....i read a few articles and watched a handful of documentaries on this subject months ago, i can't recall it all off the top of my head but....check it's all there

My response:

why are you skeptical of skeptoid and the article? Is it because you're skeptical of anything (in regards to fluoridation) that agrees with the government?

Why is it when I google fluoride and the pineal gland the sites that come up are,,, prisonplanet, ronpaulforums,, conspiracyplanet, etc? Where are the legitimate news / science sites? Are you saying the above sources are credible?

I found one study with 11 participants showing that the pineal gland has a higher F/Ca ratio than bone. Now, let's say that fluoride indeed calcifies the pineal gland. What does this mean? One study suggests that sense of direction may be affected by calcification of the pineal gland. Of course, that's all David Icke or Alex Jones need to say the pineal gland is being shut down via fluoridation thanks to the government.

I don't know enough about neurobiology to completely understand how it works, and neither do you. We rely on the sources we trust in. I trust peer reviewed journals, and they do not report any severe problems with fluoride at the level that's in the water.

As for autism and vaccines, there is no connection. This is an area where I have some credentials considering I've presented on the topic and have reviewed the research. The only scientists / researchers claiming that there is a connection are liars such as Wakefield or the subsequent researchers who built off of his shody, dubious research.</p>

And do a search of his blog for other articles about vaccines, fluoridation, and more.

Some more thoughts on the pineal gland and fluoridation:

I mentioned the one article that looked at 11 cadavers and their F/Ca ratios. It needs not be said that 11 participants and one study is not enough evidence to make any definitive judgment. However, there is more that needs to considered:

1. Sex
2. How did these people consume fluoride? Was it simply from the water, or did they receive it in some other way?
3. The degree of calcification in the 11 participants had a range of 4,600 to 37,250 mg Ca/kg wet weight. I don't know what the "healthy" level of Ca/kg is, but that seems like a large range.
4. There has been no investigation into whether the calcification affects humans. The sense of the direction and a drop in melatonin was noted in animals and not humans.
5. There was no mention of how the people died. Perhaps these people were extraordinary cases?

Clearly, more research is needed to determine fluoride's connection with calcification in the pineal gland. Sadly, conspiracy theory, anti-government websites are quick to make sensationalist claims, taking one small study and making definitive claims that lay people who already hate the government are quick to believe.

One more thing:

"A corollary notion was that calcification of the pineal caused psychiatric disease, a concept that provided support for those who considered psychotic behavior to be rampant; modern examination techniques have revealed that all pineal glands become more or less calcified."


While this does not mean that fluoride is safe, it does suggest that the pineal gland may become calcified independently from exposure to it. Therefore, fluoride may not be the cause of higher of F/Ca ratios. It may just be a correlation, just as there may be an association between breathing oxygen and pineal gland calcification.

#37 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 12:57

Level: 9
CS Original

"you know that a healthy pineal gland is crucial for us as evolving & awakening multi-dimensional beings"

I'm surprised you didn't grill him more on this ridiculous statement.

#38 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 13:04

Level: 12
CS Original

I actually started writing a response to that line, but then I realized that he isn't saying anything I can sincerely question. All that sentence says is that a healthy pineal gland is important for humans; which is true.

We are indeed evolving, and we are multi-dimensional. The part to attack is that we are "awakening".

The problem is that I don't want to attack him for his metaphysical beliefs because I don't have the background to do so.

#39 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 13:10

Level: 9
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I doubt that he used those terms in the way that you or I would use them, just judging by the context. When someone like that says 'evolving' and 'multi-dimensional' I don't assume they mean that are genes are changing and altering with every generation or that was as beings do inhabit multiple dimensions (that of 3d). It's always like 'evolving' being synonymous with the 'awakening' part and the 'multi-dimensional' part usually references alternative universes/dimensions.

I mean, he is your friend so you wouldn't want to be too hard on him... but I think simply asking him to elaborate on that process of how a calcified pineal gland does what he claims wouldn't be too hard.

#40 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 14:06

Level: 12
CS Original

True, but he'd end up sending me a youtube video of some guy saying the pineal gland opens up new worlds and raises our consciousness. There's no point in arguing it. Perhaps in the future I'll tackle that one.

#41 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Edward L WinstonPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 14:38

President Dwayne Elizondo Mountain Dew Herbert Camacho: porn star and five-time ultimate smackdown wrestling champion!

Level: 150
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You forgot to tell your friend that fluoride is in almost all ground water and in much, much higher levels than in retreated water. In fact fluoridation includes removal of extra fluoride beyond a given point.

Please ask him to show a single case of someone suffering from a calcified pineal gland due to fluoride intake. Just one. JUST ONE.

#42 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 14:58

Level: 1
CS Original

The pineal gland theory reminds me of my own CT days back in the day...I remember how Icke would just go on and on about how fluoride will damage it (pineal gland) proving it with nothing but pseudoscience, as usual. It is absolutely true tho that the pineal gland is where our "third eye" resides, according to the *Eastern mystic religions. But that it "calsifies" because of fluoride? How about you prove that? You can't? Then stop talking nonsense and making stupid claims.

