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Forum - New Age Rage

Tags: MOONBATTERY, RAGE, not helping real people in the real world, New Age woo [ Add Tags ]

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Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 10, 2011 - 17:25

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

I've got a friend who's a big new age buff. He's a really nice guy, and he owns/runs a spiritual center I've stopped going to. But he's really beginning to piss me off with some stuff.

For one, he talks a lot about compassion and loves to quote Buddha, the Dalai Lama, Gandhi, and lots of other people. Fine. He's a politically aware person, and his politics are at least (somewhat) grounded in reality, as in he's not a CTer or a Zeitard, just a lefty moonbat. But here's what pisses me off...instead of doing things that have real world impact, he posts useless shit on facebook, like "fast to protest and bring awareness about budget cuts", joins symbolic meaningless shit online like "march in solidarity with Mid-Eastern protestors", and advertises lots of wholistic health woo. He also engages in at least online protests against things he doesn't like, such as nuclear energy and GMOs which of course help feed more people than the organic agriculture that he loves, and I have reason to believe he's an anti-vaxxer. I imagine he probably engages in real world protests as well.

However, he won't even entertain the idea of volunteering for a day. I've asked him several times if he'd like to volunteer at a work site with Habitat, where he could have a real world impact, even if it is just a small one. He refuses every single time. He won't engage in the effort to volunteer at a work site for a day, or even half a day.

All while bleating about compassion for all. New Age shit now pisses me off as much as CTs and TZM, and I'm so glad I got out of it before I fell too far in. I just wanted to get this rant off my chest.

#1 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Agent MattPosted: Apr 10, 2011 - 18:04

Genuine American Monster

Level: 70
CS Original

Gandhi was a racist.

#2 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 10, 2011 - 18:13

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

Yes, I know. He's an extremely non-skeptical person. I haven't even tried to get him to see Gandhi's darker side, because I know it would be totally fruitless.

#3 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
MuertosPosted: Apr 10, 2011 - 19:30

Paid Disinformation Blogger

Level: 14
CS Original

It's very easy, especially in this day and age, to think that saying the right things and posting crap on Facebook is the functional equivalent of helping people.

You might want to ask your friend how many kids he's helped feed, how many diseases he's prevented and how many lives he's saved by joining Facebook groups for "solidarity with Middle Eastern protestors" and crap like that.

Until he can give you an answer to that, you should (in my opinion) communicate in no uncertain terms how unimpressed you are about his good intentions when others are out there actually helping people.

It doesn't take much to help people. You don't have to bust your ass 16 hours a day working at a homeless shelter. When I got LASIK surgery I donated my old glasses to a program to provide spectacles to kids in the Third World who can't afford them. Right now there's a kid in the Philippines who can see with my old glasses who would otherwise be as blind as a bat. How much time and effort did it cost me to do that? Virtually nothing, because instead of dropping my old glasses into a box at the eye doctor's office, I gave them to a friend of mine who I knew was involved with this program to distribute glasses to the Third World.

People at my charity club donate blood regularly. It doesn't cost them much, just an hour or so over lunch once or twice every other month and maybe they're a little dizzy when they get out of the room. Do you know how many lives my charity club saved by doing this? Over 21,000 in one year, according to an estimate from the Red Cross.

I have no sympathy for cut-and-paste Facebook issue warriors when dropping a pair of glasses into a bin can save a child's sight and taking one lunch hour to give blood can save multiple peoples' lives.

If your friend admits he doesn't give a shit about anyone but himself, that's fine, at least he's honest. But if he thinks he's saving the world and refuses to lift a finger to help real people, I have even less sympathy for him than if he admitted he was just out for himself. This is why I get so pissed off at ZM nimrods who try to tell me they support charity when in fact they denigrate it and others who do the same thing.

#4 [ Top | Reply to Topic ]
Wolf BirdPosted: Apr 11, 2011 - 07:25

I shoot you dead.

Level: 9
CS Original

In terms of how many diseases he's helped prevent, the answer would be 0 - he's big into alternative therapy and other health woo. Hell, he even made a facebook post about the 'spring internal cleaning' he's doing with some detox thing and was looking for a 'buddy' to do it with him. He's helping people with his spiritual center...but of course, all the programs he holds cost money.

The vast majority of New Agers I've met are the same way. Talk so much about compassion and health, but you have to pay for just about anything they will do for you, claiming it keeps their '(insert woo thing here) center/studio open'. But they refuse to work even half a damn day at a Habitat work site, where they'd help a real person with real need.

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