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Quotes - Joe Biden admits microchips are coming

This page contains a quote used by conspiracy theorists that has been further researched. For more information about our quotes database, please see the introduction.


Conspiracy theorists typically show a video of Joe Biden saying the following:

Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track his every movement? There's actual discussion about that.

You will rule on that -- mark my words -- before your tenure is over.

Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person's inclined toward criminality or violent behavior?

You will rule on that.

The video or quote always removes the previous and next sentences, thus changing the context.

Quote Status: Out of Context
Attributed to: Joe Biden
Category: NWO; Microchips
Submitted By: Edward L Winston

Actual Details

The accurate quote is this:
And we'll be faced with equally consequential decisions in the 21st century.

Can a microscopic tag be implanted in a person's body to track his every movement? There's actual discussion about that.

You will rule on that -- mark my words -- before your tenure is over.

Can brain scans be used to determine whether a person's inclined toward criminality or violent behavior?

You will rule on that.

And, Judge, I need to know whether you will be a justice who believes that the constitutional journey must continue to speak to these consequential decisions or that we've gone far enough in protecting against government intrusion into our autonomy into the most personal decisions we make.

After the quote has been put back in its correct context it's fairly obvious what Joe Biden is talking about, given the discussion and also the location. The proper context is that it is the Senate hearing on the nomination of Judge John Roberts to be Chief Justice of the Supreme Court.

Joe Biden's concern is, with the progression of technology in the 21st century, that the Supreme Court must rule in favor of privacy.

The context isn't that there are microchips and brainscans that can do these things, because they do not exist, yet. Rather that when they do exist, and given the progression of technology, they will, what will the view of the Supreme Court be? Does a tracking microchip violate someone's right to privacy? Is a brainscan admissible as evidence? These are questions that will come up eventually, and Biden wants to know if Roberts is capable of ruling in favor of the people.

The microchip fear originates from groups like the John Birch Society, which believe that the anti-Christ will use microchips as the "Mark of the Beast." This belief has been further promoted by far-right militia groups who mix paranoia about the UN and global governance with "predictions" in the Bible. Alex Jones was once a big promoter of the beliefs of the John Birch Society and also Texe Marrs, hence his belief in the microchip fear as well. At one time, prior to the popularization of the RFID tag, it was believed barcodes would be used as the "Mark of the Beast." It is no doubt that as technology progresses and the RFID tag is replaced, that new technology will also be claimed to be just as evil.

To date, no technology exists as Biden describes, though similar technologies do.

The idea they would make their plans widely known is ridiculous, and if they were dumb enough (or evil enough as Alex Jones believes) to brag about their plans on television, why would conspiracy theorists need to remove context for it to match their claims?


YouTube; Alex Jones