*"If your third eye becomes active, you will become enlightened." This is the belief of many new agers and CT's. Truth is that its the Crown that helps one achieve enlightenment, not the third eye. The third eye makes us aware of the spirit word, (All of this according to the Eastern belief system of chakras) but it is the Crown that connects us to God/Godhead, whatever one thinks is out there.

Aaron: This 'awakening' stuff is a new age belief which is derived from the eastern mystic religions. In many ways its nothing new, but since it has connections to the new age movements, a lot of nonsense has been involved within the box of "awakening."

Half of the new age people are deluding themselves thinking that they are "awakening." They are only "awakening" to their own stupidity & LACK of knowledge, which could be corrected BY gaining knowledge, yet they are too blind to see that, not to mention that their egos have taken them over so completely that they just don't want to think about the possibility of being wrong.

As an example, what happened to Icke in some psychological circles could be called a "spiritual emergency" (in most circles it would be your typical "nervous breakdown"), but in New Age circles its called an "awakening." The problem with a REAL awakening is that if you indeed put drugs in to your system(like Icke did), you will end up frying your system and become a paranoid schizophrenic. Icke went and did just this.

#43 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 16:13

Level: 12
CS Original

Interesting stuff, Anouk.

#44 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 13, 2010 - 18:34

Level: 12
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#45 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 08:46

Level: 1
CS Original</p>

"Groundwaters with high fluoride concentrations occur in many areas of the world including large parts of Africa, China, the Middle East and southern Asia (India, Sri Lanka). One of the best known high fluoride belts on land extends along the East African Rift from Eritrea to Malawi. There is another belt from Turkey through Iraq, Iran, Afghanistan, India, northern Thailand and China. The Americas and Japan have similar belts."

If their theory was correct, as in, that fluoride affects the pineal gland, you would think that it would have affected the spiritual life of Indians, right? It hasn't. But too much fluoride certainly has a side-effect, but so does too much sugar, fatty foods and so on.

Too much fluoride and its effects:
Box 2 : Too much natural fluoride in India

Nearly 100,000 villagers in the remote Karbi Anglong district in the north-eastern state of Assam were reported to be affected by excessive fluoride levels in groundwater in June 2000. Many people have been crippled for life. The victims suffer from severe anaemia, stiff joints, painful and restricted movement, mottled teeth and kidney failure. The first fluorosis cases were discovered in the middle of 1999 in the Tekelangiun area of Karbi Anglong. Fluoride levels in the area vary from 5-23 mg/L, while the permissible limit in India is 1.2 mg/L. Local authorities launched a scheme for the supply of fluoride-free water and painted polluted tube-wells red: they also put up notice boards warning people not to drink the water from these wells. (Times of India / UNI, 2 Jun 2000)

(Fluoride is NOT added into the water of India because they already have fluoride in it.)

I also forgot to mention in my last post that many believe that there will be a "grand" awakening in 2012. This is a theory supported by Icke, except that he believes that it will happen (now) in 2016, not in 2012. He keeps changing the dates, classy. Many different CT Gurus have different theories of what will happen. Some believe we will be transported to another planet (sounds Christian, right?), others believe we will become four dimensional and so on.

-edit- Does anyone here remember reading about how fluoride was invented by Hitler for the purpose of lowering the IQ of those in the camps? I remember reading about this on the Icke forum long ago.

#46 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 10:42

Level: 12
CS Original

Groundwaters with high fluoride concentrations occur in many areas of the world including large parts of Africa, China, the Middle East and southern Asia (India, Sri Lanka)

Anouk, you have to understand that this is a lie made up by the government.

#47 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 11:33

Level: 1
CS Original

Aaron, I know. I mean, didn't you see where I took the whole thing from? WHO.

#48 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 11:56

Level: 12
CS Original


btw, for those wondering, my friend just said that he will get back to me soon with a response regarding the pineal gland.

#49 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
AnoukPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 12:11

Level: 1
CS Original

If I don't have my glasses on, WHO reads like NWO.
They think they are so smart.......

And good. Let's see what your friend comes up with.

#50 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Sil the ShillPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 13:22

Level: 9
CS Original

@aaron: Looking forward to the response.

@Anouk: "-edit- Does anyone here remember reading about how fluoride was invented by Hitler for the purpose of lowering the IQ of those in the camps? I remember reading about this on the Icke forum long ago. "

Yeah, I remember that... but I think it was also to lower their morale and their will to rebel or revolt, which is why Ct's love it because it's supposed to make us all docile or something. As if the countless SS guards, near inescapable environment, and starvation weren't enough to keep people from rising up... it was the fluoride, bro!

#51 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
sorryPosted: Aug 14, 2010 - 13:45

Level: 12
CS Original

I just love how in-depth this page looks:</p>

And yet it uses the one source (2 if you count the animal study) that looked at 11 cadavers.

What more unbelievable: that someone could create such a terrible web page or that people fall for it?

#52 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]